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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. Thanks. I was thinking hidden selections, but that would require a LOT of scripting that I have NO clue how to do.
  2. Look at a target and hold right-click so the box appear over the target, aim higher until the box gets a ring and then fire. This works for pretty much any gun emplacement, especially anti-air, and will tell you how far to lead the target. :)
  3. Perhaps the vehicle radar is detecting the Humvee. Maybe the "lock" not going away when you go into the woods. I know some times when I have something locked up it'll stay highlighted after its occluded sometimes.
  4. Crawling makes a noise, 10-50m isn't very far (30-50 feet). I know I'd be able to hear someone crawling over twigs and rocks in full battle rattle at that range. The Ai doesn't rely on sight alone for detection, they have ears too, you know. ;)
  5. b00ce

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Its already in RV 3.5 (Or whatever they call the ToH engine). As for gameplay improvements, it'll make flying helos more realistic. The E3 vid didn't have ToH physics because they wanted it to be accessible, I don't think they had it implemented yet anyway. In ArmA3 the flight model and start up procedures will be difficulty options, you'll be able to switch back to the ArmA2 Flight model at any time.
  6. Perhaps its anti-hack/security stuff that they don't want to advertize?
  7. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Were you looking at the Viper/missile with the turret?
  8. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Nope, it is not possible unfortunately.
  9. It doesn't look THAT bad.
  10. People underestimate UCP because they always see it up close before all the colors can blend into each other and what not. UCP fairly decent at range. http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt104/vor033/US%20Army%20-%203/80288714.jpg http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt104/vor033/US%20Army%20-%203/5b886dd2.jpg http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt104/vor033/US%20Army%20-%203/ee284a31.jpg
  11. b00ce

    AH-64 Pack

    I'm pretty sure they'll have all their own functions (And more) for what is offered in ACE. I know the missile guidance is getting an overhaul as well as PINVS and IHADS. MFDs and the works. Even the Longbow works as it should.
  12. Honestly, I think that sticking with UCP wouldn't be a bad thing, it works decently in most environments.
  13. b00ce

    Vehicle Quality

    That would be pretty awesome, I have to say. What we have now (With the Bradley/AAV) is awesome, but that would be stellar.
  14. Here's an update on the Colonial Marine model. The shinguard was a pain.
  15. I'm at a loss, whenever I have my character (modified ArmA1 pilot sample model for my unit) use the model.cfg* in buldozer it freaks out and a lot of points converge in space (And when I don't have "class gryphon_pilot : ArmaMan {};" in the model.cfg (Or a model.cfg at all) it works fine). I've experienced this before in some of my other character models. (Namely the USCM one's I've been tinkering around with) Is this normal for buldozer? *model.cfg provided by BIS (ArmA 1 and 2) or Binkowski via sample models.
  16. I wouldn't call UCP a BAD camouflage, it works better than everyone thinks, it just over extends itself. Its a jack of all trades and a master of nothing. It works Ok everywhere (a lot of places better than Multicam), but there are definitely better specialized camos.
  17. Not unless said player wants to make money off of the video(s) they post.
  18. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I just tested it with the latest beta/ACE and it doesn't work. I go to thermals and zoom, all I get is the gray border and the green lock on symbol(square with a circle). There's no tracking gate, cross or beep. I'll write up a CIT after I record and upload a demo vid. Edit: CIT: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/35180 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zDKPNP3EUk
  19. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Perhaps it was the latest ACE update that broke it? They fiddled around with it to make it "more reliable". I'll test it out right now to see if that is the issue, I just updated to the latest version now. Edit: Confirmed. The Javelin no longer works.
  20. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Are you running Mando Missiles? That's the number one reason the Javelin won't work.
  21. The US Army is picking something that ISN'T Multicam. What it is exactly remains to be seen, however.
  22. UCP and MARPAT are both copies of CADPAT with different colors.
  23. I can absolutely clean house with an Su-34, and 25. They're arguably the best planes in the game, especially if you know how to fly them.
  24. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I was playing Fallujah Insurgency just now and had now self or world interaction menu at all.
  25. ArmA is not, and never will be, about "balance". If things end up balanced (and I'm sure it will be pretty close since there are two super powers going at it in ArmA3) it won't be for the sake of balancing things, it'll be for the sake of making things authentic within the confines of the story line. Take ArmA 2, for example, the Russians outclassed the Marines; in OA, the US Army absolutely dominates the Takistani army.