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  1. Here is the New File and nothing change the log files are not created and no error in my rpt file . #include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_receiveMoney.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Receives money */ params [ ["_unit",objNull,[objNull]], ["_val","",[""]], ["_from",objNull,[objNull]] ]; if (isNull _unit || isNull _from || _val isEqualTo "") exitWith {}; if !(player isEqualTo _unit) exitWith {}; if (!([_val] call TON_fnc_isnumber)) exitWith {}; //aus zum testen//if (_unit == _from) exitWith {}; //Bad boy, trying to exploit his way to riches. hint format [localize "STR_NOTF_GivenMoney",_from getVariable ["realname",name _from],[(parseNumber (_val))] call life_fnc_numberText]; /* Goodlife Logging - Money Log */ [format["%1, hat von %2 %3 dollar bekommen.",_unit, _from, _val],"AltisLife"] call A3Log; CASH = CASH + parseNumber(_val); [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial; //Test A3Log ["I am Batman!","AltisLife"] remoteExecCall ["A3Log", 2]; // Goodlife Logging Geld geben [format["Der Spieler %1 hat von %2 - %3 bekommen.", _unit, _from, _val],"AltisLife"] call A3Log; [format["%2 (%3) --> %1 bekommen.", _unit, _from, _val],"AltisLife"] call A3Log;
  2. Hey my Friends i want to use this Logging for my Altis Life Server and i want to log all moneytransfer. So i have i nsert this line to my "fn_receiveMoney.sqf" whats wrong with that ? here the complete file. When i become an example with i understand this system than i dont need more help :/ #include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_receiveMoney.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Receives money */ params [ ["_unit",objNull,[objNull]], ["_val","",[""]], ["_from",objNull,[objNull]] ]; if (isNull _unit || isNull _from || _val isEqualTo "") exitWith {}; if !(player isEqualTo _unit) exitWith {}; if (!([_val] call TON_fnc_isnumber)) exitWith {}; if (_unit == _from) exitWith {}; //Bad boy, trying to exploit his way to riches. hint format [localize "STR_NOTF_GivenMoney",_from getVariable ["realname",name _from],[(parseNumber (_val))] call life_fnc_numberText]; CASH = CASH + parseNumber(_val); [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial; /* Goodlife Logging - Money Log */ [format[_unit, "hat von", _from, _val, "dollar bekommen.","AltisLife"]] call A3Log;