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About Skitelz7

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Skitelz7

    Getting stuck in objects

    Never had this happen. I did however encounter a glitch that wouldn't let my character crouch. I think that he was crouched server side but on my side he was standing so it bugged out. I fixed it by continuously jumping lol
  2. Skitelz7

    People teaming up and no gamertags to report

    It's actually easier than you think. All you have to do is queue up for a game on the same map, at the same time. Chances of both players ending up in the same match is actually pretty high.
  3. Skitelz7

    Actual Match Mechanics?

    So I figured out that once you have the weapon blueprint you can just use materials to build a new one.
  4. Skitelz7

    What is your settings on?

    All I changed was the Y sensitivity to match the X (not sure why devs default them to different numbers). And inverted the Y axis cause that's how I play. =P
  5. Skitelz7

    Weapon scopes & target hit indicators

    There's no crosshairs when ADSing though... I don't want hit indicators, but maybe making the blood splatter a bit more visible would help. =]
  6. Skitelz7

    Weapon scopes & target hit indicators

    There is blood splatter when you hit someone but the effect is so minimal and small that you can only see it when up close.
  7. Skitelz7

    Stamina Meter and Falling Damage

    If you run enough you character starts panting but keeps on running so a stamina system is probably in the works.
  8. Skitelz7

    Knives = OP

    This is so frustrating! Had it happen multiple times. Where do the bullets go?!?
  9. Skitelz7

    Knives = OP

    Good to hear! I've lost many gunfights to a knife when I had a shotgun. Not very fair lol
  10. Skitelz7

    Actual Match Mechanics?

    Yikes lol
  11. Skitelz7

    Gun play awkwardness

    The gunplay is pretty random. Bullets only seem hit when you ADS. So aiming in third person is pretty much useless. The hit detection seems to be pretty bad also. I was face to face with a guy shooting at him multiple times with a shotgun while he just runs up to me and kills me with a knife. That didn't seem fair at all and I wish I could have recorded it to show you guys. I do live in Brazil and I'm not sure where the servers for the game are so it could be that my ping was high but yeah. That was pretty unfair lol
  12. Skitelz7

    Actual Match Mechanics?

    And it seems like parts you get are random, so it might be more than five. That sounds very grindy...
  13. Skitelz7

    X spot is like trying to find G spot

    Try standing farther away from the object you want to interact with and puting the reticle on it. If you stand too close it bugs out.
  14. Skitelz7

    First 30 mins of Vigor...

    You have to hold RB and select a weapon to equip it if you have it in your inventory.
  15. Skitelz7

    Actual Match Mechanics?

    So you have to break down weapons to get weapons parts so you can craft new weapons? How does that work exactly?