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About Putteperser

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  1. Putteperser

    Arma 3 refuses to use anymore than 0.1Mbps

    Oddly enough my arma works fine now again, gave it a few days and now i can connect with no hassel.
  2. Putteperser

    Arma 3 refuses to use anymore than 0.1Mbps

    Hi and thank you for your reply, yes ive verified all the game files and its was all good according to steam, tbf didnt try the official ones and yes i could connect fine to thoose, but none other than the offical servers work for me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1s86umzbyqjg912/Arma 3 all rpt files.rar?dl=0 Here is all my RPT files thanks in advance!
  3. Hi im a veteran arma 3 player but i havent played for a good while. Now that i tried to get into a game on arma 3 again its impossible to join a server either because i get kicked before i even get into the lobby probaly because my too slow internet, or when i download the mission file it takes ages and in the end it kicks me again probaly because my internet is too slow. This isnt a problem anywhere else my steam uses full capacity of my internet and everything else does aswell, i have 100-100Mbps usually but on the system manager it says that arma 3 is only using 0,1Mbps. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Aswell it says my ping is fine around 40 on the servers i used to be on, but everything else is crap.