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About QuickCatch67

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  1. Hello Everyone! I work for a group called the 40th Airborne Cavalry , If you are looking for a unit that treats its members like family then this is the group for you,on a weekly basis we do multiple situational missions that allow you to test ur skills while having fun with a large group of people.. In this unit you will meet people from all over the world that have come together in the same purpose,in order to escape normal and boring Arma 3 Vanilla. In this unit you do not have to worry about people acting immature or ridiculous on a normalized basis, as well as being able to act goofy when talking to your Group Mates. Here you will be able to pick from a large selection of Jobs and MOS's that will give you the chance to have fun and show off ur skills at the same time. If ur interested in joining a unit that treats you like family and Promises to nurture ur skills to their full potential then this is the Unit for You! Join this teamspeak and follow the extremely short instructions on there.Thank you for your time ~ Atwoods.... The Ip for the teamspeak is