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Everything posted by Sertica

  1. Sertica

    Waypoint Script Problem

    How do you connect waypoints by script? I need "get in" <-> "load" and "get out" <-> "transport unload".
  2. Sertica

    Waypoint Script Problem

    This refactored code is working well: if (count _westHelis > 0) then { // are any helis available? if (_highestCount > 1 ) then { // is there more than 1 rebel spotted anywhere? { private _position = getPos (leader _highestCountGroup); // position of spotter with highest target count _position set [2, (_position select 2) + 100]; // add 100m elevation private _waypoint = _x addWaypoint [_position, 50]; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; // combat mode _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; // fire at will, engage at will _waypoint setWaypointType "SAD"; // search & destroy _x setCurrentWaypoint _waypoint; } forEach _westHelis; } else { // no combat to join { private _position = getPosASL homeHelipad; // position of helipad _position set [2, (_position select 2) + 20]; // add 20m elevation private _waypoint = _x addWaypoint [_position, 50]; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; // aware mode _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "YELLOW"; // fire at will _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; // move to _waypoint setWayPointStatements ["true","(vehicle (leader this)) land 'LAND';"]; _x setCurrentWaypoint _waypoint; } forEach _westHelis; }; }; The only caveat is that bots don't like to go to the center of the move waypoint. The radius needs to be wide enough to guarantee completion.
  3. I have a script like this: When I "Play in SP" from the editor I immediately see the hint, but not the text box. If I go into debug console and local execute "call info" I suddenly see the text box. What is the difference that makes it appear when called in one way instead of the other?
  4. Sertica


    This mode is a waste of dev time. Nearly every match is ruined by team killers, team stackers and hackers. Meanwhile private servers all have 0 players.
  5. Sertica

    Waypoint Script Problem

    At this point making it land properly is not an issue, because it won't take off with that else block in place. That is what I can't solve. It starts landed with a hold waypoint in the editor, then in the first version takes off when enemies are spotted. In the second version where the else block is running until enemies are spotted something is making it get stuck in that position even after the waypoint changes to SAD.
  6. info = { disableSerialization; _ctrl = ((findDisplay 46) displayCtrl 9999); if (!isNull _ctrl) then {ctrlDelete _ctrl}; [] spawn { disableSerialization; _ctrl = (findDisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", 9999]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [-0.5, -0.5, 0.25, 5]; _ctrl ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1]; _ctrl ctrlSetbackgroundColor [1, 1, 1, 0.1] ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; _westGroups = []; _westGroupsTargetQuant = []; _list = []; while {true} do { { if (side _x == west) then { _westGroups pushBackUnique groupId _x; _westGroupsTargetQuant count (leader _x) targets [true]; _list pushBack ("Group "+(groupId _x)+" targets: "+str(count (leader _x) targets [true])+"<br/>"); } } forEach allGroups; _ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parsetext (_list joinString ""); sleep 5; } } } I don't know why it says "Type Array, expected code". That line is intended to concatenate a bunch of stuff into a row of text.
  7. Sertica

    Scripted Text

    I'm not sure what your point is about dedicated server. Greenfist's init.sqf uses [] spawn on the the text script. I did the same but it does not work while his does.
  8. Sertica

    Scripted Text

    To be clear I'm talking about the debug local exec where you type the command during editor test. I'm downloading an IDE to avoid these typo errors like the missing assignment. I assumed there wouldn't be one for a game, but hooray there is!
  9. Sertica

    Scripted Text

    It is for use only in Eden Editor. I'm making a high command ai for a persistent mission. The displays are to see what the task groups and HC is thinking while I watch in Zeus. Target spotting is one of the data sources for decision making.
  10. Sertica

    Scripted Text

    It only works for me from local exec. Like [] spawn info or call info in the file does nothing, but the text shows after I local exec the same command.
  11. Sertica

    Scripted Text

    🤔 I changed my setPos line to those numbers and I'm still not seeing it. You must be doing something else different. True, but there is not really a Khan Academy for everything.
  12. Sertica

    Scripted Text

    I cut it down to get rid of errors. info = { disableSerialization; _ctrl = ((findDisplay 46) displayCtrl 9999); if (!isNull _ctrl) then {ctrlDelete _ctrl}; [] spawn { disableSerialization; _ctrl = (findDisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", 9999]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [-0.5, -0.5, 0.25, 5]; _ctrl ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1]; _ctrl ctrlSetbackgroundColor [1, 1, 1, 0.1]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; _list = []; while {true} do { { if (side _x == west) then { _targetQuant = count ((leader _x) targets [true]); _list pushBack ("Group "+(groupId _x)+" targets: "+(str _targetQuant)+"<br/>"); } } forEach allGroups; _ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parsetext (_list joinString ""); _list resize 0; sleep 5; } } } Then I have this in the init field: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ("text.sqf"); null = [] spawn info; But nothing is showing on the screen. I mostly hacked this code from the vision test script. I don't entirely understand how this control stuff works.
  13. Sertica

    Regularly repeating trigger

    That is what I did. But I found the problem. It was set to use timeout.
  14. Sertica

    Regularly repeating trigger

    I'm using hints to display data while I play test sequences in the editor. The text needs to update every x seconds.
  15. Sertica

    Regularly repeating trigger

    I'm looking for a solution and this does not work. The trigger does not execute even once.
  16. Sertica

    Vehicle Bugs

    1. "Stabilize turret" is activated when lasing. This makes the cannon rubber band partially. 2. Lasing adjusts the cannon angle only briefly, then it resets back to the manual range even while still firing.
  17. Is there a garbage collector like what Java has that deletes allocations unassigned from variables? E.g. _a = [] _a = [] versus _a = [] _a = nil _a = [] _a = nil First would leak without a garbage collector.
  18. I follow the instructions on this page https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/javelin.html but the Lock Target [Hold] key does nothing and the switch fire mode key also does nothing. It works for everyone else on the server I'm playing on. It only fires in scope guided mode. In the Virtual Arsenal switching fire mode works, but then both the lock on key and fire key do not work.
  19. I regard ACE medical as necessary. However the documentation is too lousy to determine how to make the AI use it properly to any extent. From testing what the AI does by shooting troops in the legs and arms I found that naked troops were still magically playing the bandage animation and the equipped medic did nothing. This is with config as "Medical Level: Basic", "Medics setting: Advanced", Enabled for: Players Only". I don't really know what the latter two do because the doc does not explain it. In the version of my mission that uses bots I want the mod config that allow the bots to use whatever equipment it can, but I have no idea what those settings are or what equipment they can use or whether they even need equipment. There are 3 cases for which I need to know how to choose mod config and equipment loadout: 1. A slot can be filled by player or bot. Mod config and loadouts are identical for both. 2. Slots are exclusive to either player or bot. Config is advanced for player and whatever allows the bots to do the most they can. Bot loadout includes everything it can use. 3. Slots are exclusive to either player or bot. Config is advanced for player and disables bots doing anything medical (maybe except revive).
  20. Because the virtual arsenal does not allow seeing everything on the list, the arsenal can't be used to make the kit I want. I can execute "soldier addItemToBackpack "weapon"" in debug console in play mode, but it does not work in edit mode. Surely there is an easier way to fill backpacks than scrounging for weight and capacity info in config viewer for every single item, then using Windows Calculator to determine how to fit, then editing the mission text file. Eventually I need a way to make the AI hide weapon in backpack. Even if it can be forced in, how to make the AI want to keep it there in safe mode is likely the challenge.
  21. It's like you did not read the first post.
  22. The problem is you can't add a weapon to a backpack. Currently it seems the closest hack is creating every character entirely in the arsenal outside of the editor, then loading them in the editor.
  23. @oldbearWhy is your system using only 7.5gb of ram when you have 16?
  24. I tried that in both mission init and a trigger with true condition. It turns one rotation, then stops. I don't understand that voodoo syntax. How can you assign to an enumeration like 0, and what is "[] spawn".
  25. This does not work . "generic error in expression"