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Posts posted by Markkos26

  1. On 4/15/2015 at 7:41 PM, Zenophon said:

    It works in the script's old test mission, which I've kept all this time, with this code in the leader of an AI group's init field:


    0 = [getPosATL this, units group this, -1, true, false] execVM "Zen_OccupyHouse.sqf"


    My first guess for why it doesn't work is the buildings in Bornholm. This script relies upon predefined building positions to place units (where you see lines drawn when commanding AI in a building). If there are too few or none of these (or the building isn't enterable), the script has nowhere to move the units. The script assumes that all buildings have some positions because enterable buildings are standard on Altis.

    If this is the issue, for partially enterable buildings the solution is to generate valid positions manually. The point of this script is that the units look out windows. My framework's Zen_FindBuildingPositions function will generate positions, but you'd need to check each one for having a decent view outside the building. The time to compute positions and the success rate of the script would be significantly worse, as many predetermined building positions tend to be near windows.


    Cant make this work in a mission like Warlords. Seems to be that units to be spawned (not placed in editor) are not affected by the script. Any idea please?

  2. On 8/11/2019 at 11:20 AM, sabot10.5mm said:

    made a small change to JBOY UpDown script.  added a logic statement that lockouts further while loops from exec if one is already running. then removes EH based on eventhandler index id for the unit 

      Reveal hidden contents
    // Infantry Occupy House
    // by Zenophon
    // Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
    // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
    // Teleports the units to random windows of the building(s) within the distance
    // Faces units in the right direction and orders them to stand up or crouch on a roof
    // Units will only fill the building to as many positions as there are windows
    // Multiple buildings can be filled either evenly or to the limit of each sequentially
    // Usage : Call, execVM
    // Params: 1. Array, the building(s) nearest this position is used
    //         2. Array of objects, the units that will garrison the building(s)
    //  (opt.) 3. Scalar, radius in which to fill building(s), -1 for only nearest building, (default: -1)
    //  (opt.) 4. Boolean, true to put units on the roof, false for only inside, (default: false)
    //  (opt.) 5. Boolean, true to fill all buildings in radius evenly, false for one by one, (default: false)
    //  (opt.) 6. Boolean, true to fill from the top of the building down, (default: false)
    //  (opt.) 7. Boolean, true to order AI units to move to the position instead of teleporting, (default: false)
    // Return: Array of objects, the units that were not garrisoned
    #define I(X) X = X + 1;
    #define EVAL(X) (X call _comparator)
    #define EYE_HEIGHT 1.53
    #define CHECK_DISTANCE 5
    #define FOV_ANGLE 10
    #define ROOF_CHECK 4
    #define ROOF_EDGE 2
    private ["_center", "_units", "_buildingRadius", "_putOnRoof", "_fillEvenly", "_Zen_ExtendPosition", "_buildingsArray", "_buildingPosArray", "_buildingPositions", "_posArray", "_unitIndex", "_j", "_building", "_posArray", "_randomIndex", "_housePos", "_startAngle", "_i", "_checkPos", "_hitCount", "_isRoof", "_edge", "_k", "_unUsedUnits", "_array", "_sortHeight", "_Zen_InsertionSort", "_Zen_ArrayShuffle", "_doMove"];
    _center = _this param [0, [0,0,0], [[]], 3];
    _units = _this param [1, [objNull], [[]]];
    _buildingRadius = _this param [2, -1, [0]];
    _putOnRoof = _this param [3, false, [true]];
    _fillEvenly = _this param [4, false, [true]];
    _sortHeight = _this param [5, false, [true]];
    _doMove = _this param [6, false, [true]];
    if (_center isEqualTo [0,0,0]) exitWith {
        player sideChat str "Zen_Occupy House Error : Invalid position given.";
        diag_log "Zen_Occupy House Error : Invalid position given.";
    if ((count _units == 0) || {isNull (_units select 0)}) exitWith {
        player sideChat str "Zen_Occupy House Error : No units given.";
        diag_log "Zen_Occupy House Error : No units given.";
    _Zen_ExtendPosition = {
        private ["_center", "_dist", "_phi"];
        _center = _this select 0;
        _dist = _this select 1;
        _phi = _this select 2;
        ([(_center select 0) + (_dist * (cos _phi)),(_center select 1) + (_dist * (sin _phi)), (_this select 3)])
    _Zen_InsertionSort = {
        private ["_i", "_j", "_count", "_array", "_element", "_value", "_comparator"];
        _array = _this select 0;
        _comparator = _this select 1;
        _count = count _array - 1;
        if (count _array == 0) exitWith {};
        for "_i" from 1 to _count step 1 do {
            scopeName "forI";
            _element = _array select _i;
            _value = EVAL(_element);
            for [{_j = _i}, {_j >= 1}, {_j = _j - 1}] do {
                if (_value > EVAL(_array select (_j - 1))) then {
                    breakTo "forI";
                _array set [_j, _array select (_j - 1)];
            _array set [_j, _element];
        if (true) exitWith {};
    _Zen_ArrayShuffle = {
        private ["_array", "_j", "_i", "_temp"];
        _array = _this select 0;
        if (count _array > 1) then {
            for "_i" from 0 to (count _array - 1) do {
                    _j = _i + floor random ((count _array) - _i);
                    _temp = _array select _i;
                    _array set [_i, (_array select _j)];
                    _array set [_j, _temp];
        if (true) exitWith {};
    if (_buildingRadius < 0) then {
        _buildingsArray = [nearestBuilding _center];
    } else {
        _buildingsArray0 = nearestObjects [_center, ["house"], _buildingRadius];
        _buildingsArray1 = nearestObjects [_center, ["building"], _buildingRadius];
        _buildingsArray = _buildingsArray0 arrayIntersect _buildingsArray1;
    if (count _buildingsArray == 0) exitWith {
        player sideChat str "Zen_Occupy House Error : No buildings found.";
        diag_log "Zen_Occupy House Error : No buildings found.";
    _buildingPosArray = [];
    0 = [_buildingsArray] call _Zen_ArrayShuffle;
        _posArray = [];
        for "_i" from 0 to 1000 do {
            if ((_x buildingPos _i) isEqualTo [0,0,0]) exitWith {};
            _posArray pushBack (_x buildingPos _i);
        _buildingPosArray pushBack _posArray;
    } forEach _buildingsArray;
    if (_sortHeight) then {
            0 = [_x, {-1 * (_this select 2)}] call _Zen_InsertionSort;
        } forEach _buildingPosArray;
    } else {
            0 = [_x] call _Zen_ArrayShuffle;
        } forEach _buildingPosArray;
    _unitIndex = 0;
    for [{_j = 0}, {(_unitIndex < count _units) && {(count _buildingPosArray > 0)}}, {I(_j)}] do {
        scopeName "for";
        _building = _buildingsArray select (_j % (count _buildingsArray));
        _posArray = _buildingPosArray select (_j % (count _buildingPosArray));
        if (count _posArray == 0) then {
            _buildingsArray deleteAt (_j % (count _buildingsArray));
            _buildingPosArray deleteAt (_j % (count _buildingPosArray));
        while {(count _posArray) > 0} do {
            scopeName "while";
            if (_unitIndex >= count _units) exitWith {};
            _housePos = _posArray select 0;
            _posArray deleteAt 0;
            _housePos = [(_housePos select 0), (_housePos select 1), (_housePos select 2) + (getTerrainHeightASL _housePos) + EYE_HEIGHT];
            _startAngle = (round random 10) * (round random 36);
            for "_i" from _startAngle to (_startAngle + 350) step 10 do {
                _checkPos = [_housePos, CHECK_DISTANCE, (90 - _i), (_housePos select 2)] call _Zen_ExtendPosition;
                if !(lineIntersects [_checkPos, [_checkPos select 0, _checkPos select 1, (_checkPos select 2) + 25], objNull, objNull]) then {
                    if !(lineIntersects [_housePos, _checkPos, objNull, objNull]) then {
                        _checkPos = [_housePos, CHECK_DISTANCE, (90 - _i), (_housePos select 2) + (CHECK_DISTANCE * tan FOV_ANGLE)] call _Zen_ExtendPosition;
                        if !(lineIntersects [_housePos, _checkPos, objNull, objNull]) then {
                            _hitCount = 0;
                            for "_k" from 30 to 360 step 30 do {
                                _checkPos = [_housePos, 20, (90 - _k), (_housePos select 2)] call _Zen_ExtendPosition;
                                if (lineIntersects [_housePos, _checkPos, objNull, objNull]) then {
                                if (_hitCount >= ROOF_CHECK) exitWith {};
                            _isRoof = (_hitCount < ROOF_CHECK) && {!(lineIntersects [_housePos, [_housePos select 0, _housePos select 1, (_housePos select 2) + 25], objNull, objNull])};
                            if (!(_isRoof) || {((_isRoof) && {(_putOnRoof)})}) then {
                                if (_isRoof) then {
                                    _edge = false;
                                    for "_k" from 30 to 360 step 30 do {
                                        _checkPos = [_housePos, ROOF_EDGE, (90 - _k), (_housePos select 2)] call _Zen_ExtendPosition;
                                        _edge = !(lineIntersects [_checkPos, [(_checkPos select 0), (_checkPos select 1), (_checkPos select 2) - EYE_HEIGHT - 1], objNull, objNull]);
                                        if (_edge) exitWith {
                                            _i = _k;
                                if (!(_isRoof) || {_edge}) then {
                                    (_units select _unitIndex) doWatch ([_housePos, CHECK_DISTANCE, (90 - _i), (_housePos select 2) - (getTerrainHeightASL _housePos)] call _Zen_ExtendPosition);
                                    (_units select _unitIndex) disableAI "TARGET";
                                    if (_doMove) then {
                                        (_units select _unitIndex) doMove ASLToATL ([(_housePos select 0), (_housePos select 1), (_housePos select 2) - EYE_HEIGHT]);
                                    } else {
                                        (_units select _unitIndex) setPosASL [(_housePos select 0), (_housePos select 1), (_housePos select 2) - EYE_HEIGHT];
                                        (_units select _unitIndex) setDir _i;
                                        doStop (_units select _unitIndex);
                                        (_units select _unitIndex) forceSpeed 0;
                                   //** JBOY_UpDown by JohnnyBoy //*/
                                    #define JBOY_UpDown \
                                        if ((_this select 0) getVariable ["FIREDLOCKOUT", false]) exitWith {}; \
                                        (_this select 0) setVariable ["FIREDLOCKOUT", true]; \
                                        if (!isServer)  exitWith {}; \
                                        _dude = _this select 0; \
                                        _stances = _this select 1; \
                                        _ehid = (_dude getVariable "EHID"); \
                                        _dude removeEventHandler ["FiredNear",_ehid]; \
                                        while {alive _dude} do { \
                                            if ((unitPos _dude) == (_stances select 0)) then { \
                                                _dude setUnitPos (_stances select 1); \
                                            } else { \
                                                _dude setUnitPos (_stances select 0); \
                                            }; \
                                            sleep 5 + (random 2); \
                                        if (_isRoof) then {
                                        	(_units select _unitIndex) setUnitPos "MIDDLE";
                                           _eh = (_units select _unitIndex) addEventHandler ["FiredNear",{[(_this select 0),["DOWN","MIDDLE"]] spawn {JBOY_UpDown};}];
                                        	(_units select _unitIndex) setVariable ["EHID", _eh];
                                        } else {
                                        	(_units select _unitIndex) setUnitPos "UP";
                                           _eh = (_units select _unitIndex) addEventHandler ["FiredNear",{[(_this select 0),["UP","MIDDLE"]] spawn {JBOY_UpDown};}];
                                           (_units select _unitIndex) setVariable ["EHID", _eh];
                                    if (_fillEvenly) then {
                                        breakTo "for";
                                    } else {
                                        breakTo "while";
    if (_doMove) then {
        0 = [_units, _unitIndex] spawn {
            _units = _this select 0;
            _unitIndex = _this select 1;
            _usedUnits = [];
            for "_i" from 0 to (_unitIndex - 1) do {
                _usedUnits pushBack (_units select _i);
            while {count _usedUnits > 0} do {
                sleep 1;
                _toRemove =  [];
                    if (unitReady _x) then {
                        doStop _x;
                        _x forceSpeed 0;
                        _toRemove pushBack _forEachIndex;
                } forEach _usedUnits;
                    _usedUnits deleteAt (_x - _forEachIndex);
                } forEach _toRemove;
            if (true) exitWith {};
    _unUsedUnits = [];
    for "_i" from _unitIndex to (count _units - 1) step 1 do {
        _unUsedUnits pushBack (_units select _i);
    // Changelog
    // 7/21/15
        // 1. Added: Error reporting for invalid position and unit array arguments
        // 1. Added: Check and error report if no buildings are found
        // 3. Improved: Parameters 3, 4, and 5 are now optional and check for the correct type
        // 4. Improved: Parameters 6 and 7 check for the correct type
        // 5. Improved: AI should now stay in place better (thanks to JohnnyBoy)
    // 7/6/15
        // 1. Added: AI now take cover when fired upon (credit to JohnnyBoy)
        // 2. Added: Parameter to order the AI to move to their position
        // 3. Improved: The order of buildings filled is now random
        // 4. Improved: A few minor optimizations
    // 6/30/15
        // 1. Added: Parameter to fill buildings from top to bottom
        // 2. Improved: Optimized
    // 7/31/14
        // 1. Added: Parameter to cycle through each building in the radius, giving units to each one
        // 2. Improved: Units on roof are only placed at the edge, and face the edge
        // 3. Improved: Optimized roof check
        // 4. Improved: General script cleanup
    // 7/28/14
        // 1. Fixed: Units facing the wrong window
        // 2. Added: Parameter for distance to select multiple buildings
        // 3. Added: Parameter for units being on a roof
        // 4. Improved: Now checks that unit has a good FOV from the windows
        // 5. Improved: Units can no longer face a windows greater than 5 meters away
        // 6. Improved: Units on a roof now crouch
        // 7. Tweaked: Height of human eye to the exact value in ArmA
    // 7/24/14
        // Initial Release
    // Known Issues
        // None




    Can anyone help me put it on a warlords mission?

  3. 4 hours ago, Jezuro said:

    The Redux version will support singleplayer environment including saving your progress. It should ve possible to save and load the game in MP but this is disabled for now in the Workshop scenario.


    Which function can I extract from the init.sqf in warlords redux to put it in the warlords vanilla client and solve the lack of UI after load a saved mission.

  4. On 8/17/2019 at 4:50 PM, bombe said:


    Me and my friend wants to make a mission with saved CP.

    But we hurt some problems.
    We used player setVariable ["BIS_WL_funds", 10000, TRUE]; .

    But that give money to all players.... We used trigger to save-load in mission.
    Have you got some help to give us please ?

    Edit : We found the problem



    Could you find a way to save the game's progress including the cp? Can you teach me how to do it please?

  5. On 8/14/2019 at 3:59 PM, Jezuro said:

    If anyone is interested in trying out an early experimental version of Warlords Redux, feel free: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1834482266

    Any feedback provided will be most welcome.

    Definitely more interesting than the original warlords. But still the impossibility to save the state of the game and that does not allow you to regularly finish a game.


    It would be awesome to add base building and base moving features.


  6. On 7/25/2019 at 2:18 AM, Jezuro said:

    Saving is disabled in all vanilla Warlords scenarios by default.

    I know, I enabled it but dont know how to save the progress via TADST.

    I changed:

    if (isMultiplayer) then {
        enableSaving [TRUE, TRUE];

    but when I log in as an admin the save button still disabled.

  7. On 3/16/2019 at 2:51 PM, darrenin said:

    Hey think I ran into a bug running it on Single player.  after I save and exit the scenario when I come back in the Warlords dialog box ( to fast travel/ recruit/ sector scan etc.) doesn't show up when I press "I". Next the map will let me select the next sector but it doesn't show up on the map or have any hud elements ( showing sector control progress etc.). After capturing the next sector I then can no longer select the following sector so I can't advance. 


    I have noticed this with and without mods. basically it limits me to play through all at once or if I exit the scenario to come back later I am limited to only advancing for one more sector then get stuck. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    @darrenin could you solve this?

    I have the same problem for a long time and I can't solve it. 

  8. On 7/23/2019 at 8:43 PM, Markkos26 said:

    how can i make warlords save the progress with a persistent sever using TADST? please help me..

     I enabled "save game" in the settings when I created the mission but when I log as an admin and hit Esc the "save" option is greyed out. Im not using any mod.

  9. On 3/27/2019 at 7:28 PM, darrenin said:

    Any chance the single player UI-related script errors (after saved progress) will be resolved in the next update? 🙂 


    Could you solve this problem?
    @Jezuro Is there any temporary solution until the next update?

  10. On 3/25/2019 at 5:19 AM, Jezuro said:

    Not at this moment. I can give you a WIP changelog though:


    Changed: Subordinates limit increased to 3 for the 64-player Altis scenario
    Added: Long-range AA defense assets (SAM sites, radars)
    Added: Autonomous defences are now limited to 3 per player
    Tweaked: Cost of planes increased
    Changed: Most requested assets are now locked by default and can be unlocked either directly via Action menu or through the Strategy tab in the Request menu
    Added: Parameter for maximum Command Points
    Fixed: Various script errors
    Added: Custom offset parameter for Defences
    Added: Friendly fire protection for requested assets (first 3 minutes after being requested)

    Added: Unless their base is under attack, all playable units are now invulnerable after respawn until they leave the base (60 seconds maximum). - Iteration

    @Jezuro how can I set the limit of the subordinates per player?

  11. 3 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    You can add them. I consider Warlord as a framework. For example, you can spawn more indep, defending locations, then chasing enemies while warlord indep leave the lost sector and attempt to reach a contested one.

    if I add INDEP units inside buildings synced to a WLSector they would spawn when the WLSector get activated?
