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About dArquien

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  1. I'm creating a script that makes the door of the vehicle open when someone tries to get in. inGameUISetEventHandler [ "Action", " if ((_this select 3) == 'GetOut') then { [] spawn { _player = player; _target = (vehicle player); _target animate ['Door_1_1', 1]; uiSleep 1; _player action ['GetOut', _target]; uiSleep 1; _target animate ['Door_1_1', 0]; }; true; }; if ((_this select 3) == 'GetInDriver') then { [] spawn { _player = player; _target = cursorObject; _target animate ['Door_1_1', 1]; uiSleep 1; _player action ['GetInDriver', _target]; uiSleep 1; (vehicle player) animate ['Door_1_1', 0]; }; true; }; " ]; While GetInDriver action is working as intended (the door opens, player gets in, the door closes), GetOut action, more specifically: _player action ['GetOut', _target]; Ignores uiSleep and plays just as the action is pressed. I'm struggling to understand why this is happening. I'd be glad if someone helped me out. Thanks.