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Everything posted by RZNUNKWN



    Hey EO (I can't find you on the @ list :( ) This might be really useful, it has everything patched.... except CUP. Close one! Thanks! Why I really want to do this is because RHS has some pretty AKs with nice attachments, and those attachments don't really fit well with CUP AKs. So I have to choose quality or quantity... RHS vs CUP. But I want them both in the scenario, hence the magazine compatibility quest. EDIT: I've found that NIArms has its AKs compatibility patch for the CUP AKs, I think this will do for now, as CUP Bluefor weapons can have most of the in-game attachments, which is nice. EDIT-EDIT: I'll fiddle with this tomorrow as I'm replacing now the zombie sounds with zombie sounds from Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl.


    Speaking of magazines, I'm searching for a way to make for an example AK-74 from RHS to use CUP AK-74 ammo and/or vice versa. As far as I understood, I need to find the magazine class from CUP (which I found on the internet) and put it into the RHS Ak-74 weapon config or something like that. I know because I was de-pboing T-72 and was looking what it contains, weapons, speed, rotation turret etc etc. Right?


    Well, if you make that patrol script, let us know. I wanna try it! Sometimes you just have to spend more time in larger towns and loot, and nothing really happens, that patrol script will be handy really. Same goes for the new bandit camp! Will it have CUP loot? I am currently playing with CUP content as it has more variety of weapons, RHS is nice in details, but CUP has more stuff.


    That sounds really good, because sometimes I just wander around and loot stuff or shoot zombies, and no enemy bandits in sight and I would like to get into a firefight again without moving to another location. But I have a question right at the start, what IF I move out of the location and the bandits (or perhaps just renegades) that were spawned are still present in the area, i.e. we never saw each other, no firefight. How do you remove them without removing everything else like in the bandit camp spawn script or perhaps Ravage will remove them itself? I'm thinking about adding some more objects as lootable industrial objects, like the pale blue trailer, large/medium/small ship containers and gas tanks. Because I'm driving a T-90 through the apocalypse and I desperately need some toolkits to repair it


    Okay, I'm becoming a real spammer now, but it's just I've been playing Ravage for so long and I have so many questions unanswered (not that I haven't searched the forum before)... What governs the spawn of bandits/vehicles? I am in a settlement, I cleared out some zombies and had a fight with a group of bandits. After the fight, I was just loitering around, waiting, looting, for a long time, but no new bandit groups appear to patrol/cross the settlement. I know they will spawn if I move to another new location. Is there a way to increase or change this? To be more frequent? Because right now, no bandit groups are spawning after the initial one or two (one OPFOR and one INDEP group) groups at the current location where I am. I know the multiple factor will just increase the first initial spawn of these groups, renegades and vehicles, but after that, nothing happens. Any suggestions? EDIT: Also, has anyone ever experienced their recruited survivors acting strangely when you place them in a driver seat they just start driving somewhere without your command?


    Well, no sudden despawns in front of me after I've deleted the bandit camp spawner. I was hanging around all those corpses for a few in-game hours, then slept for 9 hours and moved to Novy Sobor because I wanted to check the original Ravage clean up scrip (as I understood from looking at it, it cleans bodies/items if you're 750+ meters away from them, but I could be totally wrong since I'm no scripter :D but I was 900m away from Stary Sobor) and it worked, everything was clean, except the bandit car I wrecked. So far, everything works well! Except me getting snipped by renegades. Had an interesting encounter at Novy Sobor: https://imgur.com/a/02i8kXZ [rigor mid-air mortis?] ps: I'm not much of a forum guy, I don't know how to place images directly into the reply post, so I'm using imgur.


    I'm kinda mid-through the test, but it seems to be working, I am not 100% sure as it's still day 1 in game. But I: - mowed down like 20 zombies, - a car with three bandits drove through the Stary Sobor (where I actually saw dead zombies and npcs despawn right in front of me, so I was there again) or at least they tried to, killed them too, - two npc bandit squads (3 each) shooting each other right outside the village, I finished who remained - blew another 15 zombies with a satchel charge and - killed at least 10 more zombies that were skulking around. Then after two in-game hours, I fired up Zeus to see what's happening, and everyone was still there, dead and in pieces. Screenshot from map view from Zeus: https://imgur.com/a/W8FA7Zc I will be hanging around Stary Sobor more and keep testing to see if the dead will disappear if I'm nearby.


    Hi @Vandeanson, I'm not sure if I understood you correctly here, to increase the original Arma corpse clean settings 14 times? I thought of changing those settings but as EO suggested I removed the bandit script so original Arma corpse clean up settings remained untouched. I didn't have time to test the scenario without bandit camps out yet as RHS is giving me lots of headaches right now, hopefully gonna test it tonight.


    Uhhhhhh... yeahh.... that script. I'm going to remove it and see what happens. Also, I'm using a time cycle script from the Esseker mission, which speeds the night 14 times. Maybe that messes up things too. Thank you for the info, I'm no scripter myself either, I would never look into the bandit script. @GEORGE FLOROS GR - I've tried your script mate, fiddled around a bit, it's really good, but it puts my FPS down to 15, now, this might be the problem on my side, since I'm running Arma on a laptop, but it's fairly playable. But your crash script is a god sent. I'm going to try these things EO suggested and see what happens.

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well, I am playing the Ravage survival mode, and in 4.5 version I have a placed T-90A (obr. 2006) in the scenario. What Ravage does is it's damaging the placed vehicles so you have to find toolkits and repair 'em. In this case, my T-90 doesn't have any ERA on, which can be repaired with lootable toolkits. So I updated today AFRF from 4.5 to 4.7 and restarted my scenario, reached to my T-90 only to see it has all of its ERA plates. I've recreated the scenario on numerous maps. Everywhere is the same. ERA is intact, periscopes, lights and Shtora are damaged on the other hand. T-72 and T-80 have all damaged ERAs but not T-90. So my thought is to rollback to 4.5 in order to keep the fun gameplay. Is there prehaps any kind of way, a script or something to at least remove all ERA on the T-90 so it can be repaired all over again? I know I'm probably asking for too much (and for 4.5 version) but I apologize in advance.

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi guys, this might be an awkward question but, is there a way to obtain the 4.5 version of the AFRF somehow?


    @GEORGE FLOROS GR - Hi George, I am using your crashsites script and thank you for that. I will give this a try, I will disable the original in-game Ravage clean up option and try this.


    Well, it's no big deal, although I haven't played Ravage on any Arma 3 map in a while so I don't really remember if that bug occurs there too. Thinking about Malden 2035. Also, what I've experienced recently; clean up script cleans the killed bandits & zombies right in front of me. Could be the reason because I have too many AI units on the map? I'm running crash script with a several recon squads (5 or 6 AIs) and also bandit camp spawner with the same amount of AIs. My zombie population is 30 I think. Not 5 minutes ago I was in a firefight with a few bandits and they disappeared before I could get to them, and they weren't far at all.


    Hello guys (and girls... I guess ) and first of all, I want to say great work and kudos to Haleks for making this really above and beyond mod and making me play it more than what Arma was actually made for, Bohemia Interactive themselves for the awesome game and lots of other people who contributed to this mod. I had to create an acc to come here and say you guys have my thanks. I've been playing Arma series and Ravage god knows how long. Anyway, there is something I wanted to ask, and I apologize if it's already been asked, but it's been bothering me for a while but it's nothing too game breaking - When I loot buildings, a fire station for an example, all fire stations on the map (Chernarus) are emptied. I loot one, go to the next one and when I loot, it opens the inventory menu but nothing is displayed where the loot should be. This goes for any kind of building. Of course, after 24h the loot respawns and everything is ready to go again. Has anyone ever experienced this? Cheers to all of you awesome people.