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Everything posted by black_hawk_mw2_87

  1. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Video From TV/Laptop/Screen

    That's exactly what I've tried, but I've got an error every time, although I do everything right. The error is: The script TV\tv_init.sqf is missing. I don't know why...
  2. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Main & Secondary Tasks

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH! This will definitely help me! :) I am going to use it for my new mission. That was REALLY helpful! Cheers!
  3. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Main & Secondary Tasks

    This is how I want it to work: -> Main Task: Destroy CSAT base - Destroy AA Guns - Destroy Arty When I destroy both AA and Arty, these 2 subtasks are completed. And the main task will be completed, too. All I am asking for is an example of how to do it. Some script or the mix of a script + the task modules. I know pretty much about normal tasks creation, but I want to try this way as well. Would you help me with that? :)
  4. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Main & Secondary Tasks

    Thank you for the answers, but I still don't get it. It looks so complicated to me... Would you place a little example of a script with different MAIN and SECONDARY tasks and tell me where to put it? I guess in the init.sqf file, but you'd better tell me. :)
  5. black_hawk_mw2_87

    OGV Video File Paths

    _video = ["\a3\missions_f_mark\video\marksman.ogv"] spawn bis_fnc_playVideo; waitUntil {scriptDone _video}; In Init.sqf or in description.sqf file?
  6. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Reset Targets via Laptop

    The targets still pop up after being hit in a few seconds. And the script can't work this way. It becomes useless because they pop up automatically, they don't stay down on the ground after the hit. Can you add anything else that could hold them on the ground after a hit? And can you add a second laptop with another script with a picture of a target on the screen showing where the bullet has hit? I saw that in the WS inside a template, but I don't know how to open the template and use it.
  7. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Hello, everyone! I am trying to create a task for my current mission using the data terminal (Land_DataTerminal_01_F) from Things/Military in the Eden editor. I am using a script in object's init field that automatically creates a task which Title and Description can be modified inside the script. This is the script I have used: MGITerminal1 = this; [MGITerminal1,"red","orange","green"] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalColor; MGITerminal1 addAction ["Activate terminal",{ MGITerminal1 removeAction (_this select 2); MGITerminal1 spawn { [_this,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 10; firstTask = ["task0", true, ["Description here","Title here",""],nil, "ASSIGNED", 0, true, true,"",true] call BIS_fnc_setTask; [MGITerminal1,0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate } }]; What I want to do is create a completed task using Create Task - Succeeded or Set Task State and a connected trigger that checks if the data terminal has been used or if I have interacted with the object itself that can be named for this purpose. Do you have any suggestions? Perhaps that could be a script that checks if another object is alive. I have used such scripts already, but how can I make it happen using one of these methods or anything else? Thank you in advance.
  8. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Absolutely and thank you very much! :)
  9. black_hawk_mw2_87


    How would this look like? :) I am trying to imagine that, but how about step by step? :)
  10. The example mission is no more available... I am trying to create a task for my current mission using the data terminal (Land_DataTerminal_01_F) from Things/Military in the Eden editor. I am using a script in object's init field that automatically creates a task which Title and Description can be modified inside the script. This is the script I have used: MGITerminal1 = this; [MGITerminal1,"red","orange","green"] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalColor; MGITerminal1 addAction ["Activate terminal",{ MGITerminal1 removeAction (_this select 2); MGITerminal1 spawn { [_this,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 10; firstTask = ["task0", true, ["Description here","Title here",""],nil, "ASSIGNED", 0, true, true,"",true] call BIS_fnc_setTask; [MGITerminal1,0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate } }]; What I want to do is create a completed task using Create Task - Succeeded or Set Task State and a connected trigger that checks if the data terminal has been used or if I have interacted with the object itself that can be named for this purpose. Do you have any suggestions? Perhaps that could be a script that checks if another object is alive. I have used such scripts already, but how can I make it happen using one of these methods or anything else? Thank you in advance.
  11. black_hawk_mw2_87

    Data Terminal

    OK, if I put the script in the data object's init field, I would be able to activate it. But what should I use as a condition for a task state 'success' (task completed)? :) That would be a script that checks if the data is sent or the device is activated. :)
  12. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Making mistakes is a part of our life, but making people happy is another part! So, cheers, you've done a PERFECT work, it works great for me! And CHEERS again! :) :) :)
  13. Hello, guys, I am working on a test mission where the player needs to be extracted from a spesific LZ by a helicopter after his mission is complete. I have found a new script where you can throw an IR grenade and activate a trigger. What I am asking for is the way I need to create my waypoints for the chopper in order to come and take me on board and move to a spesific direction when this trigger is activated. I know how to call the chopper when the trigger is activated (when the IR grenade is thrown into a trigger zone using a skipwaypoint trigger), but here comes the part with the landing of the bird, getting in and taking me to the place I need to fly to. Would you help me with that? :) I've tried with the GET IN and LOAD commands, but they work for me ONLY if the chopper is on the ground and I get inside instead of it flying to my position and THEN taking me on board, and taking off... Thank you in advance! :)
  14. black_hawk_mw2_87


    I know that, I have done this right, but now using the names I mentioned above, but it still doesn't work.
  15. black_hawk_mw2_87


    My player is called SomeSoldier and the chopper is called EvacChopper, but I was told not to change player's and chopper's fields in the script, only the variable names of the units. And this error is only connected to the player somehow, not to the chopper, so I am not sure if that has anything to do with the error.
  16. black_hawk_mw2_87


    I appreciate your help, mate! :) I have a list with about 25 different scripts here and I am still learning, but I am about to start a new mission, a complicated one, full of scripts, so thanks again! I am glad you see how important this mission script is and I believe it would take you only a couple of minutes. :) Cheers
  17. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Grumpy Old Man, thank you very much for all the patience and information shared by you! :) I have done everything absolutely right. But still the same error appears: '...per; _chopper land "GET IN"; waitUntil {|#|_unit in crew _chopper}; _chopper la...' Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit I would only ask you for one more thing: you're about to receive a PM from me with my email. I'd like to ask you to send me a mission file with your example of how it smoothly works. :) Thank you in advance! Cheers
  18. black_hawk_mw2_87


    OK, the only thing that I would like to know is how to use this command which calls the chopper to fly by and pick me up AS a condition in a trigger that's activated by another condition, in my case: !alive enemy1; I have even tried with this command: [] execVM "init.sqf"; and there are not errors after using it, but is still doesn't work for me. Cheers.
  19. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Thanks a lot again! Your advices are really helpful. But there's one more thing that appears not to be working. All of the scripts inside my triggers now are with 'call' function somehow automatically added just before the function... So, when I tried to put the real working scripts... it didn't work. When I firstly tried I put ' _chopper move getMarkerPos "MyMarker01' as a condition for the task to be completed with a task state connected to the trigger itself. And now I am not allowed to do this using such a condition. It says: 'Condition: Local variable in global space'... What am I doing wrong this time? I have recopied and replaced the script in the init.sqf file again, but, as you have said, there was no need to exchange the 'player' lines inside it with my player's variable name, am I correct? So, just putting a different name for the player and for the chopper would be enough and I only need to use both changed names into the other trigger with the condition: '!alive enemy1' which activates [player1,chopper] spawn GOM_fnc_chopperPickup; - player1 is the name of the player and chopper is the variable name of the helicopter in my case.
  20. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Now I have exchanged all of _unit places with _player1 and will try it out again. RESULTS: Same error... EDITED: I have changed the chopper to a Hummingbird instead of Pawnee and the only difference is that the chopper takes off, but doesn't fly to the marker. I have created a marker called MyMarker1 like you told me and put it in the correct line. This is how it looks like: GOM_fnc_chopperPickup = { params ["_unit","_chopper"]; _unit setVariable ["GOM_fnc_pickUpChopper",_chopper]; waitUntil {time > 1};//put your condition in here to make the chopper move towards the player _chopper move (_unit getPos [50 + random 50,random 360]);//this will move the chopper near the player within 50-100m waitUntil {_chopper distance2d _unit < 300}; //now the player can throw a smoke to mark the landing area hintC "Throw smoke to mark landing area!"; _unit addEventHandler ["Fired",{ params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"]; if (toUpper _ammo find "SMOKE" >= 0) then { _unit removeEventHandler ["Fired",_thisEventhandler]; hint "Smoke out!"; _chopper = _unit getVariable ["GOM_fnc_pickUpChopper",objNull]; _wait = [_chopper,_projectile] spawn { params ["_chopper","_projectile"]; waitUntil {vectorMagnitude velocityModelSpace _projectile < 0.01}; hintC "The Chopper will land now!"; //spawn landing pad at smoke position and make chopper land _pad = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle getPosATL _projectile; _pad setPosATL getPosATL _projectile;//just in case... doStop _chopper; _chopper land "GET IN"; waitUntil {_unit in crew _chopper}; //cancel the landing _chopper land "NONE"; _chopper move getPosATL _chopper; sleep 5; _chopper move getMarkerPos "MyMarker01";//position where the chopper should move to } } }] };
  21. black_hawk_mw2_87


    This is how the error looks like in the error window that pops up: '...per; _chopper land "GET IN"; waitUntil {|#|_unit in crew _chopper}; _chopper la...' Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit I even tried to exchange _unit with my player's name: player1. The same error appears.
  22. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Why don't you share a mail I can send a screenshot to because I don't know how to upload a picture here? :)
  23. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Thank you again! There is only one problem now - the chopper is not taking off again. I have created a task and called my player - player1. I have created a chopper and called it 'chopper'. The script's put in the init.sqf file and I have put a trigger with a condition when an enemy unit is killed the script to run and it works just fine. The chopper flies close to my position, then I throw a smoke grenade and it lands. But when I enter it, an error pops up.
  24. black_hawk_mw2_87


    Thank you very much for your answer. I will try this out, but, still, do I need to put this script into a trigger with a condition to successfully activate it? And how can I find any map location's position which I could fill in instead of using 0.0.0? :) And one more thing... It's about all lines of the script where you put a sentence with //(describing something). Do I still need these parts included (just copied) when I input the script in the game's editor or I try it without them?