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About FatherCoon

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  1. Introduction Greetings, Im PFC. D. Ryan with the 1st Army Rangers we are a new WW2 semi-realistic milsim with 10+ members and we are looking to expand. Add me on steam for more questions. Background It was originally formed shortly after the United States' entry into World War II and was modeled after the British Commandos during the war. Members from the unit were the first American soldiers to see combat in the European theater when they participated in the failed raid on Dieppe in France in 1942, during which three Rangers were killed and several more were captured. Later, the 1st Ranger Battalion was sent to North Africa where they participated in the landings in Algeria and the fighting in Tunisia in 1943. Also in 1943 the unit provided cadre for two more Ranger battalions created between the campaigns in Sicily and Italy. Origins The 1st US Army Ranger Battalion was founded in late April, 2018. It is a subgroup of a larger gaming community, known as "Splinter Cell Gaming". Purpose The 1st US Army Ranger Battalion is focused on providing an effective atmosphere for those who wish to immerse themselves into the Second World War era, from the perspective of a member of the 1st Rangers. Operations Operations with the 1st US Army Ranger Battalion will occur in two major "types". Miniature operations, occurring spontaneously throughout the week, will be minor missions. Examples of such are stealing intelligence or destroying an enemy outpost. These minor missions will have small effects on the Major Operation (such as knowing the enemy's location, or having an enemy vehicle at the disposal). Major Operations, occurring at scheduled dates and times, will be the Primary Campaign of the 1st US Army Ranger Battalion. Each Campaign will consist of multiple Main Operations. Requirements 16+ Years of age Mature Show up at unit events Know how to play Arma 3 Download selected mods Speak English Teamspeak IP: Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/1stArmyRangerBattalion