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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    F2P Launch date?

    Good to know.
  2. Oldninja

    Partner Icon

    Agreed, totally different colour on crossbars would do the trick. Metro has the same effect if your partner ever gets in your sights, and it's is noticeable.
  3. Oldninja


    The same issue as item 2. Full inventory and no bullets in the weapon on return to shelter. Also, and not sure if it's me or a bug, if crouched and looking to prone, I seem to bounce between the two positions. I gave to stand again to get into prone.
  4. Oldninja

    Character Reset at Launch

    In addition to my earlier post, and after a couple of hours on the game since the post, I just wanted to add that for me, knowing that there is going to be a reset has now taken the edge away a little. I think others may feel the same, and for me the sooner you release the F2p version, either with or without concessions for the founders, the better. I'm finding that looting and collecting weapon parts and items for upgrading is beginning to feel a little pointless.
  5. Oldninja

    Character Reset at Launch

    It does help, and I'm sure any gesture that enables early adopters to retain some of their stash and upgrades would be much appreciated. Even 10% of the stash, rounded up to nearest whole number, and whatever you think reasonable for shelter upgrades. Any dates for the F2p release?
  6. Oldninja

    Shoot through walls??

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. The other possible solution was the other player shooting through the gaps in the barred doorway. Just a thought.
  7. Oldninja

    Founders Pack

    Thanks for the update. No urgency from me.
  8. Oldninja

    3 kill threat status

    On reflection, yes it does seem to be a punishment as Hham comments. Whilst it's good to know, maybe a time limited of intermittent tag. I immediately head to the area where the tag appeared. The threat can't carry the weapons of his last kill, so if I have space I go and see what he's left behind. Can be very beneficial.
  9. Oldninja

    Love the game, let's see some more great work!

    Interesting ideas Steve, my views on some are below; Exits closed for first 15 minutes - limits players gameplay tactics and in my opinion would drive players away. Some players, myself included at times, find what they need for an upgrade in the first couple of loot locations and get off the map. So that idea would drive players using that tactic to camp by exits once they had the loot they needed. Random animals - no problem with that, depending on what damage stats their given. Would make players take more ammo maybe limiting inventory space. For instance I carry 72 parrabelum for my Suomi to keep my inventory clear for loot. Camping by a fire during a storm - not for me. I feel this would just slow the pace of the game. Players tactics vary and this is forcing players into tactics they might not be comfortable with. I.e forcing them into staying on the map longer. Loot and go is a common tactic, especially for newer players, and players looking to upgrade quickly. 45 minutes until radiation cloud - not for me. I think the current timings encourage players to be more mobile in both looting and getting to the drop site. Chopper evacuation - not for me as this as it is a survival game and if you had access to a chopper, firstly where would you keep it at the shelter. Craft a Hanger as an update, then what's next missiles etc. And secondly why would you be visiting risky areas if you could fly around in a chopper? I think the anxiety created by having to reach an exit is a great part of the game. Traps - maybe, but if so they should really eat up inventory space. Sounds a little too Fortnite for me. Crafting boats - not for me, as the current system makes you look for a decent crossing place of leave yourself exposed.
  10. Oldninja

    3 kill threat status

    Have to say that I like the permanent tag. It makes the tagged player more careful as whoever's left can pick up lots of loot by taking him/her out.
  11. Five minutes ago, bushwacked by a duo in Fiske. As I've mentioned before if you put duo's in a single player game tag them as a threat. Single players have little or no chance if duo's get the first shots in on a single, and it's spoiling my fun. If their tagged then single players can either avoid or engage. And yes I'm aware the games in preview, but it still annoys considerably when duo's take you out and your able to offer little or no resistance. So annoyed that I'm going to take a nostalgic excursion to the Moscow underground for the rest of the day, to sharpen myself up for a forthcoming release.
  12. Oldninja

    Changelog 0.7.33494

    Clearly should have read 'Matchmaking' ... Doh
  13. Oldninja

    Changelog 0.7.33494

    Just wondering what 'Quickplay Marchmaking' is?
  14. Oldninja

    Binoculars to see clearly those campers...

    It's not a bad idea, but it means you will need to stop and look around in an exposed position. Would that really help? Maybe heat sensitive binoculars to find players in cover? I jest, let's keep it simple, and rely on good old stealth and observation.
  15. Oldninja

    Reporting cheating duos and trios

    I hear what your saying and quite agree. My only comment would be that if team building is to be encouraged, then provide maps for teams to play off against each other and let players who prefer single player play on single player maps. It's challenging enough pvp, let alone 2pvp. My preference since gaming began is single player, and if the game evolves into duo's and squads like Fortnite (grandkids play it not me) or teams like the newly ruined Fallout franchise, then I'll be disappointed, but will find a game that suits my preferences. What's the saying, don't get mad get even ... Just took out a duo and gained 2 crates and the contents of a vault. Back in love with Vigor.
  16. Oldninja

    Heavy rain soundtrack

    Noticed a 'static' click on the above soundtrack. It occurs once on each loop of the background sound clip, and I initially mistook it for a single weapon report. No biggy, but could cause confusion if you don't know it's there.
  17. Oldninja

    Duo's spoiling the funds

    dozy spell check, thread should have read 'Duo's spoiling the fun'.
  18. Oldninja

    Vigor Feed Back

    Forgot to add. Love the game and trying not to sound too negative in my feedback. Please Devs, keep up the good work, as I'm sure the player base will continue to grow.
  19. Oldninja

    Vigor Feed Back

    Reporting another event, and I'm now unsure if it's the game mechanics that are to blame. Bear with me, but just 20 minutes ago I waited for 2 players to resolve their encounter, then from a place of good cover fired on the winner. I know I hit the target, but not enough hits to end the encounter. The player only fired a quick burst and killed me. This isn't the first time it's happened. Does the game somehow enhance the offensive capabilities of a player that's attacked? I ask because it happens virtually every time that I fail to finish an encounter with the first volley, I get killed. I have to say that on a few occasions it's happened in reverse, even when I didn't think I'd made a clean hit. Anyone else experienced anything similar.
  20. Oldninja

    Vigor Feed Back

    I was dubious about the earlier comment regarding hits registering. Until this morning. I fired approx 30 bullets into an opponent who simply raised his weapon and took me out with one burst. I previously commented about 'super soldiers' with enhanced defence and attack attributes for testing purposes, but I think it must be a bug. It has happened a lot to me, and is independent of firing position. Now I'm convinced, it is affecting my approach to the game as I'm now not confident of getting a kill even when I have clear sight of unaware targets.
  21. Oldninja

    Game offline

    Fixed 13.23. Thanks.
  22. Oldninja

    Game offline

    Continually waiting for server from 12.01 GMT until now...
  23. Oldninja

    Dead area at the shelter

    Hi Roszomak9, I don't have the name oldninja by accident. I am getting on a bit and lack the technical ability to do what you ask. I'll add a little more detail. . Enter the firing range and face the forward. Using the compass at the top of the screen turn to face right until the centre of the compass shows south, south. East, ie. between south and south east. You will be looking at a tall rock. Climb up the rock to the very top and position yourself facing due south. There will be a tree just to your left and undergrowth to your right. Step forward until you fall on the west of the tree. You will find it impossible to jump out and if your not waiting for a game to start, you will need to close the game and restart. Hope that helps.
  24. If you head for the practice range and face south south east, there is a tall rock. I use it to give me alternative angles for shooting practice. There is a tree adjacent to it. If you happen the fall down on the shelter side of said tree, you are in a 'trap' that you can only escape from by exiting the game and restarting. I doubt it's deliberate, but maybe something to look at redesigning.
  25. Oldninja

    Character Reset at Launch

    Valid comment. I would appreciate some guidance from the Devs, as it would completely change my approach to the game.