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Posts posted by dex01

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to play DRO missions with my friends, but on some maps I reported this error. (example with x-cam-taunus map, esseker map, etc)


    No entry 'mpmissions\__cur_mp.xcam_taunus\description.ext\sundayDialog/controls/mapBox.RailWay'.


    What does this error involve in the game?

    How can I solve it?

    I have all the required mods, and the last maps released, so I can't understand.



  2. 5 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    I believe thats from the Art of war DLC



    Not sure if the missions use assets from AOW DLC or not but if they do then you need the dlc, if not

    then it could be an addon dependency which i dont think it is, make sure your running the mission through mp lan.

          Turn off your rpt logs through the Arma 3 launcher parameters, if the issue prevents you from loading the mission then

    the DLC is needed.


    In fact I didn't have AOW DLC installed.



  3. On 10/9/2018 at 5:59 PM, pierremgi said:

    You can use the function for respawn tickets.  See also: description.ext.


    I read what you suggested but I do not understand how to adapt it to my files.
    What code should I implement in my OnPlayerRespawn.sqf file?



    class Params
    	class Respawn
    		title = "Respawn";
    		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
    		texts[] = {"20 Seconds", "45 Seconds", "90 Seconds", "Disabled"};
    		default = 1;
    	class RespawnPositions
    		title = "Respawn Positions";
    		values[] = {0,1,2};
    		texts[] = {"Both", "Starting location only", "Team only"};
    		default = 0;               
    	class RespawnNumbers
    		title = "Respawn Numbers";
    		values[] = {0,4,8};
    		texts[] = {"Disabled", "4", "8"};
    		default = 1;               


    How can I activate the respawn number parameter in the OnPlayerRespawn.sqf ??


    Thank you

  4. Hi all,

    I hope this is the right section to post my questions that I previously posted in another section but I could not move here or delete..

    I'm playing DRO missions in SP and in MP with a friend and I'd like to limit total respawns in the mission (now is illimitate) adding a mission parameter.

    Someone can tell me how can I do this?


    part of description.ext

    respawn = 3;
    respawnButton = 1;
    respawnDelay = 45;
    respawnDialog = 0;
    respawnOnStart = 0;
    respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"};
    class Params
    	class Respawn
    		title = "Respawn";
    		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
    		texts[] = {"20 Seconds", "45 Seconds", "90 Seconds", "Disabled"};
    		default = 1;
    	class RespawnPositions
    		title = "Respawn Positions";
    		values[] = {0,1,2};
    		texts[] = {"Both", "Starting location only", "Team only"};
    		default = 0;               



    diag_log format ["DRO: %1 respawn: %2", player, _this];
    waitUntil {!isNull player};
    if (!isNil "loadoutSavingStarted") then {
    	if (loadoutSavingStarted) then {
    		playerRespawning = true;
    		_loadout = player getVariable "respawnLoadout";	
    		if (!isNil "_loadout") then {
    			diag_log format ["DRO: Respawning with loadout = %1", _loadout];
    			player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
    		if (!isNil "respawnTime") then {
    			setPlayerRespawnTime respawnTime;	
    		deleteVehicle (_this select 1);
    		playerRespawning = false;
    if (!isNil "droGroupIconsVisible") then {
    	if (droGroupIconsVisible) then {
    		setGroupIconsVisible [true, false];


  5. To integrate my request placed the configuration files hoping they can be useful.


    Part of Description.ext


    respawn = 3;
    respawnButton = 1;
    respawnDelay = 45;
    respawnDialog = 0;
    respawnOnStart = 0;
    respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"};
    class Params
    	class Respawn
    		title = "Respawn";
    		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
    		texts[] = {"20 Seconds", "45 Seconds", "90 Seconds", "Disabled"};
    		default = 1;
    	class RespawnPositions
    		title = "Respawn Positions";
    		values[] = {0,1,2};
    		texts[] = {"Both", "Starting location only", "Team only"};
    		default = 0;               



    if (isMultiplayer) then {
    	//player setVariable ["respawnLoadout", (getUnitLoadout player)];
    	if ((paramsArray select 0) == 3) then {
    		[player, -2000, true] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;
    		diag_log ([player, 0, true] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets);
    		[missionNamespace, -2000] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;
    		//setPlayerRespawnTime 0;

    What does it mean -2000 ??




    diag_log format ["DRO: %1 respawn: %2", player, _this];
    waitUntil {!isNull player};
    if (!isNil "loadoutSavingStarted") then {
    	if (loadoutSavingStarted) then {
    		playerRespawning = true;
    		_loadout = player getVariable "respawnLoadout";	
    		if (!isNil "_loadout") then {
    			diag_log format ["DRO: Respawning with loadout = %1", _loadout];
    			player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
    		if (!isNil "respawnTime") then {
    			setPlayerRespawnTime respawnTime;	
    		deleteVehicle (_this select 1);
    		playerRespawning = false;
    if (!isNil "droGroupIconsVisible") then {
    	if (droGroupIconsVisible) then {
    		setGroupIconsVisible [true, false];


