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About Astrama

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  1. Hello, I wanted to create a dedicated server on my computer to test one of my missions that I am creating. I put it on my server in the folder MPMISSIONS in .pbo I change the name of the mission in the config.cfg file. When I connect to the server it does not display the name of the mission but displays the name of the server, when I log in I just have the loading screen without the map or loading bar in the background and then I got kick. I decided to do a test with a mission with 2 characters only but the result is the same. I use a startserver.bat I have also open port but don't work too. I realy need your help ! Thank's
  2. Hey, so basically I'm looking for creating a marker on the map at the location of all plane wrecks on Tanoa. I have taken this script and changed the class name of the building to match with the plane wreck but this didn't work... Can you help me please? Thank's! _middle = worldSize/2; _spawnCenter = [_middle,_middle,0]; _maxDistance = _middle; _buildingTypes = ["Land_HistoricalPlaneWreck_02_front_F"]; { _buildingType = _x; _building = _spawnCenter nearObjects [_buildingType, _maxDistance]; { _foundBuilding = _x; _pos = _foundBuilding buildingPos 0; _location = getPosATL _foundBuilding; _marker = createMarker [format ["%1", _foundBuilding],_pos]; _marker setMarkerShape "Icon"; _marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; _marker setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _marker setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerText format["%1", _foundBuilding]; }forEach _building; }forEach _buildingTypes;