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Everything posted by LEXA_vole

  1. Hello there, How can I give AI a custom death animation. (from an addon) It's for my "cinematic movie" I tried to combine "IF statement" and "switchmove" for example " if _soldier1 alive false switchmove ....; But it didn't work properly. If anybody could help, I would appreciate. Thanks :)
  2. LEXA_vole

    Giving AI death animation ?

    I improvised... :D But thanks for the help :D
  3. Hi guys, can you help how to drop bomb from planes for AI. I need it to my scenario that they're bombing city. Thanks.
  4. Hello guys, I just want to make an aircraft shot down by flak with triggers. And I want to make it blow in mid air and lit the aircraft so it will look terryfing. Thanks for helping me. example :