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it's the factor for maximum number of enemies units
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the server arma3 profile file example on window: "C:\Users\pSiKO\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\server\server.vars.Arma3Profile"
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yes, for each level AI Skills upgrade
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hi, you're right the placement of the first fob is very important, but because the first fob if given to you for free (even if you lost it), we can't set the ownership to the player who setup it. (it's like if the game offer one FOB to the first player) note that before building fob, you can built outpost (cheaper but with less functionality) i'm still open to code another mechanism, if it's fair play 😉
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hi, additional answer Regarding the logistics, I think I saw in some other Liberation mods that after taking a location, a crate is spawned that needs to be transported to the FOB. But I realize in RX the players get Ammo and Fuel automatically so that part is removed I assume. You have the choice, with the parameters 'Passive Income' enabled, it transform ammbox in ammo credit (whiteout transport + recycle) if disabled (the default) you have to collect by yourself the ammo box and recycle them at FOB or at Shop (less ammo) it's the same for 'economy' objects: water,fuel barrels and the food stack these objects spawn only on certain locations Is there a reason that the slinging & towing mechanic is not the vanilla one where you actually see ropes and the physics of the load are more realistic? you have both enabled, the realistic (from Arma) with rope, but it don't work with every objects I want and the one from R3F Logistic (R3F team) without rope, but much more configurable (work with everything) Also, I saw in Antistasi that the towing is also with an actual rope and more physics but I don't know if this is an additional script or vanilla feature. (maybe from an addons, don't know) We had some problems to find out the mechanics for Fuel/Repair and Respawn Tent feel free to ask 🙂 LRX is still in development, let me know if you have any great ideas to add to the mission!
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Hi, thanks for the feedback ! I'll try to answer all of your questions 🙂 - Difficulty Difficulty setting affects what exactly? Does it affect the AI skill and precision? The mission_param.cfg Difficulty mostly impact the number of enemies AI and the combat readiness management There is no more hardcoded AI skill, now it's managed by calling the BIS function BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_dynamicAISkill - Advanced Flight Models: Will my setting override yours? If yes, does it break anything on your mission file (e.g. heli taxi etc?) As I know the server.cfg take precedence over description.ext, I don't think it change the AI behaviour (in taxi/enemies) only the player - Liberation-RX is a fork of the original GREUH and not of Liberation KP? yes, Liberation RX is a fork of the original GREUH Liberation (not from KP), heavily modified. because we (KP and RX) all share the same base (GREUH) many tutorial/doc can apply to both, but for the specific things (ranking, pnj, rules, economy, etc..) on RX, I need time to write documentation 🙂 feel free to participate and if you do some wiki, I'll be glad to add it to the project ! (the best place to find info about RX , is here in the past messages and on our discord) - Am I right that logistics has mostly been removed in RX compared to GREUH or KP? for me "logistics " mean economy and building, there is very little in GREUH, I don't know about KP. in RX you can build lots of buildings (even the bigger one), move/rotate them where you want you can load/unload object from/to vehicles or tow or lift almost all objects (on curtains truck, you can even put objects on top. like the Arsenal box, so players and Ai can refill without moving the box) the economy is private to player (no sharing) you can use tents or taxi to move quickly around the map a garage to safely store your vehicles (including cargo) an autonomous static AI weapons defence btw, tell me what 'logistics' component, you think is removed/missing ? - If we play as a 3 guys team, is it necessary to learn High Command to protect our FOBs and captured sectors using friendly AI? I don't thinks so, you can build static defence to protect your fob, and a group of defenders spawn when your fob is attacked plus you can build a extra squad to protect some locations imho, the HCI is useful for Commander and/or to play artillery/drone or in solo - When you release a new PBO on Github, is it generally safe to shutdown my Arma 3 server executable, replace the current PBO with the new one and then start it again without having issues on the savegame? yes, I'll try to release 'working' update of the mission (but sometime I fail :)!) so, without an explicit warning, you can safely use the new pbo I hope it will help you, do no hesitate to ask more questions 😉 good game !
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Steam version updated - ACE compat - new lib for spawning - backup player squad/loadout on exit - faction classname update - add Jukebox - various bugfix 🙂 have fun!
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that's it ! I've updated Github and Steam version (github is always the latest version)
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sorry, this was a bugged version , please update
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everything seems ok ! that strange ! could you exec this call on Server via the admin console [1] execVM "scripts\shared\diag_debug.sqf
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unfortunately, there is no debug on client side (when loading squad) the only hint is : systemChat "-------- Loading Squad Backup --------"; btw, I've just rebuild the pbo, please update to the latest version. there was some fix on this feature
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btw, it seem work at 8:55 8:55:26 "--- LRX: Cleanup player Z@Warrior (xxxuidxxx)" 8:55:26 "--- LRX Squad Player Z@Warrior Saved at 3335.75 " 8:55:26 "--- LRX Save start at 3335.75" 8:55:26 "--- LRX Save finish at 3335.75"
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nope ! 9:26:26 "--- Init start ---" 9:28:16 "--- LRX: Cleanup player Z@Warrior (xxxuidxxxx)" in many debug string the number after "at" is the time elapsed from the server start
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ok, as I told you, the server MUST be up for 5 minutes (300 sec) "--- LRX Squad Player Z@Warrior Saved at 107.463 " you don't wait enough, look on map (bottom left) to see uptime the "save player load" on exit fire, but server save not fire because of timer
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hi, admin 'add score' and 'manual' kill should do the same (player score update) send me the rpt file by discord if you want
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thank for reporting no change, Radio-towers still need to be destroyed. saving squad need the player have a save slot (score > 20) and the server must be running since 5minutes if everything work as expected, you should see, in the server log 20:34:30 "--- LRX: Cleanup player pSiKO (xxxxxuidxxxxxx)" 20:34:30 "--- LRX Squad Player pSiKO Saved at 616.961 "
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feature added: - Squad backup now, the player and his squad are saved on disconnect (including loadout!) they reappear when the player get back - Save Manager rewrite total rewrite, use much less server resources ! - Add dialogue for Seller now player can sell the ammobox content directly - Add Taksistan Shop
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yes that the purpose of this array. (white list items even when filter is enabled) some template need update. (if you have time to fix these faction, i'll be glad to update the mission with your fix) you'll become a master of editing ! 🙂
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hi, where did come from the "Ready, waiting for Zues..." that's do not come from lrx retry with untouched pbo and no mod
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feature added: - Keep Player score now, players score and permissions can be restored when the map is finish or when the wipe savegame is asked, if "Keep Players Datas" server parameter is enabled. this can be useful, for players not connected enough to rank up or when map is finish too quickly note: player score is capped to GRLIB_perm_tank - Load / Save game add to the admin menu the load/save game feature you can manually load the current game state, (in clipboard), and backup it to a file. and later, paste the backup file and save it in LRX note: all players will be disconnected when you use save game
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hi Ed, I will add the support for the 3cb+bwmod+cwr (i need to download the mod here, will take me some time, slow conexion here !) I tell you when support is done
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hi, I face the same with R3F/AMF mod, fortunately I add support for multi mod in filters 🙂 look a the end of fetch_param, you'll see a filter setting: if ( GRLIB_R3F_enabled && GRLIB_filter_arsenalR3F) then { GRLIB_MOD_signature append ["r3f_", "amf_"]; GRLIB_mod_enabled = true }; that mean, filter will keep every items starting by "r3f_" OR "amf_" ! to implement for 3cb/rhs, you have to add (or I do it when I've downloaded 3CB): - detector like "GRLIB_3CB_enabled" (check for a classname) - filter setting (like the one above) and you don't have to edit arsenal white list in my mind, whitelist is for adding items that not belong to faction side (or are missing) and blacklist is to remove some object you dont want in the game (nightstalker !) there is another whitelist, called "GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal_limited" that is used when you use the mod filter, to add missing items (flashlight, binocular, medikit, etc..) edit: the idea of single whitelist is still pertinent, if you want to build a pistol only arsenal. (or something like that) I keep it in mind 🙂
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hi dude ! I don't see the tricks ! 🙂 if (GRLIB_filter_arsenalWhitel == 1) then { [myLARsBox, ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal", "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; } else { ..... the only difference with when 'GRLIB_mod_enabled' is true, is that I add 'side faction' items I think we can reach the same goal, only by using 'GRLIB_mod_enabled' to make sort of empty mod that only use the whitelist maybe an Params like "GRLIB_filter_arsenalA3", look at end of "fetch_params.sqf" just speaking 🙂
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it should work, I've just tested. did you modify/customize the mission ? did you use some mods ? it is working in locally hosted ? did you ear the Zeus call ?
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h, friends ! about the save issue, remember that the player need at least 20 XP point to be saved (lower score are not saved). the debug tool can print the savegame content if called this way (on server): [1] execVM "scripts\shared\diag_debug.sqf"; //replace 1 to zero to keep only the functions list about Addon PAR AI Revive, to be used elsewhere I need to transform the addon into a mod (separate classname, variables and translation data in individual files) actually , it will need some work to be used in other projects I plan to make an addon with this one. @Ed Fox: good shot ! i'll fix it in next release! spoiler: next version include : - personal fuel management - personal manpower management - better libspawnvehicles - synchro rewrite (better perf) - a fistful of fixes !! (look at commit to see them)
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