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Everything posted by clock_x

  1. Hey, I am using UPSMON 5.1 for ARMA2OA for a while and I have to say it is the most awesome AI patrol script out there! I have a small problem, most of the time my helicopter who is used by UPSMON reinforcements refuses to land again after contact. RPT log shows this: So I checked out this part and the whole file and I honestly have no clue how to fix it. Can anybody help out? Would be a huge improvement to my map if the chopper actually lands again .... It does land from time to time to drop of units and even manages to land at his spawn rarely. Most of the time it is just hovering over a position for a long amount of time and gets send a bit by UPSMON unstuck .. to the point it reaches the edge of the map. Thanks in advance
  2. clock_x

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hey, I am trying to get fadeMusic to work in the end of my mission but unfortunately it is not working with my mods installed. So this problem exists in ace3: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/4029 But ' ace_hearing_disableVolumeUpdate = true; ' is not working for ace2. Is there anyway to get fadeMusic working with ace2? I was looking alot for ace2 documentation about the sound/hearing module but could not find anything yet... Thanks in advance.
  3. Hey, I am trying to get this script from Igneous01 to work for my mission: Now I wanted to do this, which obviously didn't work: I googled alot and tried this: Which didn't work either.. I also tried idiotic stuff like grouping the _dragger with the _dummy and then executing it on the whole group but this messed up the waypoint completely and the _dummy wouldn't move at all. Does anyone have an idea how I can get this to work? Help would be much appreciated. I only want the _dragger to drag the _injured near an extraction chopper and then stop the animations. Next step would be healing the injured or even better loading him in the extraction chopper while he is still unconsious, but I did not get this far. Cheers clockx
  4. Another quick question ... trying to get this flare script to work: The global chat works fine but the red line is getting ignored completely. I just want to know if the unit has fired a flare to trigger reinforcements and stuff. Tested it with _muzzle, _ammo and _magazine, but nothing happens. So I guess '==' just doesn't work here? Nevermind, I forgot the quotation marks ... _muzzle == "GP25Muzzle"
  5. Hey, awesome script. I have a few problems tho. I am using your script for different takistani soldiers. Normal soldiers, special forces and militia. According to the script, normal+special should get "AK_74_GL" and the militia should get "M16A2GL". Plus east units should have red flares. In my mission all flare units get either the AK or the M16 but totally random. Some special forces+normal soldiers using the M16 and militia using the AK. That's not really my problem, the problem is the color, it is not red! All M16 units have white flares and all AK units have green flares. I would like all units to either use red or even white flares. I tried using custom and full custom, I managed to get red with this way but I am getting an annoying error message then: " no entry 'bin\config.binCFG.Magazines.'. " Changing all weapons to the M16 to get white or all colors to white or red inside the script didn't work. I just did this for example: Or this: I also tried to use 'full_custom' to use ace "ACE_SSRed_GP25" flares, like this: wep = [this,"red","refill",180,3,"sunElev", ""beheaviour", "full_custom","AK_74_GL","30Rnd_545x39_AK","ACE_SSRed_GP25","GP25Muzzle"] execVM "scripts\AiLight\lightsoldflare.sqf"; But I am always getting this annoying error pop up when I load the mission for the first time after starting the game.. " no entry 'bin\config.binCFG.Magazines.'. " Strangely I have an old mission save where it does work without the error but when I am adding it now I am getting it. Thanks in advance. Cheers Edit: I managed to do it error free and with white flares like this: wep = [unit,"red","custom","M16A2GL"] execVM "scripts\AiLight\lightsoldflare.sqf"; Ignore the red .... flares are white, which works well for me.
  6. I tested it just now, in my test mission and strangely with your polished version the same thing is happening I witnessed in my actual mission. The dragger gets teleported to his initial position after dragging. This is not happening with the version I still had in it .. this one: I compared both scripts with Beyond Compare and honestly, yours just looks better, but I can't find any reason why it would do this teleport bug. Maybe it was just RNG but I ran both 5 times and the AI got teleported 5 times and in the old version 0 times. And btw I am pretty sure it was the old version I got the teleport bug too in my actual mission so this doesn't make sense to me at all ( just checked it, only thing different is the marker name and one missing debug hint ) and I think I'll stick to my decision to not use this one in my mission. But maybe for the next one. Just too much AI scripts running in this one, like UPSMON and a bunch of custom ones to simulate stealth gameplay and stuff. Thanks for the help anyway, I still think this is a pretty interesting and immersive script.
  7. clock_x

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    I'm using this in arma2 OA and parachutes are sometimes making huge smoke pillars and even setting the forest on fire....
  8. Soo I got a new problem. I am now trying to trigger this script. I have a script running which checks every x seconds if one of two specific persons is unconsious: And it executes the drag_wounded with: nul = [_unit2] execVM "drag\drag_wounded.sqf" when the unit is unconsious. Now I need one of the nearby units to come and drag the unit. So I did this in the drag_wounded.sqf: The first part works, the dragger moves to the injured unit and the debug text returns the correct unit as _dragger. But now when I want to fire the rest of the script the variable '_dragger' gets undefined again and nothing happens. Why is that? Edit: I'm confused, out of the sudden it works ... but without the _injured animation. Edit²: So this is how far I've got so far: if_uncon.sqf drag_wounded.sqf It works, but it is far from perfect. Would be really nice if someone could have a look over it to change minor errors and make it smoother. I'm not really good at this kind of stuff. Thanks in advance. Edit: I implemented it in my mission and I must admit it does not perform very well, which is because there is already too much going on I guess. Sometimes the AI just crowd around the injured and nothing really happens. Other times someone grabs the injured but the dummy won't spawn and nothing more happens. And sometimes the injured does get dragged to his destination but always refuses to continue his waypoints to board the extraction chopper after he wakes up. Most of the times when it does work, the dragger gets teleported back to his initial position after he gets detached, which has not happened in my test mission. Strange things happening! So I guess I will not use it for this one.
  9. Daamn, semiquotes did the trick. Thanks so much. -showScriptErrors showed it too. After 4 years of editing and scripting I am still a full blown noob it seems. Now I only need to polish it incase he dies and the loading in chopper stuff. If I get any more problems I will come back here! Thanks again. Here is the working thing for everyone interested, and of course thanks to Igneous01 for the script. I added what happens in case the injured dies or the dragger dies.
  10. In my mission I use satellite phones to deactivate radio antennas. I made a simple action to deactivate it and to simulate it beeing destroyed I did this: _EHradio2_O = radio2_O addEventHandler ["HitPart", {EHradio2=true;}]; So when you shoot it for example it triggers the same stuff when you would deactivate it, in my case. Sadly it doesn't look destroyed but it bounces of the table soo...works for me. Cheers
  11. Well I'm making a SP mission and I have no clue about MP scripting/mission making ... so it shouldn't be a problem, right?
  12. Thanks for the answer. Strangely it doesn't work. When I put a hint in it it gives me the correct name for %1 so it should work. I tested this with a named unit: And it doesn't even work ... It seems I simply can't execute an animation in a trigger statement. Can anyone think of a workaround?