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About kelldore

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  1. Hey Dedmen thanks for the reply, should I just reinstall battleye?
  2. Hey there, could you some ideas on my issue. So cliff notes version is, I have Teamspeak 3.1.6, downloaded TFAR mod, load up all the mods for a public server that uses TFAR, get in, TFAR does not work, I can hear everyone on global, bottom right of screen is slightly opaque (where you would see yourself keying up for the radio)..TeamSpeak shows : Task Force Radio Status (1.-1.0.259): Connected to Game: Yes Playing: Yes Plugin version: 1.-1.0.259 Addon version: unknown Reloaded plugin, alt tab back in, reconnected, now I can't hear everyone on global, but no one else can hear me either, the status box which shows radio connectivity on the bottom right and or whenever you use the radio is slightly opaque, if I exit out of Teamspeak, it says "Not connected to Teamspeak"...I am at a loss, keeps showing my addon version as unknown. I deleted the plugins just in case in my appdata folder and reinstalled them again, no success, rebooted, no success I ran TS as admin, installed the plugin for TS from the Task Force Radio folder in Arma 3 with no success... Mods used: RHSUSAF RHSAFRF RHSGREF CUP Terrains Complete 1.3.0 RHSSAF Task Force Arrowhead Radio 1.-1.0 (dev) CBA_A3 ACE Any help is appreciated.