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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    Reward for early adopters

    Been thinking even more about the threat of character reset, and me (and a lot of others) losing the progress that has been so hard won. Firstly, the cost of the pre release game is peanuts, so any tight wad hanging about for the FTP release deserves to be at a disadvantage. Secondly, all of us who stumped up for the pre release version deserve to keep what we've earned. And I mean everything. And finally, there is no technical reason to reset anyone. So there it is. My vote is for no resets. Reward your paid up early adopters.
  2. Oldninja


    I love this game. Lack of communication and lack of progress in the development of the game is killing it. Every day I check YouTube videos uploaded in the last 24 hours, and everyday there are fewer, if any at all. . If you are serious about releasing this game in it's current form or in updated versions, please let us loyal followers know. . Lack of communication disheartens those who want this game to succeed. Give us news! Tell us your plans! . From the heart of a loyal player.
  3. Firstly, thanks for restoring my progress. Secondly, I now have no cross for picking loot/items up, harvesting from my log, herb gardens or scrap bin. Important to add that I can still pick stuff up by guessing the correct position. But more importantly during encounters I appear to be in a different reality to the other players. I have just emptied a clip into an opponent with no noticeable bleeding damage, yet he finished me. Will give it one more try to confirm the phenonemom. If there is a problem with my restore, feel free to reset me, it was quite good fun for the majority of yesterday, starting from scratch again. And soon we will all be reset anyway.
  4. Oldninja

    Problem after character restore

    Following reinstallation I can now pick things up again, but no X appears.
  5. Oldninja

    Problem after character restore

    Just tried another encounter on the Grontheim Valley map, and couldn't actually pick anything up. If you can't fix the problem with the X manifesting itself, then reset me, as I can't play the game as it stands. . In the interim I plan to delete the game and reinstall to see if that helps.
  6. Oldninja

    Problem after character restore

    What was mildly irritating is a now a nuisance. No cross for anything, either at the shelter of in encounter. Getting too time consuming and risky to try and guess the correct position to collect stuff. Could you do something about it. Cheers.
  7. Oldninja

    Problem after character restore

    Again, scratch the drop problem. I don't get the cross, but if I wait long enough I can get the drop.
  8. Oldninja

    Problem after character restore

    Just found out that without the cross I can't pick up the drop!
  9. Oldninja

    Problem after character restore

    Another problem has appeared. In 3 of my last 6 encounters I have spawned into the game as a basic character. No weapons, ammo etc. Must have happened to others as I made for an exit point and arrived at the same time as another player. He too had the basic outfit and clearly no weapons as we stood and looked at each other until we left the encounter.
  10. Oldninja

    Problem after character restore

    Scratch the issue with hits not registering. Just took out a duo to take the vault. No problems with hits registering this time.
  11. Oldninja

    Character reset

    I have to say I'm more than a little disappointed by the reset. Not a dickie bird from the Devs about it. Have all current players been reset? Just certain players, if so why, and what was the criteria? Not good at all. Give your loyal players some information please.
  12. Oldninja

    Character reset

    This is really weird. In my last 2 games I lost the cross for collecting loot. Could still pick it up but had to guess the right position to do so. Slowed things down a bit but no real biggy. Thought I would close the game and restart. Didn't notice initially, but to my surprise my original profile had been restored! Anyone else had their profile restored? Can only assume a server error caused the earlier reset. Thank God for a robust Backup and Recovery Policy....
  13. Oldninja

    Character Reset

    Can we get some guidance please. Is this reset due to the imminent release of the F2P version or a general tidy up player profiles. Thanks in advance.
  14. I have recently been focussing on supply drops to hopefully get the svu plan. It appears that every 3 crates you get one plan, a different colour for outfit items, gloves, gun parts, limited resources or materials and other items. My complaint - Since managing to pick up quite a few crates I picked up plans I already had and no parts for the rarer weapons. My suggestion - each crate should contain more. One plan, a selection of weapons or a greater number of weapon parts, more resources and materials and a clothing item/colour. As it stands, the vault is worth more to me. Make the drop more lucrative, and make it so the player doesn't get multiple plans for the same weapons and ammo. . Just to add, that I have on quite a few occasions picked up 2 crates as I assume the longer the wait for an encounter, the more likely duo's are included. I have no problem with that, but hope in the long run duo's have their own encounters.
  15. I always carry a bayonet/knife for each encounter in the event of any close combat. I tried to use one on the dummy on the range, but no effect. Could you make it so the dummy emulates bayonet/knife damage as it does with firearms. It would help in determining with bayonet/knife does the most damage.
  16. Read your post with interest, but how would your suggestions impact me. I don't want to play as a duo, I don't want to be in a clan or 4 man team and I have no interest in raiding other shelters. I simply want to play solo, get the most I can out of each encounter, build up my components and upgrade my shelter. However boring you might consider that approach, if your suggestions disadvantage me and the way I want to play the game, then I'm against them.
  17. Have to agree with the inconsistency. It's possible to jump from second floor (1st floor for those across the pond) windows and balconies, but a smaller drop when moving around the general terrain results in damage. Also, the sound effect (groan sound) appears to be random rather than related to the size of the jump/drop, and can give you away when flanking another player.
  18. I appreciate that in a similar fashion to weapons and ammo, some resources are rarer and therefore more difficult to stockpile. But I am now looking to get to level 10 and will need over 150 chemicals and significantly more fertilizer to do so. As I deconstruct weapon parts that I don't need, and built the upgrades that provide materials, I now have over 200k of materials. More than I will ever need for building weapons and ammo. Could it not be possible to buy resources, at a considerably higher cost than the number of materials that are recovered from deconstructing them. For instance, 10 chemicals deconstructed can get you 1000 materials. If the multiplier is set to 10, then 10 chemicals would cost 10000 materials to purchase. Anyone else in a similar position who supports this concept?
  19. Oldninja

    Strange Encounter

    On Dverg map I was exiting along the road at the top of the map when I spotted a bushwacker. Diverted left behind the last building to the river, to move as far north as I could before cutting inland to get the exit. Just as I started to move away from the river I spotted another player just standing there. I moved towards the player but he never moved. As I wanted to get off the map I despatched him with a quick burst. He left no equipment or loot or box. Carried on and left the map, but wondered about the player. Did he enter the encounter unarmed and not bother to loot, or was it a glitch?
  20. Oldninja

    Random Map

    After the latest update I spent several hours this afternoon playing the latest version. Have to say that initially I was not too keen on the random Map change, however after a number of encounters I got used to it, and have to say I quite like it. Is this the future of the game? And if so will am I right to assume there be additional maps. I have two other items of feedback. 1. Having exited a recent encounter with a supply crate, I have to say I was disappointed that the contents were inversely proportional to the effort and anxiety required to get it. Could I suggest that a future update increases the amount of loot in the supply drop. 2. Where do I get my hands on plans. I have, by luck managed to pick up a couple of weapon and bullet plans, from where I can't recall. But never found any medical plans. Perhaps they could be a little more plentiful.
  21. Yet again had someone clearly in my sights and fired around 30 rounds into them. No effect at all. I am officially fed up with the bug, and am off to Moscow for a long visit to the Metro. Will pop back now and then to see if it's sorted.
  22. Oldninja

    Hits not registering

    Happened again @16.15 GMT today. Moved towards the drop zone and took up a good position under the decking adjacent to the top right exit at Fisk (next to the under decking walkway some use the get off the map a little more covertly). The drop landed on the very next decking, slightly beyond the far edge of the building on the deck. I watched the player take the drop and start to head my way. Before the player got to jump the rail and into my sights, he was attacked by another player. I let them resolve their encounter, which the player with the drop won. The player reversed his route and went anti clockwise around the building to the position of the player he'd despatched to take his loot and equipment. At this point the player was directly in my sights and I ended up emptying my magazine into him (72 rounds in two bursts). No effect, and the way the player behaved it was as though he hadn't even heard, let alone felt my barrage. The player calmly moved around the building to use the traditional exit down the steps left the match. Not sure why this should happen. My observation is that maybe in certain places, the game mechanics assume that in the design of some structures which have spaces below them, the solid wall of the building above continues into the ground below. And although it is not visible, bullets might not be passing, but players can. There was no red sight to indicate an obstacle, as is normal when there is an obstacle between yourself and a target, so I assume there is some conflict in either the design of structures or the coding. I have no idea how you plan and prepare your test scripts in relation to your URS and FS, but I would certainly recommend some additional testing in and around a reasonable sample of structures on the maps, to determine if there is a pattern to my observation, or if the problem lies elsewhere.
  23. Oldninja

    Hits not registering

    It's been mentioned before, and it's just happened to me. I know I hit the player many times as he exited a building, and as he ran down the centre of the building to exit, I couldn't really miss. Yet no effect he just ran off. I was that close I could see there was no blood effect on him, confirming that non of my hits registered.
  24. Oldninja

    Founders Pack

    I bought this game in early December. Do I qualify for the items in the founders Pack?
  25. Oldninja

    Friendly Suggestions

    It's an interesting concept, but for a confirmed single player who has absolutely no interest in playing Duo, team or be a member of a clan, how would it impact my gameplay. If the concept of clans leaves me as a single player at a disadvantage then I'm against it.