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Everything posted by stanhope

  1. stanhope

    Arma 3 closes

    Did you verify your game files through steam?
  2. stanhope

    Anyone have a FIX??

    Are we talking about all servers or are you trying the join several servers that are hosted by the same people? In other words, have you tried joining any of the official servers?
  3. Welcome to the forums. Additional benefits outside of arma would be if you put your OS on that drive it'll boot up faster, other games you put on that drive may or may not be faster etc. Now as for arma, I don't know all of the inner workings of arma but it might be that you have another bottleneck somewhere. It could be that your hard drive can read it that fast but that it can't be put in your ram fast enough. I don't know though. Someone with a bit more technical knowledge will probably answer shortly.
  4. So I'm writing a little thing to call in a cruise missile from the VLS and I want a marker on the position where the strike will be with the ETA next to it. To get that ETA I'm using getArtilleryETA, this is how I'm using it: VLS getArtilleryETA [getPos _target, currentMagazine VLS]; Now my problem is that it returns -1. And no, the missile doesn't arrive one second before I call it in 🙂 Is it something I'm doing wrong or does getArtilleryETA not work for the VLS? If it's the latter, anyone have any other idea how I could get an ETA for that missile? Here's the full code I'm using for reference: Edit: Figured out a way around it by using a fired event handler and calculating the ETA myself based of the speed of the missile and the distance between it and the target.
  5. Have you verified your game files? Which mission is it? Are there a lot of inventory opened event handlers active? Or is there one with a heavy script active? Anything about it in your RPT?
  6. stanhope

    Destructible Buildings

    I doubt the first will happen but the second might. Suggest it in the suggestion topic that's pinned in the general section. Here's the link:
  7. Wait, you can exitWith in a count? Edit: oh yea, you can, nvm then, use count with an exitWith
  8. Actually @sarogahtyp and @beno_83au just did some testing. I used the following code: private _returnVal = false; { if ( toLower(_x) find "car" > -1) exitWith { _returnVal = true; }; } forEach Cars; hint str _returnVal; /*****************************************/ private _returnVal = false; private _cnt = { toLower(_x) find "car" > -1 } count Cars; if (_cnt > 0) then { _returnVal = true; }; hint str _returnVal; Cars is an array with 50 elements. 49 times the string "mar" and 1 string "car", all lower case. In my first test car was the very last element of the array. In that case the foreach took 0.145582 ms and the count 0.12865 ms. However, in a second test I put the car as the very first element of the array (still 50 elements). Now the foreach took 0.0472 ms and the count 0.158479 ms. To get a more reliable result I'd have to redo those tests several times. But I'd say that if you don't know how long the array will get or the rough position of the element you're looking for use count, if you're pretty sure it's gonna be among the first few elements in a long array use foreach with the exitwith.
  9. Could very well be, I have no idea
  10. A foreach loop with a find comes to mind, but there's probably other ways of doing it. private returnVal = false; { if ( toLower(_x) find "car" > -1) exitWith { returnVal = true; }; } forEach Cars;
  11. What launch parameters are you using? Have you verified your game files?
  12. stanhope

    Game wont open from launcher bad image

    Do not use any special launch parameters. It's more likely you'll end up breaking arma than that you'll get any performance gain out of it. Try reproducing the error without any launch parameters.
  13. stanhope

    Game wont open from launcher bad image

    Just to be clear, you've done all this right? Additionally also try to reinstall the .net runtime. If that also doesn't work try to do a fresh install of arma.
  14. stanhope

    Alternative crashes after update

    Does it happen when you're playing arma unmodded? Could you share one or more RPTs from a session in which you crash?
  15. stanhope

    Alternative crashes after update

    Does it give you any specific error when crashing? Have you verified your game files? Have you ensured you don't have any problems with your hardware? Does your RPT give any useful information?
  16. stanhope

    Game crashing after updating game

    Try without the headset
  17. You don't really have to, it's just best to do it.
  18. Just a quick tip: it's best to include a license in anything you make. It makes things so much more simple for everyone. Bohemia offers a nice flowchart here if you don't know where to start on choosing a license.
  19. stanhope

    Game crashing after updating game

    Do you have a USB headset? Have you verified your game files? Did you run over this list? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Unusual_process_exit#0xC0000005_-_ACCESS_VIOLATION
  20. You can probably do the first thing you suggested, just use nearestTerrainObjects or nearestBuilding to get the houses and then do the calculation for where to place your object to which you're gonna add the addaction.
  21. You can either unsubscribe from all mods or unsubscribe one mod at a time.
  22. stanhope

    Arma 3 settings lagg

    If you've got 2 monitors simply have task manager running on the 2nd. If you don't install MSI afterburner or similar tools so you can get it in the overlay.
  23. Is this in your description.ext? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#skipLobby
  24. stanhope

    Arma 3 settings lagg

    What's your CPU and GPU usage?
  25. stanhope

    Arma 3 settings lagg

    Hi and welcome to this forum. As a general rule do not use any special launch parameters. The only things I launch my arma with are: -skipIntro -noSplash -world=empty. And none of those are really to improve your performance. The more important question is what are your graphical settings set at?