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Brandon E

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Everything posted by Brandon E

  1. Hello I'm making a fun mission for a couple of friends etc. I got a timing loop down but I need to make it so for a specific soldier (lets call him soldier one) will be able to see every other player on his map (regardless of team) and it has to be only for that player. (My intent is to put it into my active/inactive timing loop which will enable and disable at different time periods.
  2. Hello so im creating a mission with a song that triggers when I start the mission. So in my description.ext file i've got this class CfgMusic { tracks[] = {}; class MyIntro { // display name name = "intro"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = { "\music\sound1.ogg", db + 0, 1.0 }; }; class MyOutro { name = "outro"; sound[] = { "\music\sound2.ogg", db + 10, 1.0 }; }; }; Copy and pasted from Bohemia's website on how to import the music/make it play and in my init.sqf file i've got the following execVM "description.ext"; playMusic "MyIntro"; vehicle player switchCamera "EXTERNAL"; Now everything works, the mission loads up, it forces you to 3rd person and even starts playing the music however no matter who's code I use I always am getting presented with this error '...s\Sniper.Stratis\description.ext" class |#|CfgMusic {tracks[] = {}; class MyIntro ...' File C:\Users\Brandon\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\Sniper.Stratis\desc..., line 1 Error Missing ; This above error pops up in black box on the screen the moment the mission loads. It's missing a semi colon but I have no idea where and i keep adding one and nothing, works. Any Ideas?
  3. I always did that because originally in Arma 2 I believe it never executed on its own; thanks though that did the trick 🙂