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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. Great news Rock! I cant wait to test out the new hardware. >:) P.s. Just got my unit to adopt the Typhoon; once I got some of the other guys in aviation to test it out, they fell in love with it. Now we don't have to use the F-15 ArmA1 port anymore! :D Which brings me to my next question: What would be required to make a new livery for this beauty? I would like to slap a nice Gryphon, over the RAF bulls-eye. The texture is no problem (Once I get it), but the hex editing and config work is what'll kill me. :p Thanks for all the hard work, Rock.
  2. In a vehicle, the 119 is better. I could talk to a guy down on the coast of Chernarus from the main airfield with the 119, but he couldn't talk back with the 117. Then again, he could have neglected to change the power settings. Not to mention, I like the interface of the 119 better. Semi-related question; Does the squelch on the 119 work? I did look it up on the web, found an operators manual. :p Fiddling around with it, I noticed not all of the functionality of the options menu was there. Namely everything that isn't the power setting. (The LED screen on the radio would go blank and default to the power setting if any additional buttons were pushed.) Are those going to be implemented in the future? Edit: Is there going to be a GPS version of the 152? Edit2: Is the 152 a multiband radio right now? I read that there are multiband antennas that come standard. (Usually covering 30–512 MHz)
  3. b00ce

    Major suggestions

    You'd be surprised. ;) I imagine they could be added similar to missiles. It's not impossible.
  4. Love ACRE, always have. The new iteration is MUCH more reliable and easy to set up. TFB is officially hooked on it now. Thanks for all the hard work and the amazing addon, ACRE team. Looking forward to radios in vehicles, mostly so I don't have to lug the 119 around everywhere I go in ACE. :p Edit: What's the story for the PRC-152? Is that new since the stand alone? I don't see any documentation on it in the Wiki.
  5. Are you trying to tell us something, Dwarden??? :eek:
  6. b00ce

    No more flying bodies please

    I loled. I'd love to see BIS "fix" the "issue"; but frankly, I think it gives the game character, just like the UAZs, that turn into missiles themselves, when you hit them with a Hellfire. If it were to be implemented, it would have to be the same for everybody. There would be synchronization issues if it were an option. It's not exactly a client side effect, like blood spray or a sound, there is something being deleted from the game. Perhaps if it was akin to the difficulty settings, where it was server side, it would work.
  7. Good to know, I was under the impression that they were needed. I think I was thinking of the lean/Track Ir gun cam maybe.
  8. He would need the MLOD to do that. There are Harrier and an A-10 MLODs that have been released by BIS a while ago (Because they were in ArmA1).
  9. But the fact of the matter is, the T-72 blows up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUMxZ34Ptco The T-90 is essentially a T-72. (Forgive the oversimplification.) I'm willing to bet that the T-90 is almost and/or as likely to explode as the T-72. The M1 is specially designed to NOT explode violently. (Ammo hatches blow out and the magazine is separate from the crew in the event that it does cook off.)
  10. In ArmA if you go beyond 15 degrees nose down your sink-rate will quickly get uncontrollable. I glance at it to make sure I'm at the ideal 5-10 degrees. In the 206 it's really hard, at least for me, to guess where the sweet spot is. I like using my instruments. So sue me. :p
  11. Great addon, though I found a few issues: It feels like it's too long/ tall and I feel like a four year old sitting in the pilot's seat. Damage doesn't register on the HUD and doesn't seem to do anything beyond making the helicopter smoke and blow up. The tail goes through the ground, and when it finally registers it makes the heli jump. The Artificial horizon shows roll, but currently doesn't show pitch. (Makes auto-rotating next to freakishly hard.) The IAS indicator is a bit fast. 70 knots should be about 130 km/h, but in actuality I'm only going ~105. The fuel gauge reads empty. The rotor/ engine RPM gauge looks out of place when it's static pointing up. Perhaps making it read the ideal rpm when the rotors get fully up to speed? Maybe even making it read the real RPM for auto-rotation? :p Great addon, looks amazing and flies the same. Ideally some of these issues will get fixed, namely the scale and damage ones; and hopefully the little details will get tweaked in the future. Thanks.
  12. Since ArmA2 came out, I've always found vehicles, namely aircraft to look kind of hokey. They just looked fake. After these two years, I've finally figured out why. The super shader makes it look like everything has gloss paint and/or looks soaked after a monsoon. These pictures are prime examples of what I'm talking about, top is a LAV-25 in game, bottom is a real life image. http://i830.photobucket.com/albums/zz223/SpecterM/lav25.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/46/LAV-25_USMC.JPG They're way too shiny, it's supposed to be a matte paint job, not one that shines brightly if starlight barely hits it. Take the Cobra and the Venom, for another example, they look like brushed aluminum in game, not painted matte gray like in real life. http://www.armedassault.info/ftp/pics/news/pics1/arma2_rotary6.jpg http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/xml/news/2009/09/marine_mojave_091309w/901309mc_mojave_800.JPG Everything looks like plastic and/or too shiny because the super-shader is way too powerful.
  13. b00ce

    AH-64 Pack

    Or we could just not have a pilot in the cockpit LOD. Honestly, it's never bothered me in any flight sims ever and I'm sure it won't now in arma.
  14. b00ce

    Super-shader and shinyness

    They did a good job on glass, and civilian cars with the nice gloss clear coat. The shinyness for military vehicles that are supposed to have a matte paint job being akin to the latter. seany, you have linked what looks like some display models that have been waxed. I'm pretty sure the LAV-25 in game isn't said washed and waxed display model, it's been in the shit. It doesn't need to be toned down a little bit, it needs to be toned down a lot a bit. More pics. This is the general effect I'm seeing in all the helicopters in ArmA 2. Shiny, waxed prettyness. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/1273387199691.jpg Here are some pics of military helicopters from my private 200mb stash of helicopter pics. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/Pavehawk.png http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/1290807972798.jpg http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/1286520773211.jpg http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/1274143739504.jpg All of them are > 100kb, so viewer beware.
  15. b00ce

    Render Texture

    Come on BIS, we need working rear view mirrors. It's next to impossible to back up in ArmA in ANY vehicle without crashing into everyone and their mom.
  16. Wow, can't wait to fly around this. It's been downloading for a good day now. :p Git some Rock! If anyone deserves it, it's you. :p
  17. It may not look believable to you, but it's realistic. After the rocket motor dies out, the smoke stops. Just like in real life. :)
  18. So it sounds like the BIS Arty computer would be ideal. :p
  19. b00ce

    WarFX : Blastcore

    OS, is there any plan to make ground based missile launches kick up dust? I know that MLRS, BM-21 GRAD and Tunguskas, among others, kick up a lot of dust when they fire missiles. <- MLRS <- Tunguska <- GRAD:D
  20. b00ce

    DLC Standards

    I like the idea of separating the maps from the units in DLC, however this poses a problem, mostly because you'll end up getting everything for free with the maps, unless entirely new materials and models are made every time. I think that it would be better to release a new, 10 x 10km +, map every other DLC. That and I'd like the DLC being more focused on added content, rather than having this amazing campaign that very few will play. I can honestly say that I've never touched any of the campaigns, except the first mission of OA online with friends, and I know I'm not the only one. I'm not saying don't have any single player missions, quite the opposite really, there are people that play them and they shouldn't be left with a bunch of stuff that only works in the editor. TLDR: Maps of higher quality and size every other DLC More content; infantry, weapons, vehicles, etc Less focus on a campaign, BAF had a good balance, but a little more wouldn't hurt. :D
  21. b00ce

    WarFX : Blastcore

    It came, IT FINALLY CAME!!! I've been impatiently awaiting the arrival of this.
  22. I thought those thumbnails were photos...