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Everything posted by stanhope

  1. stanhope

    1.90 update - Troubleshooting

    I feel like it's not said often enough in this thread so I'm gonna say it: I have no problem with the latest update. Not a single one. The servers I play on are working perfectly fine.
  2. The handleDamage eventhandler has a hitSelection param which should be the name I think. It's probably possible to craft something along the lines of what they do in WT with that.
  3. Euh, I doubt I have any video specifically about that. I'll see if I can make one during the second half of next week, kinda busy with exams atm.
  4. Not with vanilla smokes, if you have any mods running, that's a different story. On the gamemode I play most (I&A) I only ever carry blue smokes.
  5. This is a subsection for troubleshooting, I think you're looking for either the feedback tracker or one of the topics where you can suggest things to the devs.
  6. Hi and welcome to this forum. Have you verified your game files? Is any of your hardware damaged in any way? Have you tried posting on the feedback tracker?
  7. stanhope

    update 1.90

    Look at the pins in troubleshooting, it's already being addressed by BI staff.
  8. Try adding: class ScenarioData { author="AuthorName"; overviewText="MissionName"; overViewPicture="Media\LoadingScreen\splash.jpeg"; overViewPictureLocked="Media\LoadingScreen\splash.jpeg"; onLoadMission="MissionDescription"; loadScreen="Media\LoadingScreen\splash.jpeg"; saving=0; respawnDialog=0; disabledAI=1; respawn=3; class Header { gameType="Coop"; maxPlayers=60; }; }; to your mission.sqm. For me that's located just above CustomAttributes and just bellow AddonsMetaData
  9. author = authorName; // Visible when loading mission onLoadName = "MissionNameHere"; // Visible when loading mission OnLoadMission = "Description here"; loadScreen = "Media\LoadingScreen\splash.jpeg"; // Visible when loading mission overviewPicture = "Media\LoadingScreen\splash.jpeg"; // Visible when selecting mission I just got that by entering those things into the fields in the UI of eden and then copy pasting it 🙂
  10. stanhope

    Battleye won't load the game

    No the game itself, the arma3_x64.exe
  11. stanhope

    ACE3 - Cannot disable instant death

    I think it's best you ask this question in the ace 3 topic
  12. stanhope

    Battleye won't load the game

    Hi and welcome to these forums, Have you tried setting that exe to run with admin privileges?
  13. If arma is the only application running that doesn't really matter now does it?
  14. Hello and welcome to this forum. In your graphics settings set arma to windowed instead of full-screen to solve this issue.
  15. stanhope

    Multiplayer graphics issue

    The server you're joining has a custom view distance script. In that you somehow managed to set your view distance to 0. Join any of the official servers and you'll see object. To fix this go to wherever this custom view distance is set and set it back to a normal number.
  16. stanhope

    Problems with modded Arma 3

    As you're under minimum specs any additional load you put onto arma, like mods, high view distance, high graphics, ... will most likely cause it to crash.
  17. stanhope

    Problems with modded Arma 3

    I believe your rig is bellow minimum specs. Especially the graphics card. You can find the specs here: https://arma3.com/requirements
  18. stanhope

    Connection failed

    Hi and welcome to this forum. Which server are you trying to connect to? Does the device that's running arma have internet access? Does the server have any mods? Are you running any mods? Are you running the same mods as the server? Have you tried joining one of the official servers (without mods)? Does it give you a specific error?
  19. Right, so I've been breaking my head over this for a few days now. I'm maintaining an (older) mission for a community until they can get the new version out. And recently some stuff has been going wrong with the spawning of these missions. I've personally observed something that's supposed to be impossible happen and I can't figure out why it's happening. The thing that's happening is that a mission spawns while the other one of the same type is still active. I've checked server RPTs from several days, they don't contain any errors related to this script. I've tried to recreate the problem on my own dedi server, again, no luck. So I was wondering if you guys might be able to help. Here's a watered down version of the mission(, complete scripts at the bottom in the spoiler): initserver: prioObjScript = [] execVM "Missions\Priority\MissionControl.sqf"; MissionControl.sqf (a controller script that spawns the actual mission): while { true } do { /*While loop to keep it going (almost) forever*/ _currentMission = execVM "missions\Priority\priorityarty.sqf"; /*Execute the mission itself*/ prioMissionSpawnComplete = false; /*global variable that the above called script will set to true when it's done spawning*/ _shouldterminate = true; /*local var to see if the script should be killed or not (in case it doesn't spawn in time)*/ for "_i" from 0 to 60 do { /*loop 60 times 5 seconds or until the mission is done spawning*/ sleep 5; if (prioMissionSpawnComplete) exitWith { _shouldterminate = false; /*if the mission has finished spawning and is now up and running set this var to false*/ }; }; if (_shouldterminate) then { /*if the mission didn't spawn in time kill it and report the error*/ terminate _currentMission; diag_log "ERROR: PRIO MISSION CONTROL: a mission failed to spawn and was terminated"; } else { /*if it has wait until it's done and sleep for a certain amount before doing everything again*/ waitUntil {sleep 5; scriptDone _currentMission}; sleep _delay; }; }; Priorityarty.sqf, the actual mission: //some code to find a decent place to spawn private _accepted = false; private _flatPos = [0,0,0]; while { !_accepted } do { //get a place at random that meet some criterea _flatPos = [getMarkerPos currentAO, missionsMinimumSpawnDistance, 8000, 5, 0, 0.2, 0, [], [0,0,0]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //for now accept this place _accepted = true; //loop over all FOBs and see if we're too close to one { if ( (_flatPos distance2D (getMarkerPos _x)) < missionsMinimumSpawnDistance) then { _accepted = false; } } forEach BaseArray + [currentAO]; }; /*A bunch of things left out, short summary: priorityObj1, priorityObj2 (2 objects) get spawned and some troops, a few H-barriers, ...*/ //Let players know that we have spawned: [west,["priorArtyTask"],["OPFOR forces are setting up an artillery battery to hit you guys damned hard! We've picked up their positions with thermal imaging scans and have marked it on your map. This is a priority target, boys! They're just setting up now; they'll be firing in about five minutes! Previous sites looked like this: <br/><br/><img image='Media\Briefing\prioArty.jpg' width='300' height='150'/>","Priority Target: Artillery","priorityCircle"],(getMarkerPos "priorityCircle"),"Created",0,true,"NewPriorityTarget",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; //inform the controller script that we have successfully spawned prioMissionSpawnComplete = true; publicVariableServer "prioMissionSpawnComplete"; while {canFire priorityObj1 || canFire priorityObj2} do { /*Fire subroutine here, while loop prevents the script from finishing as long as these arty pieces can fire.*/ }; //Debrief: ["priorArtyTask", "Succeeded",true] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep 5; ["priorArtyTask",west] call bis_fnc_deleteTask; { _x setMarkerPos [-10000,-10000,-10000] } forEach ["priorityMarker","priorityCircle"]; //-------------------- DELETE sleep 120; _ToDelete = _unitsArray + _spawnedUnits; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach _ToDelete; To describe the bug a bit more extensively: One arty mission is running just fine. It's not showing any signs of it doing anything special. Next thing I see is that a new arty mission spawns but I've never seen the task complete. And there's a significant amount of time between these missions spawning 10+ minutes. Several people have actually seen this happen. This is happening on a server that contains anywhere between 0 and 60 players, usually about 10-14 hours after the server was rebooted. (I know the scripts themselves are rather bad scripts, definitely not optimal for performance, I've wanted to rewrite them completely several times but just haven't found the time for it yet) So anyone have any idea what might be causing this bug and how I could fix it?
  20. It's probably easiest to make a full arsenal and remove the things you don't want from it.
  21. stanhope

    Weird Crash when using in game voice chat

    Hi, welcome to this forum. Do you have a USB headset?
  22. In that last rpt you started loading at 16:48:05 and finished at 16:49:06, doesn't seem unreasonably long to me.
  23. Does it also take a long time to load when you don't have all of those mods enabled?
  24. stanhope


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