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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. b00ce

    A-10 tips

    If you want that, play DCS Warthog. ;) If the missile is fire and forget, like the maverick, AGM-114L or Javelin, and your view distance is restricted to well within the missile's maximum range, I fail to see a problem with Tab-shoot. The maverick uses a thermal imaging seeker to lock onto heat sources, Tab-shoot only takes out the tedious task of trying to lock onto a moving target from a moving platform. The things I DON'T want to see Tab-shoot in are laser guided ordinance, optically tracked, like the TOW and Metis, and passive IR seekers, like the Stinger and Sidewinder.
  2. The camo pattern looks a little small, other than that, great work. :)
  3. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Six updater is a community tool, not just for ACE.
  4. b00ce

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I don't have any issues between Blastcore and ACE. Try running ACE without Blastcore. ;)
  5. b00ce

    A-10 tips

    Are you talking about the Pave-penny under the cockpit? That's a laser receiver, not transmitter. And that funky thing on the left wing is for Electronic Countermeasures. :p In order to transmit a laser signal, you need a lightning pod (Or something similar), seen on the right wing of this A-10C. Currently, the A-10 in game is an A model and incapable of using one. Edit: Damn, ninja'd. That's what I get for not reading the whole thread.
  6. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Kh-29Ls do a number on M1s too. :p VxbYTmDWch8
  7. How does the view from the Guardian look?
  8. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Depends on the kind of shoulder fired rocket. The PG-7v isn't going to do much; a PG-7vr, on the other hand, will do a lot of damage. The Metis and RPG-29 are no slouches either.
  9. Its the specular map; basically, it determines shininess. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Texture_Map_Types#SpecularMaps The lighter bits are shinier, yes?
  10. Wow! Sweet deal. Moving turrets on planes? Brilliant! :D I can't wait to see a demo of the Guardian.
  11. Maybe you need to make a new smdi map?
  12. DCS is as real as it gets. What you see and do in the sim is what you see and do in the real thing.
  13. How do I remove a UV map? I dun-goofed in my feeble attempts at textureing my Pulse Rifle and its all fucked up. I can't figure out how to delete the damn thing and start from scratch. :o And for some reason I have 34 sections. :eek: How the hell do I get rid of all those?!?!?
  14. b00ce

    Removing a UV map?

    I did it, thanks for all the help, Rock. :D http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/arma2oa2011-11-3002-41-42-61.png http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/arma2oa2011-11-3002-32-31-43.png
  15. Finally got it UV mapped, special thanks to RKSL Rock for practically holding my hand throughout the process. :D I did an Ueber quick texturing job, that still has the UV lines. I'm stoked! http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/arma2oa2011-11-3002-41-42-61.png http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/arma2oa2011-11-3002-32-31-43.png Still need to do the stock and barrel, but they're getting their own section, on account of them needing transparency.
  16. b00ce

    Modelling rifles properly?

    1. No, it does not matter. 2. Its not required, my Pulse Rifle is @ about 1800 points and 1900 faces, but it would look a LOT better if you did. 3. I use the second one, but that's just O2. :p Its up to personal preference, what ever you do well is what you should use. Nice Tommy gun, by the way. ;)
  17. b00ce

    Removing a UV map?

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Oxygen_2_-_UV_Editor Then there's GLT Myke's missile tut, that helped me a lot with my work flow and getting references into O2, but the UV mapping portion always escaped me. I've also looked at Mondkalb's and it wasn't much help either. HOPEFULLY I'll be able to figure it out in Blender, which I've always found to be obtuse and hard to use anyways, but I won't be "modeling" with it. I don't know, we'll see how things turn out.
  18. O2 never did that for me... -_- So I had to attempt it the hard way, piece by piece and match the faces up. BRBgettingBlender. Again...
  19. Cylinders are supposed to be easy? :confused: I've had the most trouble with them. lol I've tried it, but was missing Python so I couldn't do hardly anything. That and the interface wasn't as easy as O2, so I gave up. :p
  20. No new shots of the dropship, I've been focusing on the rifle and the camo. Still not UV mapped, I can't wrap my head around it. O2 hates me. lol I was able to add a splash of color, though. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/ArmA2OA2011-11-2701-32-48-92.png http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/ArmA2OA2011-11-2701-30-47-42.png http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/ArmA2OA2011-11-2701-29-20-35.png As an added bonus, you get to see the camo I've been working on, note CAMO being the operative word, not unit. :p Compare to http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/hudsonarmorback.jpg And yes, I'm using O2 exclusively, I'm not rich and can't afford to drop a cool grand on a fancy program. :o @ Soul, probably the dropship. However, I'm going to be using my references to determine the shapes of things. ;)
  21. b00ce

    Removing a UV map?

    Thanks for all the help. The only issue on your end was a colon instead of a semi-colon. :p No biggie. Now if I could just figure out how to UV the thing. I've poured over tutorials, but no dice.
  22. b00ce

    Removing a UV map?

    Worked like a charm. Thanks a lot. Pasted your stuff in, took a bit of trial and error, mostly because I forgot to put the "Muzzles[]={};" bit in and some clerical errors on both our parts. Now get back to work on your Tornado. :p
  23. b00ce

    Removing a UV map?

    I was thinking it had something to do with all that texturing business, it started right after I culled all the sections. class CfgPatches { class m41a_pulse_rifle { Units[] = {"Aliens_Weap_Test","TestWeaponBox"}; weapons[] = {"m41a_pulse_rifle"}; requiredVersion = 1.000000; requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons","aliens_test_character"}; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class USCM { DisplayName = "USCM"; Priority = 1; Side = "TWest"; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class Marines { DisplayName = "Marines"; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class BulletBase; class G_40mm_HE; class 10x24mm_Caseless : BulletBase { airfriction = -0.001; audiblefire = 18; caliber = 0.33; cost = 5; hit = 15; indirecthit = 0; indirecthitrange = 0; typicalspeed = 840; visiblefire = 16; cartridge = "FxCartridge_9mm"; }; class 30mm_M38_HE : G_40mm_HE { AirFriction = -0.0008; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class CA_Magazine; class 1Rnd_HE_M203; class 95Rnd_PulseRifle : CA_Magazine { ammo = "10x24mm_Caseless"; count = 95; descriptionshort = "Caliber: 10x24mm Caseless <br/> Rounds: 95 <br/> Used in: M41A Pulse Rifle"; displayname = "95Rnd Pulse Rifle"; initspeed = 840; picture = "\ca\weapons\g36\data\equip\M_MG36_CA.paa"; scope = 2; }; class 99Rnd_PulseRifle : CA_Magazine { ammo = "10x24mm_Caseless"; count = 99; descriptionshort = "Caliber: 10x24mm Caseless <br/> Rounds: 99 <br/> Used in: M41A Pulse Rifle"; displayname = "99Rnd Pulse Rifle"; initspeed = 840; picture = "\ca\weapons\g36\data\equip\M_MG36_CA.paa"; scope = 2; }; class 4Rnd_M38_HE : 1Rnd_HE_M203 { Ammo = "30mm_M38_HE"; Count = 4; DisplayName = "4Rnd M38 HEAT"; DisplayNameShort = "HEAT"; DescriptionShort = "Type: High explosive <br/>Rounds: 4 <br/>Used in: M41A Grenade Launcher"; InitSpeed = 78; Picture = "\Ca\weapons\Data\Equip\m_40mmHP_CA.paa"; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_Burst; class Mode_FullAuto; class CfgWeapons { class m16a2gl; class M203Muzzle; class m41a : m16a2gl { DisplayName = "M41A Pulse Rifle"; Model = "\m41a_pulse_rifle\m41a.p3d"; Picture = "\m41a_pulse_rifle\materials\pr_icon.paa"; Magazines[] = {"99Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle"}; Modes[] = {"Semi","Burst","FullAuto"}; Muzzles[] = {"this","M41_GL"}; class Semi : Mode_SemiAuto { AiRateOfFire = 1; ReloadTime=0.0667; AiRateOfFireDistance = 550; Dispersion = 0.00175; MaxRange = 500; MaxRangeProbab = 0.1; MidRange = 200; MidRangeProbab = 0.5; MinRange = 0; MinRangeProbab = 0.7; Recoil = "scar_lrecoil"; Recoilprone = "scar_lrecoilprone"; Begin1[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\pulseend_01.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; Begin2[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\pulseend_03.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; Begin3[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\pulseend_04.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; SoundBegin[] = {"begin1",0,"begin2",0,"begin3",1}; }; class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto { AiRateOfFire = 1; ReloadTime=0.0667; AiRateOfFireDistance = 550; Dispersion = 0.00175; MaxRange = 500; MaxRangeProbab = 0.1; MidRange = 200; MidRangeProbab = 0.5; MinRange = 0; MinRangeProbab = 0.7; Recoil = "scar_lrecoil"; Recoilprone = "scar_lrecoilprone"; Begin1[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\pulseend_01.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; Begin2[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\pulseend_03.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; Begin3[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\pulseend_04.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; SoundBegin[] = {"begin1",0,"begin2",0,"begin3",1}; }; class Burst : Mode_Burst { ReloadTime = 0.0667; Burst = 4; AiRateOfFire = 1; AiRateOfFireDistance = 550; Dispersion = 0.00175; MaxRange = 500; MaxRangeProbab = 0.1; MidRange = 200; MidRangeProbab = 0.5; MinRange = 0; MinRangeProbab = 0.7; Recoil = "scar_lrecoil"; Recoilprone = "scar_lrecoilprone"; Begin1[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\Burst1.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; Begin2[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\Burst3.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; Begin3[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\Burst2.wav",1.77828,1,1100}; SoundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.34,"begin2",0.33,"begin3",0.33}; SoundBurst = 1; SoundContinuous = 0; }; }; class M41_GL : M203muzzle { DisplayName = "Grenade Launcher"; Magazines[] = {"4Rnd_M38_HE"}; Sound[] = {"\m41a_pulse_rifle\sound\grenade_fire.wav",0.1,1,700}; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class ReammoBox; class CDF_Soldier; class Aliens_Weap_Test : CDF_Soldier { DisplayName = "Aliens Weapon Test"; Faction = "USCM"; VehicleClass = "Marines"; Model = "\aliens_test_character\soldier.p3d"; Weapons[] = {"m41a"}; Magazines[] = {"95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","4Rnd_M38_HE","4Rnd_M38_HE","4Rnd_M38_HE","4rnd_M38_HE"}; RespawnWeapons[] = {"m41a"}; RespawnMagazines[] = {"95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","95Rnd_PulseRifle","4Rnd_M38_HE","4Rnd_M38_HE","4Rnd_M38_HE","4rnd_M38_HE"}; }; class TestWeaponBox : ReammoBox { DisplayName = "A Test Weapon Box"; Model = "\ca\weapons\AmmoBoxes\USBasicWeapons.p3d"; class TransportMagazines { class 95Rnd_PulseRifle { magazine = "95Rnd_PulseRifle"; count = 200; }; class 99Rnd_PulseRifle { magazine = "99Rnd_PulseRifle"; count = 200; }; }; class TransportWeapons { class m41a { weapon = "m41a"; count = 12; }; }; }; }; Sorry if its a bit messy. :o Edit: Good news. Figured out how to add color to parts of the model without UV mapping. Granted, its not the final product or anywhere near good enough, but it makes me all warm and fuzzy to see its potential. Better news. It fixed the purple model issue. :D
  24. b00ce

    Removing a UV map?

    Oh, shit, did I say shrine? <_< I meant... >_> umm... <_< downloads folder... >_> YEAH! Generic downloads folder... <_< yeah... >_> I'll do you one better. Here's a video. 7D9ZfOiL5Dg I need to tweak the shadow LOD, its casting a shadow on the receiver. :p Edit: So I realized that I had the "muzzle[] = {"this","m41_GL"};" entry in my Burst firemode stuff, I moved it to the proper location in the weapon config entry and it gave me an optics error. :confused:
  25. b00ce

    Removing a UV map?

    Wow, thanks for all the help Rock. I'll get cracking. Thanks for the config file, yet another to add to my RKSL shrine. :p Edit: Is there any reason why my model would turn purple while zooming?