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Everything posted by felipechapmanfromm

  1. felipechapmanfromm

    ExecVM from triggers

    How would I do an execVM from inside a trigger. This does not work _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _casSpawn]; _trg setTriggerArea [20, 20, 10, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["CIV", "PRESENT", true]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "execVM "mount.sqf";", "hint 'Test'"]; and also how do I mount the AI into the nearest vehicle as cargo when it is triggered.
  2. felipechapmanfromm

    ExecVM from triggers

    Thanks i will try that now
  3. felipechapmanfromm

    ExecVM from triggers

    I've fixed the variable problem and the execVM but now i need to know how to pull variables from the mission editor, I have made a heli that has the var name heli1, how do i get heli1 into my sqf files
  4. how do I make ai get in the nearest vehicle, if the vehicle is in a 30m radius
  5. felipechapmanfromm

    Make AI get in closest vehicle

    How will i use waypoint in sqf
  6. felipechapmanfromm

    ExecVM from triggers

    I have change the code but it tell me undifined variable in expression here it is _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _casSpawn]; _trg setTriggerArea [20, 20, 10, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["CIV", "PRESENT", true]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "null = [_casSpawn,_casPos,_casGroup] execVM 'mount.sqf';", "hint 'Test'"];
  7. felipechapmanfromm

    ExecVM from triggers

  8. _casSpawn = "B_RangeMaster_F" createUnit [_casPos, _casGroup]; So i have got the range master to spawn to the group civilian, I need to be able to use setDamage but i have nothing to assign the spawned range master to, there is no variable for the spawned ai, so I need your help to set damage and get a variable so I can also use other scripts on the spawned range master. felipe.
  9. felipechapmanfromm

    Help on setting damage to a createUnit ai.

    Thanks again
  10. felipechapmanfromm

    Help on setting damage to a createUnit ai.

    How would I do this in terms of my variables, I've tried this but it doesn't work (or give any errors) _casSpawn setPosASL (_casPos set [2,0.1]);
  11. felipechapmanfromm

    Help on setting damage to a createUnit ai.

    Thanks for that
  12. felipechapmanfromm

    Help on setting damage to a createUnit ai.

    also how would i set it so when the ai spawn in water, they dont start at the bottom and drown
  13. felipechapmanfromm

    Help on setting damage to a createUnit ai.

    Thanks so much for that.
  14. felipechapmanfromm

    Need to run code when asset is in a certain area

    Thanks for that, my script is now working!
  15. I am a new to scripting so I need help running a piece of code when the player is within a 5 meter radius. The asset is Land_SatellitePhone_F. I have tried if nearestObject is equal to Land_SatellitePhone_F the run {}. Thanks, felipe.
  16. felipechapmanfromm

    Need to run code when asset is in a certain area

    I have been trying to get this working but I have got nowhere, could you please correct my code. private ["_player"]; _player = param[0]; _dist = player distance2D Land_SatellitePhone_F <= 5 waituntil { if (_dist)exitWith{true}; _player addAction ["Open GUI","[] spawn BIS_fnc_showTestDialog;"]; while {countDown > -1} do { hint str(countDown); }; };
  17. felipechapmanfromm

    Need to run code when asset is in a certain area

    waituntil {_dist = player distance2D Land_SatellitePhone_F <= 5 }; if (_dist) then{ hint "It works! }; This is my code, but it doesn't do anything. Is it because it is not recognising the asset, do I need to declare it somewere else? Thanks, Felipe
  18. felipechapmanfromm

    Need to run code when asset is in a certain area

    Thanks, I will try this