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About JVez

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  1. I need help with this command: hideObjectGlobal false Whenever I use I have the same error code... /*/ hideObjectGlobal false;
  2. thanks for the script. I have an error here. _x /*/ hideObjectGlobal false; And I would like to know how to run it on the server.
  3. good evening everyone. I would like to run an add action that makes unit appear with hideobjetglobal true. The action works for me but not for other players. Should I use remoteExec? germanCaptainsetinfantry addAction ["Infantry Commander",{GS1 hideObjectGlobal false, GS2 hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup [Snipersquad], GR1 hideObjectGlobal false, GR2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR4 hideObjectGlobal false, GR5 hideObjectGlobal false, GR6 hideObjectGlobal false, GR7 hideObjectGlobal false, GR8 hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup [Riflemansquad], GR1_2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR2_2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR3_2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR4_2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR5_2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR6_2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR7_2 hideObjectGlobal false, GR8_2 hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup [Riflemansquad_2], GR1_3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR2_3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR3_3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR4_3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR5_3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR6_3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR7_3 hideObjectGlobal false, GR8_3 hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup [Riflemansquad_3], Gtank1 hideObjectGlobal false, Gtank1D hideObjectGlobal false, Gtank1C hideObjectGlobal false, Gtank1G hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup [medtank], GHI1 hideObjectGlobal false, GHI2 hideObjectGlobal false, GHI3 hideObjectGlobal false, GHI5 hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup[heavyinfantrysquad], GAT1 hideObjectGlobal false, GAT2 hideObjectGlobal false, GAT3 hideObjectGlobal false, GAT4 hideObjectGlobal false, GAT5 hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup [anti_tanksquad], GMG1 hideObjectGlobal false, GMG2 hideObjectGlobal false, GMG3 hideObjectGlobal false, GMG4 hideObjectGlobal false, player hcSetGroup [machingunnersquad], deleteVehicle GSP1, deleteVehicle GSP2, deleteVehicle GSP3, deleteVehicle GSP4, deleteVehicle GSP5, deleteVehicle GSP6, deleteVehicle GSP1_2, deleteVehicle GSP2_2, deleteVehicle GSP3_2, deleteVehicle GSP4_2, deleteVehicle GSP5_2, deleteVehicle GSP6_2, deleteVehicle Glighttank, deleteVehicle GlighttankD, deleteVehicle GlighttankC, deleteVehicle GlighttankG, deleteVehicle Gtank2, deleteVehicle Gtank2D, deleteVehicle Gtank2C, deleteVehicle Gtank2G, deleteVehicle germanCaptainsetinfantry, deleteVehicle germanCaptainsetinfantryexclam, player setUnitLoadout "LIB_GER_scout_smgunner", GHQ setUnitLoadout "LIB_GER_scout_smgunner",0,true},"str _this == 'germancommander'",5]; I would like these AIs to become hideObjectGlobal false when another player activates the action. I would like these AIs to become hideObjectGlobal false when another player activates the action. Would remoteExec work? If yes where should I added it.
  4. I would like to create a STR FPS with mod IFA3. The conflict zone : German Infantry Army: Russian Infantry Army:
  5. sorry but i do not speak english so i use a translator ... i will try to explain what i want. I have two general. A blufor and an opfor. The generals can at the beginning of the game choose an army on a board using an add action. The general: germancommander The board : germanCaptainset The add action starts a script. germanCaptainset addAction ["Infantry Commander", "germaninfantrycommander.sqf",nil,1.5,true,true,"","str _this == 'germancommander'",5]; The script : germaninfantrycommander.sqf deleteVehicle germanCaptainset; deleteVehicle germanexclam; player setUnitLoadout "LIB_GER_scout_unterofficer"; "LIB_GER_scout_unterofficer" createUnit [getMarkerPos "Germanzone9", group player]; _rifleman1v = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone1", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_medic", "LIB_GER_AT_grenadier", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_rifleman1v]; _rifleman1v setGroupId ["Rifleman 1"]; _rifleman2v = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone2", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_medic", "LIB_GER_AT_grenadier", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_rifleman2v]; _rifleman2v setGroupId ["Rifleman 2"]; _rifleman3v = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone3", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_medic", "LIB_GER_AT_grenadier", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_rifleman3v]; _rifleman3v setGroupId ["Rifleman 3"]; [getMarkerPos "Germanzone4", 292.059, "LIB_PzKpfwIV_H_tarn51c", side player] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle params[ "_veh", "_crew", "_group1v" ]; player hcSetGroup [_group1v]; _group1v setGroupId ["Panzer IV A"]; _heavyinfantryv = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone5", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_stggunner", "LIB_GER_smgunner", "LIB_GER_smgunner", "LIB_GER_smgunner"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_heavyinfantryv]; _heavyinfantryv setGroupId ["Heavy Infantry"]; _antitankv = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone6", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_smgunner", "LIB_GER_smgunner", "LIB_GER_AT_soldier", "LIB_GER_AT_soldier"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_antitankv]; _antitankv setGroupId ["Anti-Tank Infantry"]; _machingunnerv = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone7", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_mgunner", "LIB_GER_smgunner", "LIB_GER_rifleman"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_machingunnerv]; _machingunnerv setGroupId ["Machin Gunner"]; _sniperv = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone8", side player, ["LIB_GER_scout_sniper", "LIB_GER_scout_sniper"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_sniperv]; _sniperv setGroupId ["Sniper"]; Groups are added to the high command that is the player. So if I want the rest of the players to take possession of an AI I can not make them spawn like that. The only solution will be that these AI is already present at the beginning of the game?
  6. I explain my problem. A player is general 1.The player chosen on a board an army to play. Either between infantry, artillery or tank. When he chooses an army this one spawn in front of him. Players can then choose an AI from among them to replace it. So if I am fine, the units created after the start of the game can not be playable?
  7. Sorry bad place. You can delete
  8. Good evening everyone. I would like to know if it is possible to create an AI playable. The player can integrated after their death. The AI will be created with an action. I searched but found nothing relevant on the subject. can someone help me find a solution?
  9. Good evening everyone. I would like to know if it is possible to create an AI or the player can integrated after their death. The AI will be created with an action. I searched but found nothing relevant on the subject. can someone help me find a solution?
  10. I tested this, _rifleman1v = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone1", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_medic", "LIB_GER_AT_grenadier", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcSetGroup [_rifleman1v]; _rifleman1v setGroupId ["Rifleman 1"]; {addSwitchableUnit _x}forEach _rifleman1v; I have an error here. {addSwitchableUnit _x}/*/forEach _rifleman1v; I have an error here. I would like it to be playable at their appearance.
  11. this is for a multiplayer map.
  12. {addSwitchableUnit _x} * forEach _rifleman1v; error *
  13. Hello. I am trying to create a group of ai that will be playable for the player. _rifleman1v = [getMarkerPos "Germanzone1", side player, ["LIB_GER_unterofficer", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_medic", "LIB_GER_AT_grenadier", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman", "LIB_GER_rifleman"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Is there a way to make them playable for the blufor player?
  14. Thank you it works great
  15. Good evening. I'm trying to synchronize an artillery that comes from spawn to my commander russianarty = [getMarkerPos "Russianzone10", 110.592, "LIB_US6_BM13", side player] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; params[ "_veh", "_crew", "_group10" ]; _logicGroup = createGroup sideLogic; SupportReq = _logicGroup createUnit ["SupportRequester",getpos player, [], 0, "FORM"]; ArtySupport = _logicGroup createUnit ["SupportProvider_Artillery",getMarkerPos "Russianzone10", [], 0, "FORM"]; ArtySupport synchronizeObjectsAdd [russianarty]; SupportReq synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; It does not work can anyone help me?