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Mister GTX

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Everything posted by Mister GTX

  1. Hello, I'm working on a few spin off mission from the East Wind Campaign and in order to recreate the first mission I created a similar ORBAT view. My only problem is that I cannot load the TF Aegis Helmet into the ORBAT Viewer. The file I am using is the original .paa file extracted from the img folder of the main campaign, and in the Text2View Editor it can be viewed properly. In the following Code example you can see that under "texture" i've added the .paa file which is in the same folder as the mission.sqm file. Furthermore the insignia "Aegis_background.paa" works perfectly fine ... class CfgOrbat { class TFAegis { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Size1"; type = "HQ"; insignia = "Aegis_background.paa"; colorInsignia[] = {0,0,1,1}; commander = "MacKinnon"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "Task Force Aegis"; textShort = "TF Aegis"; texture = "Aegis_icon.paa"; color[] = {0,1,1,1}; description = "A US-led joint NATO-AAF peacekeeping force stationed on Stratis, with a strictly limited mandate and combat capacity."; }; };
  2. Mister GTX

    Field Tent Doors

    Hi Community, Since Contact came out I was walking around and looking at the placement of objects in the Campaign. In the second mission you get called to a tent which is open on one side and closed on the other one and I would like to do that. Sadly I haven't found a way yet (you can only hide or unhide both doors but not a single one [actually at the decon-tent you can close only 1 door]) Thx in Advance!
  3. Ivanoff could you solve the problem? Because I am still stuck on this one 😕
  4. Hi Community, As I was replaying the Air Superiority Mission from the East Wind Campaign I was wondering myself about the Callsigns on the map: https://imgur.com/a/5UsgqJx My mouse is hovering over the Squad named "Golf". Now as you can see it is the first squad commanded by Sgt. Cooper but that Helicopter that should pick you up is called Golf 2-2 in the Radio? Can somebody please explain me the numbering system of markers and how units respond in the radio? Thx in advance, Mister GTX
  5. Hello Community, I was replaying the Campaing "The East Wind Device" and in the Mission "Air Superiority" there were a few Callsigns and Numbers that confused me. https://imgur.com/a/5UsgqJx My Mouse was hovering over the "Golf" Marker which indicated that it is the "1st Squad under the Command of Seargent Cooper". But when Crossroads called them in the Radio they responded with "Golf 2-2" and I don't know how that adds up. Why is it the First Squad but uses 2-2 on the Radio? Thx for Answers!
  6. Hello Community, As the title suggested my question is pretty short. Can you publish a custom made campaign (with chapters and stuff) on the Steam workshop? If that's possible I would be really glad to know how to do that. Thx!
  7. Hello Community, I am currently experimenting with the ORBAT Module and I need some new isignias for my campaign. The problem is I don't know which flags were used in the original singleplayer campaign nor do I know where to find them. For example this NATO Flag used in the oringal campaing: (Image) https://ibb.co/eNkaYe Thx for your replies :D
  8. Mister GTX

    Noob - How do you carry / drag someone?

    This topic may be old but I got the same problem now as I am playing antistasi and I see the AI revive and drag heavy wounded soldiers :(
  9. Hello Community, I've downloaded the Arma 3 Development Build and the new Destroyer is great. My Problem is the following. My Idea was to take the interior parts from the destroyer and use them to create a new interior for the aircraft carrier but I got no idea how to do that and maybe one of you got a place where I can start. Thanks in Advance!
  10. Hello Community, Since there is a new Method to animate Objects called Key Frame Animation I took a closer look at the TAC OPS Mission and for example in the First mission of the "Stepping Stone - Campaign" NATO Forces have CAS (Close Air Support) inbound and the jets appear in a pretty cool way. They fly in and one of them turns to the right and the other one to the left at the exact same time and I wanted to recreate this kind of Animation. Here is my Problem: I haven't found any good explanation how to use this Keyframe Animation. After experimenting several hours with this new Animation Process I started to google and found the following page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Key_Frame_Animation . It is well explained here and also a GIF how this should look like but I still don't have a clue how to use this kind of animation because it is just explained in Theory how everything works. I am thankful for any kind of link related to this Topic! Best regards, Adams "Fucking Greenbacks!" ;)
  11. Bohemia Interactive said something about new vehicles, will there be new Anti Tank Weapons aswell? Because sometimes I wish I could fire a rocket when prone, that would definitely help in many situations!
  12. Nice but how can you change the mode? Would be interesting if that works for me ^^
  13. Hey :D A long time after this post I am writing to you regarding a serious problem I am currently experiencing. Every time arma 3 crashes I have to start over and create everything new because the savefiles get lost / erased or whatever. And yes there are 1000 tutorials on how to save the files BUT all those tutorials require me to download from armaholic (the download there doesn't work, I just get the "page.php" file) but there is no help if I subscribed it via steam. Kibot, you are my last hope regarding this problem and I hope you read this and that you can help me because that mod is awesome :D Greetings, Mister GTX aka. Lt. Halliwell Sorry for english mistakes :)
  14. Another thing I wanted to mention is that it seems to me that the marshall WANTS to be destroyed because he drives up to that spot and then just stops even under heavy enemy fire :( *Extra Note* The new Fighter Showcase could also be improved. I tried to land on the carrier at the end but there is one parked plane too close to the landing hook and then everything explodes ^^
  15. Hello again dear Community, Some of you may have heard of the glorious DUWS (Dynamic Universal War System) which basically creates a small Campaign where the player is the commander of blufor forces. Those missions can be accessed in the "Scenario" Section (at least I did it that way). Since the last 2 days I have a big problem called "Arma 3 crashed". Yesterday I had to reboot my pc (alt + f4, task manager and cmd killing didn't work) and all of my save files of DUWS were gone, completely erased! Normally in the Scenario Tab there is a button called "resume" where you can load the last save but there is just the button "start" so I have to start again :( Maybe somebody can tell me a bit more where DUWS stores the saves / files or how I can prevent my saves from being erased. *Extra Note* I subscribed to the mod in the steam workshop as I was unable to download it from the armaholic site (If I want to download it I just download the Page called "page.php") - Armaholic Link:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21816 - Steam Workshop Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=167274881&searchtext= Thx for any kind of help! Warm regards, Mister GTX aka. Lt. Halliwell
  16. Mister GTX

    AI Squad Commanding

    Hello Community, I am currently playing some singleplayer missions and I am always the leader of a huge AI squad, therefore I started playing the VR Tutorial for commanding but there are still a few things I don't know how to manage. Here's a short list: - Mark a Squadmember as KIA [SITREP of the AI] (Most of the time 50% of my squad are dead but I can still see their markers in the bottom) - Let the AI report their grid (Since I turned map markers for units off, I sometimes cannot see where my team is standing around) I would be really glad if somebody could help me because when I search on google I just get advice for scripting these things and I don't know if these functions exist :( Have a nice day, Mister GTX aka Lt. Halliwell
  17. Mister GTX

    AI Squad Commanding

    Yeah true though. And again thx that really helped me with my DUWS Campaign, because going in with a big army isn't funny but with a small CTRG Team and killing the enemies stealthly is much more fun :D
  18. Mister GTX

    AI Squad Commanding

    Marking with T that cool thanks :D
  19. Mister GTX

    AI Squad Commanding

    Thx man :D
  20. Hello Community, I was wondering if anybody could tell me some military codes for radio chat. In the singleplayer Campaigns they say some things like AO, ENDEX, COMEX, FOB and I don't know the definition of these words or what they mean. As an arma fanatic I am currently developing a small singleplayer campaign and I would would be really grateful if anybody could post a link here where I can find a good explanation on military codewords for radio, mission and so on Thx for your help! Best regards, Scott Miller, Royal Navy ^^ :)
  21. Mister GTX

    Military Codes & Callsigns

    I don't know who decides the names of an Operation But I think that a high officer chooses the name. I have heard, that the american military has got their own name list for operations. Somtimes the Operation is just named like the task that has to be done. In case of Red Wings I think the name just sounded cool :D For example in the German Military my friend told me they use animal names to mark targets. For example a Target called Elephant is a bigger target with more guards or more security measures while I pig is a smaller target with less risks to engage. But that depends heavily on the organization and the country (he is in a small scout squad with around 20 men in total)
  22. Mister GTX

    Civilian Presence Module

    Hello Community, With the new Mission from the Tac Ops DLC, they have also introduced some new cool Modules for the Eden Editor and I have played around a wile but I still couldn't figure out how the Civilian Presence Modules work :( I would be really thankful if anybody could explain to me how those Modules work! Warm Regards, Lt. Halliwell, to be continued ...
  23. Mister GTX

    Military Codes & Callsigns

    Thx! That was definitely what I was looking for :D
  24. Mister GTX

    Civilian Presence Module

    I didn't work again but I think I'll wait for a step-by-step tutorial but thx for all of your help!
  25. Mister GTX

    Civilian Presence Module

    Ah within the boundaries that seems to be a good Idea! So I am back home and I wanted to test it and it still doesn't work :( I placed them inside the presence module boundaries and synced every module with another one and tested it for some minutes, at the "Civilian Presence Position" Module there is a marker with 0/3 but that's all I got :(