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Everything posted by Armanda551

  1. i want to load all players names to my rsclistbox then click on a player and select it and by pressing the button just hint the selected players name. My next step is to teleport the target to me. Trying to learn for a small admin panel. why does this not work? heres what i got: _display = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; _playerlist = _display ctrlCreate ["RscListbox", 1500]; _playerlist ctrlSetPosition [-0.3,0.02,0.48793,0.744756]; _playerlist ctrlCommit 0.26; _playerlist ctrlSetFontHeight 0.028; _playerlist ctrlsetFont "PuristaLight"; _playerlist ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1]; lbClear _playerlist; { _index = lbAdd [ 1500, name _x ]; lbSetData [ 1500, _index, name _x ]; } forEach playableUnits; button = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButton", -1]; button ctrlSetPosition [0.625,0.2,0.423497,0.276817]; button ctrlsetFont "PuristaLight"; button ctrlSetText "hint selected!"; button ctrlSetFontHeight 0.03; button ctrlCommit 0.26; button buttonSetAction " _data = lbData [ 1500, ( lbCurSel 1500 ) ]; HINT FORMAT ['%1',_data]; ";
  2. Armanda551

    Scale 3dIcons?

    Can i do it that its going to be bigger when im nearer @Larrow if -> player farer away -> be smaller if -> player closer -> be bigger
  3. Im displaying an image on a person and my picture is going to be bigger when im going away. I want that it is going bigger when im going nearer and smaller when im going nearer how can i calculate this is that possible thanks :) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/drawIcon3D
  4. Alright im working with drawicon3d to draw a picture on my target cursortarget so when im near to the target my picture or icon is going to be really small and when im going farer its going to be very big. I want it that its gonna be very big when im near to him and it should be small from far. is that possible? and my fov i mean when im looking with + to my enemy its getting also smaller I have sth in my head saying something with 2d things idk thats why i am asking here :)
  5. is it possible to create an movable control or drawing 2d on the screen (basically a line from me to the player infront of me (enemy or sth else doesnt matter)) Because i use drawline3d and this su*** sorry for that but the rendering is very bad. I could see a guy using lines 2d but doing it with 3d stuff as i said above drawing line from player to enemy nevermind this guy made it in arma 2 he said that he used an movable dialog but i want to do it in a control or with drawline but it seems to not work any ideas? Edit**: I found the video where he did this here Thanks, Armanda551
  6. Armanda551

    Movable control

    EDIT-************** Forget this question above my bad How can i ctrlSetPosition the line between 2 points like in drawline3d. I have 2 model points with selectionPosition i want a line from point a to b
  7. Armanda551

    Movable control

    btw im using @Larrow script thanks anyways
  8. Armanda551

    Movable control

    Cool it worked, so i want to know how to draw it just on the player there shouldnt be a line to my middle of the screen
  9. Armanda551

    Movable control

    Or simpler how can i draw lines in 3d space with Drawline Not Drawline3d
  10. Armanda551

    nearObjects for weapons

    Thanks to everyone hope not me many people can learn about this post
  11. im outputting all near weapons but i have a problem i use forEach (position player nearObjects 999999999) to get all objects with _x but the problem is it shows everything houses etc. i try to filter it only on weapons but that doesnt work. (i found it online) _kids = [(configfile >> "CfgWeapons"),0] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren; _cnt = count kids; _hitName = getText (_kids select 0 >> "name"); if (_x in [_hitName]) then { //output }; Anyone has an idea Thanks anyways
  12. Armanda551

    Help Listbox

    so i have at least this and still it doesnt work :/ _display = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; _playerlist = _display ctrlCreate ["RscListbox", 2000]; _playerlist ctrlSetPosition [-0.3,0.02,0.48793,0.744756]; _playerlist ctrlCommit 0.26; _playerlist ctrlSetFontHeight 0.028; _playerlist ctrlsetFont "PuristaLight"; _playerlist ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1]; _playerlist ctrlAddEventHandler lbClear _playerlist; { _playerlist lbAdd (name _x); } forEach allPlayers; button = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButton", -1]; button ctrlSetPosition [0.625,0.2,0.423497,0.276817]; button ctrlsetFont "PuristaLight"; button ctrlSetText "hint selected!"; button ctrlSetFontHeight 0.03; button ctrlCommit 0.26; button buttonSetAction " _data = lbData [ 2000, ( lbCurSel 2000 ) ]; HINT FORMAT ['%1',_data]; ";
  13. Armanda551

    Help Listbox

    lol thank you it works it lists all players but how can i output the selected index or item? it doesnt show any hint right now
  14. Armanda551

    Help Listbox

    Doesnt list any player and because of that the button doesnt show an hint