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Posts posted by 0Y0

  1. Hi everyone again)


    I now started working on an extended grenade throwing.


    Steam link







    Here is a video of the first developments.




    Already implemented:

    Extraction of the grenade

    Change grenades

    Grenade initiation

    Swing with a grenade

    Grenade throw



    Also implemented inertia when throwing. That is, when throwing a grenade from a running start, the grenade will fly further.


    There are plans to implement several types of throws. There is also a lot of work to be done with animations, for the prone position, for the unarmed unit, and so on.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  2. 58 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    Could you elaborate? What is your code for your explosion? Are you using setParticleParams? (see parameters, especially the last one)





    if ((!isServer) or (((agltoasl _this) select 2) < 0) or (PiR_frags_on == 0)) exitWith {}; 
    params ["_position","_frag", "_count", "_speed", "_xv", "_yv", "_zv"];
    _count = round ((10 + (random 10)) * PiR_frags_on); 
    _position = [(_this select 0), (_this select 1), ((_this select 2))];
    IF ((_position select 2) > 2) then {
    	for "_i" from 1 to (_count) do {
    	 _speed = 100 + (random 100);
    	 _xv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1];
    	 _yv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1];
    	 _zv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1];		
    		IF ( str (lineIntersectsSurfaces [agltoasl _position, agltoasl [((_position) select 0) + (_xv * 5),((_position) select 1) + (_yv * 5),((_position) select 2) + 0.05 + (_zv * 5)]]) == "[]") Then {
    		 _frag = "PIR_frags_light" createVehicle _position;
    		 _frag setpos [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), ((_position select 2) + 0.05)];;
    		 _frag setvelocity [(_xv * _speed), (_yv * _speed), (_zv * _speed)];
    } ELSE {
    	for "_i" from 1 to (_count / 2) do {
    	 _speed = 100 + (random 100);
    	 _xv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1];
    	 _yv = selectrandom [random -1, random 1];
    	 _zv = abs ((sqrt ( _xv ^ 2 + _yv ^ 2)) * (tan (selectrandom [random 45, 180 - (random 45)])));		
    		IF ( str (lineIntersectsSurfaces [agltoasl _position, agltoasl [((_position) select 0) + (_xv * 5),((_position) select 1) + (_yv * 5),((_position) select 2) + 0.05 + (_zv * 5)]]) == "[]") Then {
    		 _frag = "PIR_frags_light" createVehicle _position;
    		 _frag setpos [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), ((_position select 2) + 0.05)];;
    		 _frag setvelocity [(_xv * _speed), (_yv * _speed), (_zv * _speed)];


  3. Hi all.


    Such a question... We have a 3D vector. Which is located on a perfectly flat surface. 


    Through the "surfaceNormal" command, we can find out the vector perpendicular to the surface. And with a perfectly flat surface, it is "[0,0,1]". The angle between our vector and the perpendicular vector to the surface must be constant.

    And the question itself .. what to do if our surface is at an angle to the horizon?



    Let me explain what I do. Here is a video where the fragments of the explosion are made of fish, for clarity.

    The scattering of fragments has a certain structure. And I want that during explosions on an inclined surface, the scattering of fragments would remain in the same structure, but the whole structure should be parallel to the slope of the surface.



  4. Theoretically, here is the code to hurt a unit:


    params ["_unit", "_shooter","_selection"];
    _unit = unit name;
    _selection = "head"
    _shooter = _unit;
    _unit setDamage 0.9;
    IF ((!(PiR_DamageAllow_on) && (str (isDamageAllowed _unit) == "true")) or (PiR_DamageAllow_on)) then{
    	IF (isplayer _unit) then {
    	 [_unit, _selection, _shooter] remoteExecCall [ "PiR0", 2 ];
    	} ELSE {
    	 [_unit, _selection, _shooter] remoteExecCall [ "PiR", 2 ];


    And this is the code to completely heal the unit:


    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_dihanie_statys",1,true];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_puls_statys",1,true];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_krov_statys",5,true];
    			switch (gestureState _unit) do
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_1":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_1_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_2":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_2_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_3":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_3_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_4":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_4_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_5":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_5_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_6":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_6_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_player_krovstoit0",true,true];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_uncondition_injured0",true,true];
    		 [ _unit, false ] remoteExecCall [ "setUnconscious", _unit ];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_conec_istorii0",true,true];
    		 [_unit,"UnconsciousOutProne"] remoteExecCall ["switchMove", 0]; 
    			 params ["_unit"];
    			 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountTimeEffect0", 0 ,true];
    			 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_HealEffect0", (24 - round ((damage _unit) * 24)) ,true];
    			}, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;	
    	 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerList0", [] ,true];
    	 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerEffect0", 0 ,true];
    	 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_Apteka0", 0,true];
    		 params ["_unit"];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_player_lecit0",false,true];
    		}, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;

    That is, the first part of the code gives the usual injury. It will be the same if you just shot a unit.

  5. 8 hours ago, Adrian Kristianto said:

    hello author,

    i got problem with my newest version PIR

    when i try to use it with only cba or other mod

    it say

    '..{"pir_medic_uncondition", (gesturestate |#|_unit) } call BIS_fnc_instring )
    == "fal...'
    error missing )

    case "pir_medic_uncondition_...'

    file\pir\function\unconditionAnimo0.sqf..., line 15

    error mising)


    any sugestion?

    thnx before





    Do you have the latest version of ARMA 3 installed?

    Because the gesturestate command was introduced in one of the latest versions of the game.


    If so, in what situation does the error occur?

  6. On 2/5/2022 at 6:26 PM, Triada said:

    Need to help.

    In some mission i need to hill all units with radius 50 meters from the flag.
    How, in PIR, will momentary hill sombody in the script?
    I dont find in this forum answer to it, to my sad.



    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_dihanie_statys",1,true];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_puls_statys",1,true];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_krov_statys",5,true];
    			switch (gestureState _unit) do
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_1":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_1_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_2":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_2_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_3":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_3_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_4":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_4_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_5":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_5_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    			 case "pir_medic_uncondition_6":  {[_unit, "PiR_medic_uncondition_6_out" ] remoteExecCall [ "playAction", _unit];};
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_player_krovstoit0",true,true];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_uncondition_injured0",true,true];
    		 [ _unit, false ] remoteExecCall [ "setUnconscious", _unit ];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_conec_istorii0",true,true];
    		 [_unit,"UnconsciousOutProne"] remoteExecCall ["switchMove", 0]; 
    			 params ["_unit"];
    			 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountTimeEffect0", 0 ,true];
    			 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_HealEffect0", (24 - round ((damage _unit) * 24)) ,true];
    			}, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;	
    	 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerList0", [] ,true];
    	 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_CountPlayerEffect0", 0 ,true];
    	 _unit setVariable ["dam_ignore_Apteka0", 0,true];
    		 params ["_unit"];
    		 _unit setVariable ["dam_player_lecit0",false,true];
    		}, [_unit], 2] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;


    Already answered you in Steam, but here I will duplicate the same, maybe it will be useful to someone)


  7. 6 hours ago, avibird 1 said:

    Hello two questions. Love the mod I've been saying this for a while Bohemia needs to put something like this in the vanilla game for sure 


    Question one I don't want the playable units to ever die only stay unconscious. That is a easy fix by turning the minimum and maximum blood loss time to 3600 but this affects all AI in the mission is there a way that will only affect playable units? Ai and playable units can still die on one shot of hit in the right spot. Can this be toggled on and off. 


    Question two are you ever planning on adding a carry and load function for wounded units.



    I use a modified AIS wound system that allows for all of this but your mod has some really nice functions and you still updating and working on the mod. I would like to start switching over to your mod but those are two important functions I need in my missions. Avibird 



    No, there is only a general adjustment for all units. Theoretically, when you make a mission, you can try, in the unit settings, turn off damage for available units. Then the available units will not die immediately after hit. But this is far from the best solution, because there will be no damage from any explosives, grenades and so on.


    Carrying the wounded and loading them into vehicles is not planned. The mod has the ability to drag the wounded.

    • Sad 1

  8. 6 hours ago, Porkeld said:

    Hi 🙂   


    I love this mod but...

    When mod is loaded on dedicated exile server it overides server time and sets it to 12:00.
    This has been tested with no mods other than cba and PIR.
    I cannot tell when this behaviour started since I dont have access to older versions.
    Is it possible that you could send some older versions of PIR to me so I can test when the error started?

    Best regards Thomas



    As I already answered in Steam)) There is nothing in mod that could affect time)

  9. 1 hour ago, -Anti- said:

    Thanks for all your recent updates. This is an amazing mod.

    I have to admit, I don't understand how to control it yet, despite spending a few hours messing around with PiR settings.

    Can you confirm... after editing some of the PiR settings, do I need to restart the mission for the change to take effect?


    My main question is...

    Which settings do I need to edit/disable, so that scenarios and campaign triggers will be minimally affected by the change in AI behaviour?




    The CBA settings correctly display which settings require a restart and which do not.


    I guess turn off injuries for the blue side.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 51 minutes ago, PTV-Jobo said:

    I'm actually getting pretty excited about this. For the longest time I have been using Ace, then Ace Advanced, then using all the super-advanced stuff like KAT.....don't get me wrong, it was okay and all, but medic systems in Arma always just end up being boring menu games. Go into a menu, then a sub-menu, then a sub-sub-sub menu and click on that. It got to the point I either got too bored or too frustrated and stopped playing as a medic. I always use to think, "man, too bad we couldn't have animations where you see a medic holding the bandage or something like you see in games like Tarkov or Squad". And now you managed to put together a really visually fun medic system that feels less like a boring game of endless menus, and more fun visually. I can't wait to try it when it's all done! 🙂



    I think I still need about a week or so.

    • Like 2