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Jordan Gates

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Everything posted by Jordan Gates

  1. Jordan Gates

    1st person ADS weapon sway

    I think the first person ADS has too much sway and recoil, especially on scoped weapons. without a hold breath function, it is almost impossible to shoot a sniper rifle or DMR accurately.
  2. Jordan Gates

    This game looks great but...

    I've tried to give it a chance and have progressed to shelter level 4 but the combat interactions have me steaming. Any time I engage with someone, my gun either stops shooting, or won't fire at all in close quarters. i.e. I was waiting on vault and had a shotgun at the guys face when he runs in but the gun won't fire. I just can't understand it. The devs need to fix this or idk if i can handle this game anymore. Please. Edit: I know it sounds harsh but i really do like this game. It has the potential to be great. I have played games such as cod 2, Counter strike and pubg more recently and based on Arma, I know what you guys can accomplish.
  3. Jordan Gates

    Vigor Feed Back

    This occurred to me earlier as well. I am also convinced that weapon damage does not differ from gun to gun.
  4. After returning to play this morning only 8 hours later, I return to find my shelter and player reset to the beginning. I played the 2 hr free trail last night and then purchased the game without any transition issue. was there some kind of update that reset everything?(based on prev post?)
  5. Jordan Gates

    Vigor Feed Back

    Same issue here. I really think they need to fix these issues first to improve player retention. You can't expect to build numbers first and then decide to fix everything..