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About Erzengel

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  1. allright :) i will give it a shot :D
  2. i dont know how to get the vehicle hitpoints (damage), the inventory of an vehicle .. ich did know some stuff from arma 2 for the players so after reading some tutorials i got that set up but i never did anything with vehicles only player and objects
  3. The problem is iam building an mod and i realy dont want to base that on a mod with reward for kills or anything but. But thanks for your hint anyways
  4. Hi, i was wondering if anyone knows about a "preset" mission or addon that allows the save of vehicle and player position as well as the inventory. I allready googled quite some time, set um different versions of extDB and i managed to get the character saving properly but not the vehicles .. I would be very happy if someone could explain me how to do (like show me your safe funktions) or get me a link to such an addon. I would prefer extdb 3 about inidbi or savestats.
  5. Erzengel

    [Release] Supply drop

    Hey, i got no hope that someone will answer but i want to use your script for exile where the 0-8 combination can not be used. can u tell me how the menu ist caloled so i can open like this: showCommandingMenu ""; showCommandingMenu "#USER:supplydrop";