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About JCass

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  1. Hey guys, the title pretty much says it all. I have a pretty heavy amount on mission making under my belt and this is a question I have wondered for quite some time. On many of my missions I have a "recruiter" NPC that has addaction commands to recruit a variety of friendly infantry units to join the player squad. I'd love to have a way to set a "cost" for this function based on the players score (say 10 kills to recruit an AI squadmate). I am aware of the "Set Cost" module for zeus but I dont think that can be used in this way. I know that such things are possible with heavy scripting (thinking about the DUWS mods) , wondering if anyone has any semi straightforward solutions to this...
  2. I have managed to make it quite a bit further since my last post, however I am having trouble getting the turrets to animate correctly. I have 2 hmg turrets on my buggy. I can see them both and fire the weapons, but I cannot move them. I have been doing a lot of trial and error here w cfgSkeleton and cfgModel but nothing is producing the result I am after. Here is my model.cfg and config.cpp. I'm running out of ideas for what to try next, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. config.cpp model.cfg I have looked through the turret config properties wiki etc. While I think I have a grasp on the basic concepts, I am obviously pretty new to this, and still have much to learn. Please help point me in the right direction.
  3. I'm getting a similar error with my embedded skeleton. Can I ask what your fix was for that?
  4. The title says it all. I'm trying to wrap my head around making units for arma, but running into problems as usual. I have spent a lot of time with the mission editor and have gotten somewhat comfortable with basic scripting but I'm afraid I'm going to need some help with this one. here is a rundown of my problem: I've put together my .p3d for my unit (a dune buggy). This vehicle has no windows, so I omitted the glass hitpoint memory LODs in my model. Using the config.ccp from the arma car sample, i attempted to edit this to reflect my buggy. In doing so I removed the references to glass hitpoints but seem to have damaged something in the process. As this is my first addon attempt, I'm sure some of the smarter people around here can find numerous other errors also (one i know about already is my gunner seating position). I'm pretty good at trial and error, but I have poured over this file and I cant find the problem. Here is the error I'm getting: and here is my config.cpp: Thanks in advance for any assistance. I have so many vehicles I want to build, if I can just figure out this final part of the process!