Squad name: Red Tiger Clan Timezone/location : Italia Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop e PVP Website address: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RedTigerClan/ Short description:
Good morning and welcome! The Red Tiger Clan is an Italian Multigaming only PC Clan. The RTC is equipped with a private TeamSpeak Server, a Facebook group and a Forum. The Clan comes from the idea of creating a place to meet to play together, make new friends and organize Team for the various Game. At the moment the Clan is made up of adult members and one of the basic requirements to be part of it is to have +18. In any case, what matters is the desire to have fun, group and be respectful towards others. As for ARMA III, we are creating a good group of experienced and non-experienced players. For recruitment: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RedTigerClan/The Clan being Multigaming also has sections on other games. All organized with a section manager. The games, at the moment, adopted are:
The Division
Rainbow Six Siege
Battlefield ( Saga )
Arma III
Rocket League
Word of Warcraft
Pay Day 2
Sea Of Thieves
Diablo III
Of course, in the future, and depending on requests from members, new titles will be added, etc. Language: Italian