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About CptHrki

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  1. CptHrki

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm aware of the DLC breaking RHS tanks bu the thing is, I'm still on the version right before Tanks DLC.
  2. CptHrki

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys, I have a strange little problem. From the gameplay videos I've seen, tanks in RHS seem to move normally when braking or accelerating from a halt. In my case though, the T-72 for example rocks back so hard when I apply gas from a halt that my sight lift up a few degrees since the cannon is at maximum depression. Similarly, when I press S to stop while driving, the tank will rock forward drastically, it looks like a toy. Either the suspension is modelled to softly or the tanks lack weight, but this doesn't look normal.