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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja


    Gunter, You may outrank me, but you need a few of my beta blockers. The vast majority of outlanders bother to make comments because they want the game to prosper. Like me. But are frustrated at the apparent lack of interest shown by BI. I've posted before about vigors place in the BI world, as most other game projects their running with attract many more players. In reality this shouldn't be the issue as BI are taking outlanders money, and should therefore treat the game with the same level of importance. Some form of recognition of the issues, and some form of roadmap for fixing those issues would help everyone from forming the damaging opinion that BI isn't interested. Your input is appreciated.
  2. Oldninja

    Daily Challenges

    Hi Kuljack, Downloading as I type. Checked the gameplay on YouTube and it looks ok. Will give it a go, thanks for the tip.
  3. Oldninja

    Nerfed antenna.

    Absolutely Couratious.
  4. Oldninja

    Best places to find certain supplies in bulk?

    Hi Lerch, My comment re speaking from experience, referred to the fact that I was a bushwackee, not a bushwacker 😀 . On another note. This thread has become a very useful source of information.
  5. Hi Nat, Something new to this forum by the sound of it. A response from Bohemia would be handy right now.
  6. Oldninja

    Nerfed antenna.

    A seemingly knowledgeable source on a popular forum, which has a dedicated vigor section, posted a comment apparently attributed to Bohemia. The comment indicated that challenges would provide a greater frequency of crown rewards to make up for shortfall from the antenna. Had I received nothing but food reward challenges lately I could have believed it. . There seems to be a shortage of factual feedback from Bohemia, and lots of fake news regarding the attenna change.
  7. Oldninja

    Safe contents

    Would love to know what other outlanders think, but for me the safe is not worth the effort. Before the current update the safe contained more stuff than you could carry. This was achieved by adding a shed full of various ammo. This meant you couldn't just take all the contents because your inventory didn't have the room. You had to spend valuable time deciding what to take and what to leave, therefore upping the anxiety level. I think that was better. What do outlanders who experienced that version feel? And what do newer outlanders think?
  8. Oldninja

    people camping at exit spots

    Well said Fin, Great to see someone adapting to what is s completely legitimate tactic.
  9. Oldninja

    Hidden Post

    I've just spent time replying to an interesting thread. When I saved it the background of the text became purple and the post was tagged 'hidden'. Can anyone tell me how that happened and how I 'unhide' it?
  10. Oldninja

    Hidden Post

    Hi Dedmen, Thanks for reply. I had 2 showing hidden, can't recall to which original posts. I'm surprised the moderator didn't pick up on the recent torrent of abusive language posted yesterday. Can't recall by whom. Old age catching up with me memory.
  11. Hi Nat, It has been highlighted in earlier posts and can be frustrating. I have only once experienced losing a weapon at the range. I once went in with 2, did a few challenges and left with one! . I now only go to the range with one weapon and no ammo. I checked if I was losing ammo from my stash, and no. This approach seems to work. . On the other point, if I have a daily challenge at the range the overlay problem can be a help. For instance if you need to take out 5 targets in 15 seconds to get a bronze rating, the overlay means you just hit 3 (as there are 2 actual targets overlayed). Gets the challenge done in quick time.
  12. Welcome imiss, Your comments are appreciated. If you read through the posts already on here you will see that you are further reiterating issues that other outlanders have identified. It all helps in highlighting the issues the Devs need to prioritise in future updates. If anyone within the Bohemia organisation actually reads them!
  13. Valid and sensible comments Lerch. . I do tend to find it frustrating that Bohemia doesn't appear to take sensible comments from gamers with varying levels of gaming and life experience seriously. . But I will continue to keep faith with Vigor.
  14. Oldninja


    Hi guys, I feel your frustration. I have played vigor now for around a year or so and have mostly tried to encourage the Devs as opposed to open criticism. But I'm not sure the latest attenna update is their best work (should it actually be a permanent change). I thought about why they would do this and came to a couple of possible conclusions :- 1. As everyone is currently suggesting, to encourage the purchase of more crowns to make up the shortfall. As I mentioned in another thread, it now takes me 6 days to earn a loot boost from the attenna as opposed to 2 before. 2. To slow outlanders progress! Yes I considered this could be valid, as from my point of view, and I suspect a lot of outlanders are in a similar position. My shelter is level 13, my bench is level 13, I have all the weapon plans I want and I have more than enough materials to continue upgrading to give me more food, metal parts etc. . To maintain my interest I do my challenges and set my own. I won't share the challenges I set myself as that could obviously compromise them when I'm seen in the pre encounter lobby. But the point I'm labouring to make in 2. Is this. Maybe the Devs want to slow everyone down while future updates are being prepared. If many outlanders are losing the incentive to keep playing as they are in a similar position to me, then the player base will diminish. For instance, if each encounter is boosted to say 300% then there is enough loot in that encounter to fill every outlanders inventory, if not then searching for loot means more outlanders don't get to leave the encounter, so less loot all around. Less loot all round then slower progress at the shelter. Slower progress at the shelter, then more incentive to play! . Alternatively, they could have just set loot levels lower and left the antenna as it was.... Just throwing thoughts into the mix.
  15. Oldninja

    Reimbursement for glitched terrain?

    Once again, I wish to be associated with the comments made by The Lerch.
  16. I wish to be associated with the comments posted by the Lerch.
  17. Oldninja


    Hi Cry, I understand your point, but spawning is for all intents and purposes, random. So there will be times when you will spawn close enough to the Comms or Tower to take advantage. I know it can be frustrating when you don't. I had a challenge to reveal 15 outlanders using the radio tower. It took ages as I was spawning no where near it. Then all of a sudden, 2 consecutive encounters I spawned on top of it and quickly completed the challenge.
  18. Oldninja

    Meet the Team

    Hi Pyrit, How about a piece on Nikolas Lazar. You know, the guy who wrote the book and left it on the shelf above the fire. His profile on LinkedIn looked interesting.
  19. Oldninja

    Meet the Team

    And yes your right. I have too much spare time....
  20. Oldninja

    Best places to find certain supplies in bulk?

    Be careful exposing your favourite locations Lerch. You may be putting a big target on your back if people see you in the lobby whilst waiting for encounters to start! The spot you mention on Viktorsen is a bushwhackers dream. I speak from experience...
  21. Oldninja

    Nerfed antenna.

    Many thanks for the clarification Lerch. There has been a lot of adverse publicity regarding this issue across various forums. Hopefully things will revert to normal shortly.
  22. Oldninja

    Nerfed antenna.

    If I understand things, this thread is in relation to the lowering of rewards from the attenna. What on earth prompted that ill considered move. I earned a loot boost ever 2 days, now it's 6 days. I will not be purchasing crowns to make up the shortfall. I've posted before, and in great detail about how to encourage more revenue by dropping the cost of crowns. But you seem to be moving in completely the opposite direction. Lowering the rewards from the attenna will not make outlanders purchase more crowns from the shop. As you can see from posts across various forums, it has frustrated a large proportion of your player base. I would ask that you actually read my earlier posts on the subject and share the reasoning with whoever has the financial decision making authority for this game.
  23. Oldninja


    Whilst I agree some outlanders camp the signal detector, I believe it is an acceptable tactic. However you get your loot/kills during an encounter is simply down to the tactics you chose to use. I'm not a supporter of any changes to the game which would restrict the choice of tactics.
  24. Oldninja

    Monthly/bi weekly duo challenge

    Hi Cry, I like the idea of rewards for topping statistic charts. It won't please the wife as I'll never be off me Xbox. However, I did highlight in a previous post about a kill bug/anomaly which could effect number of kills. A list of recommended stats would be good to develop. I would start with the following. Weekly :- Number of kills Total crates collected Safe openings Uses of comm station Number of outlanders identified by radio tracker Food donation Safe returns - 1st, 2nd & 3rd get crowns or crates. . Add whatever else you feel is worth rewarding.
  25. I have read many outlanders tales of disconnects and loot losses between exiting the encounter and getting back to the shelter.. Until today it had never happened to me. I now consider myself very fortunate, as the annoyance when it happened to me was very nearly off the scale. I now have complete empathy with outlanders who have experienced these random disconnects. Losing a shed full of useful loot is an extremely frustrating experience. I lost no weapons or ammo, as I tend to loot naked, but managed to keep hold of the 2 bayonets I found, but when I checked, the Loot and food I picked up to nearly complete my daily challenges had disappeared. Hopefully the resilience issues will be resolved.