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About loubard01

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  1. Hi DJ no you're no speakink alone but in answers are so long to come to u :) so the sleep is not ignored by the if condition cause sleep is part of the if condition if u want that the sleep is an other part of ur if condition u need to put an "else" command not sur about SQF langage but in general the if condition is usualy structured like this IF ( condition) then ( execution) Else (other execution u can even imagine such an if structure: IF CASE1THEN EXECUTION ELSE IF CASE 2 THEN EXECUTION2 ELSE IF CASE 3 THEN EXECUTION 3 ..... ELSE FINAL EXECUTION Hope i'm clear best coding like this and suppressing error IF ( Condition ) then { CODE If 1;} else { IF (Condition 2) then {CODE IF2;} Else {ALTERNATIVE CODE IF2;}; }; hope i've made no mistake
  2. Ok so we all learned of your own errors.... if you link tringers in eden the only player who ear songs / musics etc .... is the one who is linked.... suppress the link and it's run !!! ty for your help dude problem solved
  3. yes pretty sur cause i've radio message ( 13) . But i'll try somting. My tringer was linked as owner only but defined as group member. I suppress the link .... i'll try later and told u if it's works Ty for your kindness
  4. BTW, i've got the same trooble with cinematics .... i'm the only one who can view it . So I think it's a trooble in sqf files but i don't know what
  5. ok so 'ill try to be more specific ( my bad) Trigger name mess1 Type ( nothing) Activation Member of the group Kind of activation present Condition this When activation ( see below) Variable Sideradio " message1"; no timer no repeatable no server side only checked Variable is the name of the PNJ who is using radio ( checked and no error on it) Just remember that this configuration is working on standalone mission or in MP ( but only for me) regards
  6. loubard01

    Help Needed, New to mission making

    hey, you can use the Arma Unit .... not the best solution but you'll have all the same insigna else: here is a way by scripting : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Unit_Insignia but it's no more possible to choose IG your insignia . ( except if you want to script it but it seems to be a long way) ( remember i'm a beginner too)
  7. Hello girls and boys, i'm currently starting my fourth mission. lot of times spent in viewing tutorials, reading doc and searching the web as usual. I'm practicing the RTFM rules in first place. But, i'm lost ( btw sorry for my english not my best talent). So i've done some light script with sideradio function ( or playsound). i've scripting some sound in description.ext class CfgRadio { sounds[]={message1,message2,message3}; class message1 { name="message1"; sound[]={\01_sound1.ogg, +5, 1.0 }; title = "Code prioritaire a l'unite Armada : rappel a la base sur le champ"; }; class message2 { name="message2"; sound[]={\01_sound2.ogg, +30, 1.0 }; title = "Bien recu rappatriement en cours"; }; class message3 { name="message3"; sound[]={\01_sound3.ogg, +30, 1.0 }; title = "Partez en reconaissance Commandant et agissez vite!"; }; }; then using the init.sqf nul = [20] execVM "intro.sqf"; Finally i'm using trigger in even editor ( no screenshots because it's in french so .... a bit hard for understanding for some people ) just adding this line for groupmembers , in when activated: Variable Sideradio " message1"; Looks fine. Sounds are playing well in Editor or in singlemission. But when playing in MP ( no dedicated server ) friends can't listen this sound as u can see i've add a title, thinking it was a trooble only for sound. But it's appear that the trigger ( the function ) are not working on mp Help please.... i'don't know how what i need or what i need to search for this Damned F..... problem Ty Arma Girls and boys!