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About Gts37

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  1. Gts37

    co10 Escape

    help please start the server correctly.
  2. Gts37

    co10 Escape

    I deleted but the server does not know what mission to run. It hangs and does not start. 13:02:20 Dedicated host created. 13:02:24 Host identity created. 13:02:24 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
  3. Gts37

    co10 Escape

    it's in my parameters - class Param_EnemySkill { title = "Enemy Skill"; values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; texts[] = {"Cadet", "Easy", "Normal", "Hard", "Extreme"}; default = 3; }; class Param_EnemyFrequency { title="Enemy Groupsize"; values[]={1,2,3}; texts[]={"Few (suitable for 1-3 players)", "Some (suitable for 4-6 players)", "A lot (suitable for 7-8 players)"}; default = 3; }; class Param_EnemySpawnDistance { title="Enemy Spawn Distance"; values[]={800,1050,1300}; texts[]={"Short (better performance)", "Medium", "Far (for good rigs)"}; default = 1300; }; class Param_VillageSpawnCount { title="Village Patrol Spawns"; values[]={80000, 40000, 10000}; texts[]={"Low (better performance)", "Medium", "High (Very demanding)"}; default = 10000;
  4. Gts37

    co10 Escape

    good day. I want to ask for help again. last time I asked for help to make more bots on missions, question marks. I ask for your help again. the fact is that I run the server through a bat file. and I did not have the opportunity to choose the difficulty of the game to enter the game. in bat file I have the following - echo. cd / C C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 Server escape color 0B echo Starting server ... timeout 0 start arma3server_x64.exe -high -enableHT -noPause -autoinit -nosplash -loadMissionToMemory -config = sys \ conf \ config.cfg -port = 2302 -profiles = sys -name = sys -name = co10_Escape echo. in a file a config - hostname = "ESCAPE GTS"; password = ""; passwordAdmin = ""; serverCommandPassword = ""; logFile = "server.log"; verifySignatures = 0; BattlEye = 0; requiredBuild = 141764; allowedLoadFileExtensions [] = {:}; allowedPreprocessFileExtensions [] = {"sqf"}; allowedHTMLLoadExtensions [] = {"html"}; motdInterval = 5; maxPlayers = 17; voteMissionPlayers = 1; voteThreshold = 0.33; allowedVoteCmds [] = {}; allowedVotedAdminCmds [] = {}; disableVoN = 0; vonCodecQuality = 30; persistent = 1; kickDuplicate = 1; equalModRequired = 0; kickClientsOnSlowNetwork = 0; timeStampFormat = "short"; onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)"; motd [] = {"Welcome to Arma 3 ESCAPE!"}; class Missions { class Escape { template = co10_Escape_BIS_NATO_vs_CSAT.Altis; difficulty = "Regular"; }; }; tell me what am i doing wrong? I still have 1-2 bots on the question marks. But patrols are OK. There are many patrols on the map. little only on missions.
  5. Gts37

    co10 Escape

    The fact is that I went to several co10 Escape servers and there were 5-8 bots on all servers on ComCenters, AmmoDepots and other points. I started the server but I only have 2 bots at each point. Did I do something wrong? Or am I not right setting up the server?
  6. Gts37

    co10 Escape

    help me add bots to missions. I have 2 bot on each question mark. thanks.