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About Specky-21

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  1. Moving the skeleton in object builder according to the guide Zach Gibson made.
  2. https://gyazo.com/39b41f9a97ff1a3116cf408d72d92df5 I'm not entirely sure how to check that. I'm very new to object builder 😞
  3. Recently, I attempted to follow Zach Gibson's guide to weapon modeling and porting to Arma 3. I ran upon an error with the attachment proxies and the animations. Whenever I put attachments on weapons, they end up floating below it in the correct configuration, but not on the actual weapon. The other issue I have is with the animations. Whenever I make a custom animation, my character's arms glitch out and distort very badly to the point where it's unusable.
  4. I'm fairly new to modeling in Arma 3, so recently, I created a weapon, and a placeholder texture for it. When I was creating it in Blender, all the faces were closed off, and the weapons was UV unwrapped without a hitch - Though I've ran into two issues so far. 1. The attachments aren't spawning on the weapon, despite the proxies being placed for both the View - Pilot and the LOD 1 models in the correct locations. (I.E. Top being on top, and muzzle at muzzle.) 2. The textures are transparent when looking at them from certain angles. I'm also aware that the weapon is too large, but I know how to fix that one issue. It's just that the current two problems are giving me a lot of grief.
  5. I recently started trying to make a weapon for Arma 3, and it seems like every step of the way a new issue arises in the learning process (Luckily this forum exists!). So, the newest issue has been bugging me for a model I made when I try to import it into Oxygen. " --------------------------- Object Builder --------------------------- IMPORT FAILED: Parse error in OBJ file "MA10S Tryha.obj" Extra characters on line (maybe more vertices on face, than supported - four) at line: 496 --------------------------- OK --------------------------- " I verified that all the polygons on my model were quadrilateral or tris. So, I'm at a loss. (I may not have used the perfect wording for that, but I hope my point comes across!) I use Blender as well.
  6. So, recently, I've been working on a vest. The issue is, is that the vest calls for assets that are part of another mod. However, it just doesn't show up in arsenal.