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Everything posted by ajdrigs

  1. ajdrigs


    How exactly did you fix yours? I'm having this same issue now, Even thought I was just playing fine 8 hrs ago.
  2. Okay so, This is what I'm saving for, I didn't add a GPU cause I have a EVGA 1050 Ti SC, And I'm on their waiting list, BUT I have two sets of ram on this list, And I'm not sure which to get, One is a $340 cl14 G.skill at 3600MHz 14-14-14-34 2x16 GB kit, The other is a $300 G.skill Neo cl16 4000MHz 16-16-16-36 2x16GB kit. Would the cl14 be worth the extra $40? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JHgV6r
  3. Have you tried playing Antistasi or Liberation with this build?
  4. Hi, I'm curious about what frames I might get on Arma 3 with the build I'm saving up for, I mainly play KOTH, Exile, And Liberation. This is the build https://pcpartpicker.com/user/ajdrigs/saved/HbMLJx
  5. Well, I tried going to Bohemia first but every single time I tried to make a post-it kept saying Hur Dur error, Anyways to the issue, I was playing King Of The Hill RHS when I crashed and it said "The instruction at 0x287bc45b referenced memory at 0xf520c410. The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program."
  6. Yes, I tried with the feedback tracker and it kept saying error, I can try verifying, Which I just did a day ago and my hardware should be fine I just did a memory test two days ago and it was good.