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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. b00ce

    AH-64 Pack

    Good to see the A model getting some love. Looks amazing!
  2. b00ce

    UV Map Workflow Questions

    For students, yes? Not all of us are students. I've tried blender and couldn't wrap my head around it, no matter what tutorial I followed, and I have a hard time working with any 3D program without 4 views. I know you can get it in blender, but that's a pain too... Blender is not new user friendly. :p
  3. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Precisely. Though I don't think it would be as detailed as that WW2 game. I doubt that spalling would be taken into consideration. Then Nou is a script wizard.
  4. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    At least we can have an amazing system like that in Single player... :rolleyes: Looks like its being worked on, so here's hoping that it sneaks its way into one of the Release Candidates.
  5. No, A2Free does not allow mods.
  6. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Please tell me you got all of that on video... Sounds like it looks brilliant. Do you plan on making this effect for most tanks? Maybe a special exception for the Abrams where the hatches "blow off"?
  7. b00ce

    UV Map Workflow Questions

    For those of us who don't have the wads of cash to throw at modeling programs, here's the easiest way I know how to do it in O2, though it doesn't really work for character meshes or spheres. First off, you need to create two animation keyframes. This allows you to fillet your model, without destroying it. Select the second of the two and start separating your model into manageable chunks via "split topology", you should bind it to a key. Once you have the model in its pieces, you need to flatten it. Use the pin to rotate the faces so they're as flat as possible, though it doesn't have to be perfect. For more squarish objects, split the faces off and move them away from the main body, rotate and then position them so they "make sense" from a texturing standpoint to you. For cylinders, split it in half and use SelectObject to select the half you want for rotation. Once you have the model splayed out, make sure they're all flat against one view port (It also helps to organize them as well), select them all (From that view port) and go into the UV editor. Once there, hit the planer mapping button (In the middle of the row of buttons, Green box with an arrow pointing to a red mesh.), this will put the faces you selected down. (If you have a view port that has a side view of the faces active when you "paste" the faces down, it won't work right.) Make sure all of the faces are inside one of the boxes; once you're happy with it hit file -> Export and save it in your model folder in the P: drive, for the sake of keeping things together, it doesn't matter where... yet. Next, open the .emf file in MS paint and save it as a .png so you can open it with the texturing program of your choice. (For some reason, Paint.net doesn't recognize EMF or WMF formats) Once in Paint.net, Gimp, PS or whatever program you use, re-size it (The canvas, not the texture) so it is the nearest base of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048), though it does not need to be square. 2048x32 works just fine, though it is a little daft to make a texture like that. :p Make the UV map mesh the base layer and doodle on it a little (Just enough to make sure its working) Save it as whatever default save file the program has, to save the layers, and then as .TGA (Do NOT use RLE compression, it won't work.) Once you got that saved, move it to the proper folder. (I use "P:\my_model\materials\texture_co.tga", and have my models in a models folder because I'm used to it from G-mod) Once everything is where it should be, go back to the UV editor, select everything and copy it. This is important. You'll lose everything if you don't. Hit Filter -> browse texture and browse for your .TGA file. It'll delete all of your UV data, don't worry, just paste it down again. ;) Once this is done, go back into O2 and start Buldozer, it'll have to convert the .tga files but it'll work. Alternatively, you can hit "Use Direct 3D" and then "Display Faces Filled" and it'll put the .tga texture on there without the need to convert. Once you're done and happy with the UV map, go back to keyframe 0 then delete both of them (The keyframes, not the model) and then highlight your whole model and use merge near to stitch the points back up. You may need to do some manual work as well. For the ladder rungs, I would map 3 or 4 and mix them around going up, so they don't appear to repeat. ;) Good luck. Special thanks to Rock who showed this to me a while ago. :)
  8. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    You have to set the time and then arm the satchel.
  9. I've noticed a similar effect during sundown while walking to Safeway once. I could hardly see while looking toward the sun and could see perfectly looking anywhere but. Its fairly realistic, though maybe a little overdone/slow in some cases. Just don't look at the sun. :rolleyes:
  10. b00ce

    Vehicle Quality

    1. Maybe you should talk to NodUnit. ;) 2. That didn't stop them from making "working" periscopes/screen for the AAV, M113, Bradley, and STRYKER. 3. This is a valid point, however I think he was referring to custom addons built from the ground up and/or using the sample models we DO have.
  11. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Sweet Jesus, that's brutal. So if the vehicle that is on fire doesn't have any ammo, does it still have cook offs? And does ammo in the vehicle's cargo cook off too? The Magic box only displays weapons/items/ammo for the units "side".
  12. Sweet, thanks for the tip. :) Am I still be able to position the arms so the Smartgunner doesn't look like he has some severe joint disorder?
  13. I am not looking forward to making a custom hand RTM for this thing, I have to say. I was fiddling around with the RTM stuff last night, its an absolute nightmare trying to get the bones to bend and turn how you want them. Not doing them is not an option because it looks quite daft.
  14. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Does the ammo cooking off inside the tank stay inside and "bounce around" killing the occupants, if the fire didn't already get them?
  15. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Ah, I didn't notice the turret fly off in the fireball/smoke and stopped watching before the dust cleared. :rolleyes:
  16. Sorry about that Max, I was just showing one of my distractions from the USCM stuff. Thanks for the help, though. Also, to get this thread back on track. Here's something that Goose pretty much guilt tripped me into doing. ;) Naturally VERY VERY VERY early WIP, but I had to show something. :)
  17. b00ce

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Don't T-72s pop their lids when they cook off, especially when explosive as that?
  18. Haven't really been working on any of the USCM stuff. Been distracted by other things that I decide to do on a whim. Like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_GXwH_zjQQ I can't figure out how to get the barrels spinning, which is something I'll need for the miniguns on the APC.
  19. b00ce

    Too much muzzle flash and reload animations?

    You can see the feed plate open, its a little flap.
  20. Then do what you will, just make sure everyone else that uses the server is on the same page.
  21. Depends on what you want to do with your server. If its a public vanilla server, then no. But if you're running a private server then maybe.
  22. Minor fixes and tweaks being bugs introduced in previous betas, security updates & other stuff that doesn't deserve mention. So will this TBB update improve performance?
  23. I have to agree with Lennard. The B sample looks more authentic.
  24. b00ce

    Development Blog & Reveals

    If fish behave like animals/birds, then you should be able to play as them. BIS did say they aren't taking features out, so we should be able to run around as a rooster.