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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. b00ce

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Do you Chair Farce folk not wear your collars up in flight? ;) http://usarmy.vo.llnwd.net/e2/-images/2007/05/30/5320/size0-army.mil-2007-05-30-095310.jpg
  2. b00ce

    Land Navigation mod

    Fantastic work, I've always loved landnav, especially in basic at night time while being hunted. ;) In regards to the protractor, is it possible to lock the map at a 4 digit grid scale and be able to zoom in and actually read the map/protractor? Also, would it be at all possible to have a "scrap piece of paper and a pencil" to find distances on the map for curving routes?
  3. b00ce

    A-10C for Arma 3

    The real question is can you have the 4:1 combat mix for the Avenger. The armor penetration is simple.
  4. b00ce

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Do some research. The Avenger is not some wunderwaffen, it can NOT penetrate the armor of a T62, let alone something bigger and better. Color yourself educated after at least reading this. Click Me
  5. b00ce

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Please tell me the GAU-8 doesn't vaporize main battle tanks. That's always bothered me.
  6. What exactly is stopping the exhaust effect from being animated? What makes them different from other memory points?
  7. b00ce

    A-10C for Arma 3

    You should know by now that it isn't how it works in arma...
  8. b00ce

    Frankensteining ACE

    They modified it by removing PBO modules, ACE features are compartmentalized.
  9. b00ce

    Frankensteining ACE

    Don't modify it, you'd be breaking rules. You can however delete PBOs and take out features.
  10. The V-22 can pick up over 20,000 lbs of stuff. Lets say a man with all his gear is 400 lbs (A very generous estimate including armor, weapons, tough boxes and duffel bags full of all of the miscellaneous crap he'll need in the field), with 32 people its only 12,800 lbs, the aircraft could easily sling load a humvee as well. Weight isn't the limiting factor, space is. That being said, I agree that it should be limited to how many seats there are, but that's just the crewchief in me talking.
  11. Wow! Fantastic work! Will we be able to customize the layouts of the MFDs?
  12. Well there you go. Just because I haven't seen/noticed it, doesn't mean it isn't there. :)
  13. Ive never seen the "United States Army" more reflective on my hawks.
  14. My unit (Active duty Dustoff) still has UH60A+ (They're a bit faster than the Limas), though they're going away VERY soon and being replaced by HH60Ms. My Alphas have the ESSS mounts, IVHMS and a lot of Lima mods though. Not really looking forward to all of the computers and stuff on the Mike, but the ride is supposed to be butter smooth with all of the active vibration dampers. Don't forget me. ;) I was attempting to make a UH60M, but my Paint.net is FUBARed and 3dsmax is harder for me than O2, but it sucks unwrapping stuff in O2. Plus my addon making attention span is REALLY small.
  15. b00ce

    ADuke's OH58D Pack

    Looks pretty accurate. I see those little buggers flying around every day.
  16. If you use a vanilla classname for a backpack as your parent class, it should inherit the ACE stuff.
  17. 25th 25th 25th 25th! :D Phenomenal work, these guys look fantastic. Any plans on aviation folk?
  18. No love for the 25th ID? ;)
  19. b00ce

    Skeeko's U.S. Army

    It exists because not everyone has a Rhino mount on their helmets, IE me. The strap isn't the preferred method, but it works. :)
  20. b00ce

    Skeeko's U.S. Army

    I just used one of those NVG mounts the other day on my ACH during FTX. Its not unrealistic.
  21. b00ce


    Are those C7s I see?
  22. b00ce

    astast: WIP Thread

    Oakiedoke, have fun with your hiatus.
  23. b00ce


    Wow! Great job. Just a little thing for added "authenticity". The handguard for the rifle w/203 is U shaped. Much easier to take off than the normal handguards because its one piece, sliprings can be a pain in the BUTT. Also, can we get a version with the 203 handguard and no grenade launcher? I did it in basic one night and fell in love. :p