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Everything posted by Boss8889

  1. Hello Igitur I am not able to get the mod to function properly. Scenario: I select my squad members 2,3, and 4. While the units are selected I then click 5 to open the action menu, then press 9 to select the 'Create HC Group' action. I have watched your video and seen what should happen but when I try, the action menu closes and the squad members remain in my squad, they are not transferred to high command. Note: Each time I start a new scenario, at the bottom of the screen I receive the following notification: BTS_fnc_addstackedEventHandler) (IGIT_HCC_SelectedUnitsArray_fnc) does not exist or is invalid Note: After I preform them steps listed above, if I select the high command units by pressing ctrl + Space, there is now a high command unit named alpha 1-1. However this high command unit has no control over any units Very eager to get this mod working as I want to play the game on single player as a company commander.