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About Falkir

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  1. 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines "Teufelhunden" The 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines (3/6 Marines) is a Military Simulation unit in Arma 3 based on the real 3/6 United States Marines, with our own modlist and server as well as a Discord and Teamspeak. We strive to maintain a friendly but functioning community with elements of both light and heavy roleplay elements in all of our operations. As well as having a heavy American playerbase, we are proud to say we also have international players who also enjoy playing with us in squads within the greater 3/6 unit. From pilots, to Navy corpsmen, tanks and Recon units, almost every role within our community is run and operated by players during our campaigns. We run ops multiple large operations within a week as well as smaller and one off missions. Every person who comes through is trained how to use our mods, from ACE to Map tools as well as the advanced ballistics and special weapons and equipment they might be carrying. While in missions, we stress the use of individual to individual communication, and unit to unit communication through a proper chain of command as well. Being a community of many countries, we try our hardest to respect the beliefs and creeds of others, though at the same time, it's expected that if you come to our unit you are aware that when we are out of operations, we can also joke around. We would like to also stress that we interview everyone who comes through to understand what they would like to do, their past experience in units, evaluate their character and get to know you. It is also important to know we are a mature unit, as in the Command of the 3/6 Marines expect that every take the operations with at least some degree of seriousness, as the success or failure of each campaign is determined entirely by the actions of the players, be a loss from failing to keep civilian casualties to a minimum, or a victory due to excellent communication and execution of maneuvers. From everyone at the 3/6 Marines, we hope to see you soon! Contact Information: We primarily use Discord, and sending messages via the forums is not the most efficient way to contact us. Razor - Infantry Officer Razor#5293 Wheatley - Recon jim#2311 Moore - Special Forces Officer Moore#2381 Laboy - Recon Officer warrrior7890#5493 Jackson - Aviation/Navy Personnel Officer MCWO T. Jackson [IEU]#4701