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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was using reverse psychology, because it worked. ;) And I'm working on the tail section, pouring through my Dropship references for a good view. The trouble is, even in the official models, there's ambiguity on whether it's a sharp incline or a smooth curve. See what I mean below. WARNING: Huge file sizes. http://alienscollection.com/behindthescenes/aliens/dropship/Photo%2051%20of%20100_2.jpg http://alienscollection.com/behindthescenes/aliens/dropship/bluescreen1.jpg http://alienscollection.com/behindthescenes/aliens/dropship/bluescreen3.jpg http://alienscollection.com/behindthescenes/aliens/dropship/burnsdropship24.jpg http://alienscollection.com/behindthescenes/aliens/dropship/burnsdropship25.jpg http://alienscollection.com/behindthescenes/aliens/dropship/dropshipmodelrear.jpg I'm going for something more like these, even though it is a fan made model (A really high quality one too), because I think it looks the best and fits with the overall Dropship design. I try to use the full size set piece for reference as often as I can and the Toro model (below) matches closely what little I have seen (Or at least perceived) of the back end of the set piece. http://www.modelermagic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/TMS_DROPSHIP_003.jpg http://www.modelermagic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/TMS_DROPSHIP_006.jpg http://www.modelermagic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/TMS_DROPSHIP_002.jpg
  2. By that reasoning, it'll NEVER get done. Defeatist superstition never got anyone anywhere. :)
  3. You're using a HOTAS, right? Use the flaps up and down while in auto-hover. ;)
  4. The one and only UD-4L Cheyenne Drop-ship. I've only started over 5 times... Starting with this POS freeware model, which got my foot in the door and got me hooked. That thing is a mess. Too much detail where it wasn't needed and not enough where it was needed... Not to mention it was in 50 different pieces. Twas' a headache. So I burn it down and started from scratch. A few times...
  5. Its probably for the sake of the Ai. They like to walk right through them.
  6. Eagle Dynamics had a hard enough time getting DCS: Black Shark and A-10C to work together on line. Black Shark and A-10 use the same engine, the same map and more or less the same content. ArmA 3 will have none of the above in common with DCS. As much as I would love to see this, we'd either have to use the DCS/LOMAC map (Which would be fucking awesome, by the way. :p) in ArmA or the other way around, which really isn't an option because there is supposedly only one airfield on Limnos and there aren't any 3rd party maps for DCS. Not only that but you have to provide equivalents, at the very least, to each unit in both DCS and ArmA. This is the biggest hurtle, simply because you have to deal with making a TON of fully functioning content for ArmA that players can interact with and drive around in, no complaints here either, but it's a LOT of work for both sides that I'm sure they can't spare. I'd rather see ArmA and DCS be as good as they possibly can be on their own, than compromise quality for the sake of interoperability.
  7. There you go Nod. :) I'm incredibly stoked for all the variants.
  8. Some progress on my UD-4L, so the bumping earlier isn't in vain. Started working my way back, I'm at the weird shaped bit just before the tail. Gonna be a bitch in O2, even with Linear deform. Good thing I only have to do it once. :p
  9. A few little issues. In the same vein as Myke, shouldn't the US Army UH-60 be in the Army section, not Navy? Lol Likely just a hold over from class inheritance, so no real complaints there. :p I've noticed that the main-rotor blur is not synced up with the rotor hub, so it looks wobbly. The landing gear is also not animated, however the Shadow geometry for the front gear is. The shadow LoD is missing the rotors, rear landing gear and pylons. Nothing game breaking, so no real complaints here. ;) A couple requests, though. Could you add FLIR and flares? Thanks for the amazing addon. :)
  10. Downloading now. Can't wait! :D
  11. Or you could just plan your route better. ;)
  12. @ Myke You're right... Kinda frustrating when you can have people inside the fireball but still manage to survive because they were behind a little hill/tank/picket fence, though. :p @ Kremator, he wasn't playing as a Pilot class. I have to admit though, the blacking out WITH the pilot model should be moved to people without and the pilots should be able to withstand a lot more G's. If I could, I'd disable it entirely. That and wounding is buggy as hell, like being injured from getting shot in the tail. Otherwise, ACE is pretty amazing. Neither here nor there, I suppose.
  13. As said before, that's hard coded into ArmA. There's nothing that the map maker can do about it, other than lowering the mountains but that's not really an option. The reason BIS did this was to emulate the real life limitations of rotary wing; In real life, however, the maximum altitudes are a bit higher. (around 5,000m) It should be noted that helicopters in real life have the same trouble navigating Afghanistan that we do in ArmA. So it works out and is 100% realistic. http://www.chinook-helicopter.com/news/Afghanistan/high_altitude_flight.pdf
  14. Had some fun with the MOAB today. Couldn't find the MOAB in VTS, so I had to improvise. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXt-ZaPq1Qc this addMagazine "1Rnd_GBU43_GLT"; this addWeapon "GLT_MOAB_Launcher"; Works in ANY vehicle. Edit: Speaking of which, would it be possible to make the MOAB detonate at a certain height above ground? After all the AB stands for Air Burst. :p
  15. b00ce

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    BIS won't. I can guarantee that.
  16. Sweet Jesus. Great work, I'd try it out but I'm afraid my brain would implode.
  17. Decided to dust off my Dropship, 3rd or 4th iteration I think. Damn my perfectionism. Any ways, screen that I'm somewhat happy with. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/UD-4L/buldozer2012-02-1517-19-20-45.png I used the Seats, HUD and lights from the BIS sample Harrier cause lazy.
  18. b00ce

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    I see what you did there. lol
  19. b00ce

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Thanks, I'll check it out. And look at my signature, I end up sitting at base a lot of the time. :p
  20. b00ce

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    As much as I love steam, I think that being furious that ArmA III doesn't use steam features that undermine the ArmA community is a little crazy. Honestly, I don't care how people get it, as long as they get it. It's the same product, whether boxed, sprocket or Steam. I get almost all of my games through steam for the convenience (No disk swapping! ) and the wicked sales they always have going on. On to the purpose of the thread, the most I'd want to see is the Steam overlay working with launchers. I miss being able to chat with friends and surf the net without alt + tabbing. Beyond that, I don't think Steam Works adds anything and Workshop would, like I said earlier, undermine the communities infrastructure.
  21. b00ce

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    I love Steam because it's incredibly convenient. I don't know why people are making such a big deal about Steam's ability to pull the plug on your account. It only happens if you do stupid shit, like gift games to people for money, that breaks the rules. If the only thing you do on steam is buy/play games and make friends, you've got nothing to worry about. Also, I was able to play ALL of my steam games for years with no connection to the internet (Complicated story, not worth writing out). Offline mode, Valve thought of it so you'd be able to play the games you have installed without being connected to "their evil DRM servers". When the valve servers went down the worst that happened was that I couldn't access the Steam store or chat to friends. HORRIBLE, I know. However, I could play games to my heart's content. That said, I don't think Steam works/workshop would be beneficial to the ArmA community. The infrastructure that has been set up already is perfect for what the community needs.
  22. Looks great, downloading now. Edit: Is the Objects for Radars zip corrupted? I can't open it, and I've downloaded it 3 times from the ArmA2Base.de
  23. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Its probably because the pilot cannot get a lock on the laser target, even though the bomb would hit anyways. Ai is weird like that.
  24. Some of us cannot afford max, maya or whatever else. Blender is just outright unintuitive. O2 is by far the easiest, for me at least.
  25. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    In fact, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, the beta is required. ACE also has its own Ai enhancements in it anyway. ;)