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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    Update to V1.0.0.44091

    Wouldn't mind too much about the delay in the game getting up again, but when they initiated it during the encounter I was playing, the game kind of semi crashed whilst I was in the middle of a gunfight. Could not move or fire properly. Lost a G3, a bayonet and ammo. Just bad luck I assume.
  2. Oldninja

    weapon blueprints

    I understand that blueprints should be extra hard to get your hands on. But I've looked in the expected loot from crates section, and there is only one weapon blueprint across them all. As the latest update isn't working I can't confirm, but it is in an extremely rare crate that would cost a lot of crowns to boost in an encounter, with no guarantee of actually getting it. Why not offer crates for certain levels of food donations and provide more in the challenges. This would encourage outlanders to continue to improve their shelter even after reaching level 13, and take more chances/be more aggressive in/and play more encounters.
  3. Oldninja

    Map glitch

    Same thing happens under the building next to the exit at the north of the map.
  4. Oldninja

    Anyone else get really mad?

    I feel you... (Sound like the ghoul in Good Neighbor) Just restarted after the 'necessary' reset. Have to say the perks for progress made before the reset are good. However, I'm using the Thompson subby, and when kneeling or in full prone, my head gets in the way of the sights. I'll take a screenshot to illustrate. Hasn't yet happened with other weapons but we'll see as time goes on. Enjoying starting again actually, lots of new players seem to have taken to the game which makes each encounter interesting. Love the challenges.
  5. Oldninja

    Map glitch

    Just had a similar experience on Fisk. Under the two buildings half in and half out of the water in the North East of the map. Got into snipping position under the decking and couldn't move out or in. Sitting duck.
  6. Oldninja


    Hi Spartandan, While the game is still in development mode, there will be occasions when duo's enter a single player encounter. All about cutting extended wait times. Once the game goes live this shouldn't happen. It can be frustrating, but also very satisfying if you can manage to take out a duo.
  7. Oldninja

    The good, the bad, the Vigor.

    Hi TGR, You make a very valid point, and you have in my view uncovered a probable cheat. The Devs need to address it.
  8. Oldninja


    Hi Pyrit, Also share this with the team. Lots of us players enjoy single player encounters, so if you plan to take on clan suggestions, ensure it doesn't impact the single player experience.
  9. Oldninja

    Changelog 0.8.37667

    Just to feedback that one gun part still takes one inventory slot. To be clear, 5 Thompson SM parts will need 5 inventory slots.
  10. Hi Devs, Just watched a video on YouTube by Boris 15. Apparently the full release has been delayed. Not really surprised, as it's key to the games progress to get it to 90/10 or better. Wouldn't it have been nice to announce it on here first. The guys and gals on this forum are loyal players and deserve the update directly, rather than from a guy on YouTube who's only uploaded one Vigor clip since the 0.8 update. And that clip was the delay announcement!
  11. Oldninja

    Full FtP release delayed.

    Fair enough. I withdraw my complaint. But couldn't find the post you mention!
  12. Oldninja

    Impenetrable bushes

    Interesting comments. I've actually taken players out who were hiding in bushes and been done myself. The only 'bush' that might stop a bullet, are those hedges on the Fiske map that you can't run through, and seem to have the same consistency as fences. Not come across any others that stop movement or bullets. Any screenshots available of the offending bush or what map it was on?
  13. Oldninja

    The Inevitable Character Wipe

    Hi Lerch, You make some good points. Technically I'm not even sure a character reset is necessary. Please have a read of some of my earlier posts on this issue. I would welcome your views. .
  14. Oldninja

    Message to the Devs

    Message to the Devs. In a pre retirement life I led the Global Q&C Group in the Enterprise IS function for a major blue chip pharma company. I'm interested in how you test this game. There have been a lot of comments on this forum that I don't see much progress on. I can appreciate that there are maybe a number of projects you're involved with, and therefore maybe you don't have the bandwidth to resolve all the problems raised in relation to this title. Don't forget that you have a loyal and committed group who, I'm sure, would happily help you test identified issues and your proposed resolutions. I would expect that you have a sandbox or test server, and by utilising your loyal players in that environment, improvements could be resolved more quickly. I don't know how you plan and carry out testing currently, but I for one would be happy to help.
  15. Oldninja


    Hi Taatham, Your comments are accurate and if you trawl the forum you will see these issues raised numerous times. See my Message to the Devs. There is a user base that I believe are willing to help get this game to where it needs to be to succeed. Devs - use it.
  16. Oldninja

    Awful hitboxes

    Also super agree.... Read my message to the Devs. I really want this game to succeed. I've gamed since games began and this game excites me, as it appeals to my preferences. Resource management, PvP, tactics....
  17. Oldninja

    What this game can be.

    Oops Spell checker kicked in. I know your name is not Amanda.... sorry
  18. Oldninja

    Not ready for release

    Hi Andy, You make valid points, all of which have been experienced by the current crop of players. All I would say is that the Devs are aware and I'm convinced the game will become more stable prior to final F2P release. Which I don't believe will be 1st quarter 2019 as previously predicted!
  19. Oldninja


    Hi Hham, I agree with your comment on weapon development via blueprints, and I tried to get that across, maybe not as elocently as I'd have liked. I also agree with your view on the cost of a loot/ drop boost. I believe the Devs will also agree when they look at the stats. If for instance a step increase cost 10 crowns, I could see the boosts really being used more. But time and stats will tell.
  20. Oldninja


    Hi Hham, I'm not sure Lerch is making his comments personal. He seems, however aggressively, to be articulating an alternative point of view. I'm sure that's just his style and is not meant to be personal. Don't let that stop you making your views known to the forum, as I agree with a lot of what you both write. All feedback will help the Devs understand the feelings of the players, so keep those comments coming. Keep the faith.
  21. Oldninja

    What this game can be.

    Hi Amanda, I've watched some EfT videos on YouTube, and have to say it looks good. But, I don't see a need to change this game into a copy of it. My comments on the suggestions you make. There needs to be a economy system to pay back development costs and the current system is a good start. I can see no need for NPC's. PvP works well for me. I like the current system. Having the ability to change both airdrop and radiation direction works for me. Game timing is fine and encourages haste to collect loot and get to vault and drop. No need to change. Traders are a good idea, but just for consumables not weapon enhancement. No armour or customisable weapons for me or we will get into a pay to win scenario. I think all comments on improving the game are welcome, and as always I invite other players to add their views on the thread.
  22. Oldninja


    Hi Hham, Read your thread with interest and respect your views. I to am a little concerned with the games direction. So much so that I have made comments about in game issues, server reliability and economy settings. The first 2 can be resolved through game development and server resilience, but the economy issues seem to point not necessarily towards pay the win, but pay to upgrade your shelter and improve weaponry (and therefore your chances to loot more productively in each encounter). Let me explain. In other threads I have mentioned the number of successful encounters and loot hauls needed to achieve certain updates. The only way to speed up that process is to employ loot boosters. The other thing I have noticed is that although during encounters you are able to carry lots more wire, metal parts etc per inventory slot, the amount of rarer stuff per inventory slot hasn't changed in relation. Also, gun parts. Now each part you find fills an inventory slot, where before I recall it would take 5 parts to fill a slot. All this means is you have to be a lot more selective on what you carry, ultimately slowing down your overall progress. I built up a large amount of items by deconstructing gun parts I wasn't going to use. This helped me produce weapons and ammo that I did want to use. With the latest update, even the originally basic Suomi is more expensive, and requires you to be at a higher level than before to fabricate. Also the scrap value of weapons and parts has decreased considerably, all this supports my arguement that the game is encouraging players to buy crowns to employ loot boosters to achieve the necessary updates to shelter and weaponry that you will need to help you progress. When the game resets I for one will look very carefully at what is required for me to realise any meaningful progress without the need for loot boosters, and conversely, what help boosters can provide, given the obvious risk associated with each encounter. I appreciate that the Devs need an economy system that will make them some profit for their development efforts, but it has to be proportionate and still provide an experience for those who don't want to spend money. I would be happy to use crowns for outfits, say for instance a white winter soldier outfit, that helps you keep under cover on Dverg, or a full camo outfit for Fiske etc As always, happy for other viewpoints. It all helps the game develop. And after all is said, I do really enjoy this game.
  23. Oldninja

    New guns and return of the hand grenade?

    Sounds interesting, and I'm all for a wider variety of weapons, but not sure about grenades. Anyone else have any views on the possible addition of grenades?
  24. Oldninja

    4 man squads

    If 4 man squads is a popular theme then why not. But, same as my comments for duo's, keep segregated from those who prefer single player gaming.
  25. Oldninja

    Server trouble

    Sunday 24/03 Played from 11.00 to around 16.00. Three server timeouts, 2 very annoying as I had good loot. One failure to connect to vigor servers after a exiting an encounter where I had a full inventory. Couldn't get back into the game. Admittedly days like this are quite rare, but obviously something is not working as well as it should. So it's back to Moscow for an hour or so. Try Vigor again tomorrow.