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Everything posted by pSiKO

  1. Mission Update Happy new year !! - store player stuff in the grave box - re activate vehicle auto defense - Update Simplified Chinese and add Traditional Chinese (thanks to mihuan-0) - Reformating stringtable.xml. (thanks to Varrkan82) - limit tents per player - add FOB owner - add select duration for day and night - add store player stuff in the grave box - add CUPS USMC template (tanks to Cobr4) - fix OPTRE file path - fix paratroopers logic - rewrite update side missions - rewrite civilian manager - code clean-up - others fix 🙂 - add R3F template (tanks to Cobr4) - add FFAA_SPAIN template (tanks to Cobr4) Summary of MOD template available: MOD Preset - Friendly: A3 NATO A3 CSAT A3 AAF CUP BAF Desert CUP USMC R3F WEST Desert R3F WEST Wood RHS USAF RHS AFRF FFAA SPAIN Desert FFAA SPAIN Wood GM WEST GM WEST Winter OPTRE West WS UNA MOD Preset - Enemy: A3 CSAT A3 NATO A3 AAF A3 CSAT Urban CUP Takistan EJW Taliban R3F WEST Desert R3F WEST Wood RHS USAF RHS AFRF FFAA SPAIN Desert FFAA SPAIN Wood GM EAST GM EAST Winter OPTRE East WS FIA
  2. Hi everyone, Is it possible to empty the contents of a backpack into a container (box)? _pos = getPosATL player; _box = createVehicle ["Land_PlasticCase_01_small_black_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _box addBackpackCargo ["B_Kitbag_rgr_Exp",1]; // at this point the backpack is placed in the container, but the backpack is full of items (toolbox, detector and mines) _backpack = firstBackpack _box; clearItemCargo _backpack; // at this point only the toolbox and the detector are removed from the backpack in the container but the mines are still present I can't go any further ... I try with clearBackpackCargo, clearAllItemsFromBackpack, almost everything in https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Command_Group:_Containers. without luck 😞 clearAllItemsFromBackpack seems like the right solution, but it doesn't work when the backpack is in a container ?? Thanks for your help Happy holiday
  3. hi, Thank you very much Mr Santa Claus !! you both really make my day 🙂 thanks to you, here is the script to create a grave plus a box containing the player stuff weapons are equipped with attachment I do not use the global version deliberately (my needs) feel free to add Global call //(bla, bla, trigger) _unit = player; _pos = _unit getRelPos [3, 0]; // create grave _grave = "Land_Grave_rocks_F" createVehicle _pos; _grave enableSimulationGlobal false; // create grave box _grave_dir = getDir _grave; _grave_box_pos = (getposASL _grave) vectorAdd ([[-1.8, 0, 0], -_grave_dir] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D); _grave_box = "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_black_F" createVehicle _grave_box_pos; _grave_box setPosASL _grave_box_pos; _grave_box setDir _grave_dir; // clear box clearWeaponCargo _grave_box; clearMagazineCargo _grave_box; clearItemCargo _grave_box; clearBackpackCargo _grave_box; // store player stuff in the box // uniform if (uniform _unit != "") then { _grave_box addItemCargo [(uniform _unit), 1]; _uniform = (everyContainer _grave_box) select (count everyContainer _grave_box) - 1 select 1; {_uniform addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (uniformItems _unit); }; // vest if (vest _unit != "") then { _grave_box addItemCargo [(vest _unit), 1]; _vest = (everyContainer _grave_box) select (count everyContainer _grave_box) - 1 select 1; {_vest addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (vestItems _unit); }; _grave_box addItemCargo [(headgear _unit), 1]; // weapons + attachment {_grave_box addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo [_x, 1]} forEach weaponsItems _unit; //{_grave_box addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (assignedItems _unit); // backpack if (backpack _unit != "") then { _grave_box addBackpackCargo [(Backpack _unit), 1]; _backpack = firstBackpack _grave_box; clearItemCargo _backpack; clearWeaponCargo _backpack; clearMagazineCargo _backpack; clearItemCargo _backpack; {_backpack addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (backpackItems _unit); }; so far so good, all player stuff is in the box, like it was put by hand Thanks
  4. maybe, surely if client run faster, the server don't wait for them I'll investigate this
  5. hi, good news try to use the a3w framework already present note: PAR Revive script is client side only, so it shouldn't impact the server perf
  6. that's a good idea ! should be possible I look how to set it
  7. the Idea is to limit rushing/careless of tactics when you are wounded (and at least rank > CORPORAL) you've got a small penalty (from 1 to 3 xp points) and if you respawn, another penalty (from 10 to 30 xp points)
  8. Hi all, a new update is out (github) add the FOB sign (owner + hof) add Advanced rappelling integration + rewrite ejection add the disable_death_chat server option add the possibility to define a fixed price for the item in loadout add more time to defend the city add penalty for death / injured add damage manager for static AI (10 times more armor) add automatic AI repair (like ammo) fixed vehicle respect GRLIB_thermic fixed not overloading unit when handing in ammo add more objects (pawnee, lamps) need testing before steam update have fun!
  9. hi, thank for feed back! my bad, I forgot to check the "Enable Thermal equipments" for vehicles (fixed in next release) yes, because they have integrated AI (as gunner), I can plan to add a switch about this.... strange ! the behaviour depend on side you play (Bluefor/Opfor/etc..) for example, in file "mod_template\A3_BLU\classnames_west.sqf", you found vehicle_rearm_sources_west = [ "B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F" ]; I just test with Bluefor and it works (note that there is a cooldown between each refill)
  10. hi, default classnames: scripts\shared\default_classnames.sqf for supports and building: scripts\shared\classnames.sqf side classnames definition is located in mod_template folder mod_template\<Mod Used>\classnames_west.sqf (all units for player side) mod_template\<Mod Used>\classnames_east.sqf (mostly for recyclable units)
  11. Thanks for the pictures ! 🙂 by (my arbitrary) design, I allow the "Extend Option" only when near a FOB / Outpost, like for "Squad Management" but it can be changed in "scripts\client\actions\action_manager.sqf" as for other player actions, there is no menu (at all) when you are in a vehicles. I did this to have a much better performance when you drive or fly
  12. Update is out on menu - add new item class (simple object) (no collision with player/ai) - heli light, grass cutter - huge rewrite of a3w side mission (fix and better perf) - new server option "Disable chat/voice if wounded" - fix bug in build menu with some object - better bombers logic - bluefor pilots wont flee - send ammo menu don't close - traders shop hide loaded objects - admin menu close on delete - better classname for Safrou (UNA/SFIA) - cosmetic code update bon appetit !
  13. hi Strayer, could you be more precise ? i don't catch you he same!, if you speak about extra squad (light,mixed,ac,aa) you'll find in classnames_west.sqf for each mod supported, like: \mod_template\A3_BLU\classnames_west.sqf
  14. Hi Mr.Tumnus, The OPTRE version need to be updated since I made lot of change to the game engine. I haven't tested it for a while! I'll take a look to this version on this weekend, to fix classname errors. once it's done, I'll push a new version on github/Steam I keep you in touch 🙂 edit: I've just push an update on github, please test with this one
  15. Hola Skot Wolker ! I think you use pbo manger to edit file directly, which is not the right way to edit a mission (and the message come from it) a quick guide to edit mission: - download pbo binary from github ("Liberation_RX.xxx.pbo") - if pbomanger is correctly installed, you have an menu option when you right clic on the pbo file - select extract to "Liberation_RX.xxx" - that create a folder with the mission unpacked - you can edit the file you want, when you're done right clic on the folder and select "pack into xxx.pbo" hasta luego amigo !
  16. 🤣 hahaha !! Thankfully there is google translate ! @Skot Wolker: maybe there is an old save game that make the issue, try with a fresh save game, do as follow copy mission pbo to your server (no change) connect to the server (login as admin) when you're on lobby, in mission parameters (upper right) you have options to : - wipe save game (2 options for confirmation) set the options and start the game. check the server RPT file to see if there are any errors
  17. Hi guys !! An update is out !! (on github) Update come with a new map on Saint Kapaulio island ! still work in progress, but already fun ! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=939686262 - reduce space needed for building - add time remaining for side missions - better recover Ai system (when CTD, reboot) - add Refund Ai rank bonus, based on the rank of the Ai - protect unload boxes (from truck) - new gamelogic for counter attack (not focus on fob, use paratroopers) - fix classnames, various missing/wrong classname in ericj, cup, baf, rhs - fix? missing "Join the Fight" dialogue (thank to varrkan_ua) - Updated Chinese translation by mihuan-0, thank you man 👍 Have fun
  18. Hi, amha, the best/secure way to edit/test an LRX mission - get mission pbo from github's 'build' folder - unpack (pbo manager) the mission file in your mpmission local folder ( keep the name of folder "Liberation_RX.xxxx") ex: C:\Users\<Window Username>\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<Arma3 ProfileName>\mpmissions\Liberation_RX.Altis - now, you should be able to edit mission with Eden or start the mission in local multiplayer - you may have to wipe the game save game when changing sides (in lobby parameters) I hope it's help 🙂
  19. Hi, thanks a lot, for your feedback, you're not the first to ask for more details about customizing LRX 😉 I will make a tutorial to explain how to change vehicles/building for a mod since you know how to pack/unpack you can go to the "mod_template" folder and edit the files you want. as quick exemple, you can go to "mod_template\RHS_AFRF" and edit the file you want arsenal.sqf = define white/black list for Arsenal classnames_r3f.sqf = define moveable/loadable object classnames_civ.sqf = define civilian units classnames_east.sqf = define units used when this side is an enemy classnames_west.sqf = define units when this side is your side it's pretty easy, no need to go into the code. just use the eden editor to get the classname for a building/vehicles and set in in the right list
  20. hi, please note that 'saving' is for vehicle cargo(r3f) and Inventory when near an FOB/Outpost but only for weapons so you it willsave Ammobox/tent/arsenalbox/etc (almost any object you can load into a vehicle) and also save: hand weapons, rifle, launcher, in the classic Inventory but no ammo,items,etc are saved also note that the auto-save occurs every 60 seconds, give the game some time before disconnecting
  21. hi, look in https://github.com/tbox1911/Liberation-RX/commit/715a4d9712e5a4f778c3ae37198dcce376c24370 the main change is to wait more time in intro.sqf
  22. hi varrkan, yes, there was a bug in the intro sequence, where the "Join the Fight" button disappear too quickly. it should be fixed now, please update with latest version and tell me if you have the issue again
  23. Hi, I push a new build on github - fix build position bug / build on water - fix boats list default - fix militia squad FOR RHS_AFRF - add ERICJ Taliban faction - add color selection to mod template you can set a different color for a each mod - merge the great work of O360_A1AD to add Japanese localization and add new stringtable to allow more text to be translated ! thanks man !
  24. thanks Cvne, I laughed a little!, it probably comes from my last update. I take a look asap 🙂
  25. hi friends! I'm back from holiday 🙂 @O360_A1AD, thanks a lot for translation, I'll merge it asap @Fiero_185th, I take a look on these issues note that the actual classname are far from perfect, I make the base of definition, but we can make a better classname for each mod, feel free to submit yours