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Everything posted by LifeSnatcher

  1. This code below only works when running the server locally and only I can see the new task. When i put it up on our server no one sees it. Also when running locally on my box my mates also dont see the task. I have been working on this for days. Im sure its because i dont under stand arma scripting but how do i get this new task to show up and be in everyone's tasks list? I dont want to use third party task managers, i want to run this one script and have it show up for all blue for. params ["_missionabrev", "_taskid"]; _v_taskname = _missionabrev + "EndTask"; _v_markername = _missionabrev + "Marker_1"; SMEndTask = player createSimpleTask [localize _v_taskname]; SMEndTask setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _v_markername); SMEndTask setSimpleTaskDescription ["Side Mission Update: Kill remaining Hostiles!","Side Mission Update: Kill all remaining Hostiles","Side Mission Update: Kill all remaining Hostiles"]; SMEndTask setTaskState "Created";
  2. As i said, i need to dynamically create tasks because im running a server that allows users to submit compositions/missions and i spawn them in with a parser. so if you dont know scripting then why post here. unless your looking to increase your forum score.
  3. Solved it found this, yet another way to create tasks in arma. this one works for what im doin.
  4. im obviously not going that way. i obviously need to dynamically create tasks.
  5. LifeSnatcher

    Eden Composition Spawning

    I am using LARS compositions spawn-er and it has stopped working. here is the error message _wp |#|setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWayp... Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "" File LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf [LaRs_fnc_createComp], line 1201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is the code from LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf. Line 1201 is highlighted. Let me know if the whole file is required. //***** //WAYPOINTS //***** private _fnc_spawnWaypoint = { private [ "_position", "_ATLOffset", "_placement", "_compRadius", "_mode", "_formation", "_speed", "_behaviour", "_description", "_condition" ]; params[ "_cfg", "_group" ]; _position = getArray( _cfg >> "position" ); _ATLOffset = getNumber( _cfg >> "atlOffset" ); //_position = [ _position, _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_getPosition; _position = [ objNull, _position, [0,0,0], _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_setPositionandRotation; _placement = getNumber( _cfg >> "placement" ); _compRadius = getNumber( _cfg >> "completitionRadius" ); _mode = getText( _cfg >> "combatMode" ); _formation = getText( _cfg >> "formation" ); _speed = getText( _cfg >> "speed" ); _behaviour = getText( _cfg >> "combat" ); _description = getText( _cfg >> "description" ); _condition = [ ( _cfg >> "expCond" ), "TXT", "true" ] call _fnc_getCfgValue; //TODO: does this need defering private [ "_onAct", "_name", "_script", "_timeout", "_show", "_type" ]; _onAct = getText( _cfg >> "expActiv" ); _name = getText( _cfg >> "name" ); _script = getText( _cfg >> "script" ); _timeout = [ getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMin" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMid" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMax" ) ]; _show = getText( _cfg >> "showWP" ); _type = getText( _cfg >> "type" ); private [ "_effectCondition", "_effectSound", "_effectVoice", "_effectSoundEnvironment", "_effectMusic", "_effectTitle", "_wp" ]; _effectCondition = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "condition" ); //TODO: does this need defering _effectSound = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "sound" ); _effectVoice = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "voice" ); _effectSoundEnvironment = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "soundEnv" ); _effectMusic = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "track" ); _effectTitle = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "title" ); _wp = _group addWaypoint[ ASLToATL _position, _placement, count waypoints _group, _name]; _wp setWaypointType _type; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius _compRadius; _wp setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWaypointFormation _formation; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _wp setWaypointBehaviour _behaviour; _wp setWaypointDescription _description; _wp setWaypointStatements[ _condition, _onAct ]; _wp setWaypointTimeout _timeout; _wp showWaypoint _show; _wp setWaypointScript _script; //TODO: Effects need testing _wp setEffectCondition _effectCondition; _wp setSoundEffect [ _effectSound, _effectVoice, _effectSoundEnvironment, "" ]; _wp setMusicEffect _effectMusic; switch ( true ) do { case ( isClass( missionConfigFile >> "RscTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "RES", "", _effectTitle ]; }; case ( isClass( configFile >> "CfgTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "OBJECT", "", _effectTitle ]; }; default { if ( _effectTitle != "" ) then { _wp setTitleEffect [ "TEXT", "PLAIN", _effectTitle ]; }; }; }; _wp }; //**********
  6. I am using LARS compositions spawn-er and it has stopped working. The creator is not currently responding and hasn't be active since July. here is the error message _wp |#|setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWayp... Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "" File LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf [LaRs_fnc_createComp], line 1201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is the code from LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf. Line 1201 is highlighted. Let me know if the whole file is required. //***** //WAYPOINTS //***** private _fnc_spawnWaypoint = { private [ "_position", "_ATLOffset", "_placement", "_compRadius", "_mode", "_formation", "_speed", "_behaviour", "_description", "_condition" ]; params[ "_cfg", "_group" ]; _position = getArray( _cfg >> "position" ); _ATLOffset = getNumber( _cfg >> "atlOffset" ); //_position = [ _position, _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_getPosition; _position = [ objNull, _position, [0,0,0], _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_setPositionandRotation; _placement = getNumber( _cfg >> "placement" ); _compRadius = getNumber( _cfg >> "completitionRadius" ); _mode = getText( _cfg >> "combatMode" ); _formation = getText( _cfg >> "formation" ); _speed = getText( _cfg >> "speed" ); _behaviour = getText( _cfg >> "combat" ); _description = getText( _cfg >> "description" ); _condition = [ ( _cfg >> "expCond" ), "TXT", "true" ] call _fnc_getCfgValue; //TODO: does this need defering private [ "_onAct", "_name", "_script", "_timeout", "_show", "_type" ]; _onAct = getText( _cfg >> "expActiv" ); _name = getText( _cfg >> "name" ); _script = getText( _cfg >> "script" ); _timeout = [ getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMin" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMid" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMax" ) ]; _show = getText( _cfg >> "showWP" ); _type = getText( _cfg >> "type" ); private [ "_effectCondition", "_effectSound", "_effectVoice", "_effectSoundEnvironment", "_effectMusic", "_effectTitle", "_wp" ]; _effectCondition = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "condition" ); //TODO: does this need defering _effectSound = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "sound" ); _effectVoice = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "voice" ); _effectSoundEnvironment = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "soundEnv" ); _effectMusic = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "track" ); _effectTitle = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "title" ); _wp = _group addWaypoint[ ASLToATL _position, _placement, count waypoints _group, _name]; _wp setWaypointType _type; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius _compRadius; _wp setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWaypointFormation _formation; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _wp setWaypointBehaviour _behaviour; _wp setWaypointDescription _description; _wp setWaypointStatements[ _condition, _onAct ]; _wp setWaypointTimeout _timeout; _wp showWaypoint _show; _wp setWaypointScript _script; //TODO: Effects need testing _wp setEffectCondition _effectCondition; _wp setSoundEffect [ _effectSound, _effectVoice, _effectSoundEnvironment, "" ]; _wp setMusicEffect _effectMusic; switch ( true ) do { case ( isClass( missionConfigFile >> "RscTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "RES", "", _effectTitle ]; }; case ( isClass( configFile >> "CfgTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "OBJECT", "", _effectTitle ]; }; default { if ( _effectTitle != "" ) then { _wp setTitleEffect [ "TEXT", "PLAIN", _effectTitle ]; }; }; }; _wp }; //**********
  7. with the code you all provide i have adjusting my mission to accommodate. However im now trying to get this to work in a trigger. Im now looking for a way to detect a % of the enemy still alive in an area using just a trigger. So that when, say %10 of enemy are left alive the trigger will complete a task. ive been looking at this thread and another trying to find a way to not require a script in a .sqf. Its important to know that there can be multiple tasks with enemy active at the same time so i cant do all enemy on map, i have to do it just for the area. If someone knows how to do this with out an external script please share.
  8. LifeSnatcher

    Isnil issue

    I need to execute the below code only if the global variable v_TLSAO is not empty. I'm new at this so I'm having a hard time figuring out isnil functionality. [v_TLSAO] call LARs_fnc_deleteComp;
  9. LifeSnatcher

    Isnil issue

    v_TLSAO is a string var. it doesn't always have a value. Isnil examples only show what to do on true. i only want it to execute when its false. how do i reverse the condition, what is the syntax.
  10. any idea how to make this work? having an issue getting the pos in the format that inArea requires. _myarea = [[500,500,0], getMarkerPos "SideMissionMarker", False]; _areaUnits = allUnits select { (side _x == east) && {_x inArea _myarea}}; // find all opfor in the area waitUntil { sleep 1; { alive _x } count _areaUnits == 0 }; // wait until every one of them is de
  11. I will def next time post my code. thank you so much for posting that. Im a newb, and you just helped me loads. thank you for taking the time.
  12. i solved the issue with continuous spawning. the marker i was using to get the pos to spawn the dynamically created trigger was the wrong name, didn't exist. however, now that im using the spawn to call my function other parts of the function are throwing errors about a variables. if anyone can tell me a way to get a delay to work with a call please do, so i can go back to a working version of my code.
  13. figured out that repeat activation was set to true, i turned that off which fix part of the problem but the script that is in the dynamically created trigger is still firing on creation of the trigger.
  14. LifeSnatcher

    Eden Composition Spawning

    Hello, Great tool, its awesome. I am having a few issues using it though. Im pretty sure its due to my lack of understanding of how all this arma 3 scripting works. When I spawn in a composition using the action menu or using a trigger, the elements that were in side of structures are dropping in from the roof or just hovering above the roof. how do i fix that. also i wrote some script to randomly call my compositions. Each of the compositions has a trigger that when all opfor are dead then call my function and load in another composition. however when i spawn in the composition the trigger keeps firing and continuously spawning in compositions. Another issue is that i cant figure out how to use your code to spawn the composition location from exactly where it was made at. I am using some very unpleasant methods, such as markers to create composition then load back and finds it cords using my mouse. not the best. any help will be appreciated. Again awesome tool, i just don't understand how to use it yet.
  15. I'm New to this so I'm not up on the terminology so I'm having a hard time finding; if it even exists, the functionality to have a mission file that loads in pre built AO's from script files. My thinking is that i have this awesome editor that allows me to place all the units, elements, triggers, functionality, etc... Why cant I simply grab all those elements and export them to a script file, rather than create a script file and manually type in all all of it to spawn in and what not. I am trying to avoid using the AI dynamic random spawner tools. Id like to put the time in to create AO's, have them be called based on a trigger and then have them unloaded on trigger. if this doesn't exist then for the love mike I'm willing to work with someone to create it.
  16. so, i spoke with out trying what you suggested first. I was able to take my whole AO in to VR and save and Composition. However, when i tried to bring back in to the editor it all blew up. Literally ha. Thank you for putting me on the right path. Now i know how to do it, I just need to smooth out the details on calling it in. thank you so much.
  17. Well sort of what im looking for. To elaborate, I have a mission file that has an area that i populated with a simulated beach landing and FOB setup. i would like to copy all the way points, triggers, units with their parameters and somehow save them to a script file that i can later call on a different mission file running on a server. the Idea is to enable my self to create say 30 missions and call them at random and or on triggers on a server so that users can complete them. I don't want to manually write these as scripts, but rather find a method to export the work done in eden editor and export just the small area i set up with AI and their functionality. Its most likly that i just dont understand the arma configuration and tools well enough to know if this is even possible. With the existence of the editor I thought that arma must be already doing this simply to run the mission.