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Everything posted by Vandeanson

  1. gents, i stumbled over this and was hoping u might be able to help me with my problem. i want to have the below script only spawn stuff at one of the available building positions but i do not understand what to change, any ideas? I would assume it is this part: " _buildingPositions = [_x] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;" but not sure what to change.. here is my script: _markerPos = getPos player; _ItemArray = [ //common items, list 4x "rvg_plasticBottleEmpty", .... //rare items, list once "rvg_sleepingBag_Blue", "rvg_foldedTent", "rvg_money", "rvg_toolkit", "rvg_Geiger", "rvg_tire" ]; _itemBoxArray = []; _houseArray = _markerPos nearObjects ["house",1200]; { _buildingPositions = [_x] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; { if(50>=random 100) then{ _Item = _ItemArray select (floor (random (count _ItemArray))); _itemBox = "groundweaponholder" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _itemBox setPos _x; _itemBox addItemCargo [_Item,1]; _itemBoxArray = _itemBoxArray + [_itemBox];} } forEach _buildingPositions; } forEach _houseArray; sleep 900; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _itemBoxArray;
  2. Vandeanson


    ah, if the missions run on an old ravage version that should work indeed
  3. Vandeanson


    if you are interessted i can pm you my script to fill buildings with loot via triggers later today. its simple but easy to customize
  4. Vandeanson


    Good Morning everyone! I get so excited every time i come here and find that there has been an update on the mod ;) Thanks @haleks! I would like to add some additional loot to cherno redux map, as not all buildings have furniture and i got a nice working script for that. However, currently it places loot in buildings arround the player (so the center point for the loot distribution will be the player, that is not located in the center of a city but at its border, when the trigger is activated). To make the script (I call the script via sqf file in a Trigger that is activate by any player within e.g 500 meters) more handy, and to avoid having to place markers, I would like that the script uses "thisTrigger" as center for the loot distribution. Unfortunately I do not understand how to correctly enter this into my script: "_markerPos = getPos player;" I tried eg." _markerPos = getPos [thisTrigger];" which did not work. This is the trigger with cooldown/sleep: Activation, player/present/repeatable variable name: "loot_1" condition field: this and (loot_1 getvariable ["delay",true]) on activation field: nul = execVM "lootbasis.sqf"; null=[] spawn {sleep (905); loot_1 setvariable ["delay",true]}; loot_1 setvariable ["delay",false]; This is the lootbasis.sqf file: _markerPos = getPos player; _ItemArray = [ //common items, list 4x "rvg_plasticBottleEmpty", .... //rare items, list once "rvg_sleepingBag_Blue", "rvg_foldedTent", "rvg_money", "rvg_toolkit", "rvg_Geiger", "rvg_tire" ]; _itemBoxArray = []; _houseArray = _markerPos nearObjects ["house",1200]; { _buildingPositions = [_x] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; { if(50>=random 100) then{ // change first number to anything between 1-100 to set % of _Item = _ItemArray select (floor (random (count _ItemArray))); _itemBox = "groundweaponholder" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _itemBox setPos _x; _itemBox addItemCargo [_Item,1]; _itemBoxArray = _itemBoxArray + [_itemBox];} } forEach _buildingPositions; } forEach _houseArray; sleep 900; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _itemBoxArray; Can anyone kindly explain how to properly implement [thistrigger] instead of getpos player here? PS: I have other variations of the script where e.g. boxes that contain rare weaps with matching magazines and so on, in case anyone is interessted. cheers* Edit: The trigger can be set up as following and does not need a variable name in order for the sleep timer to work. This way the trigger can just be copy pasted over every town without the need to alter the reference to the specific trigger in the code;) I recommend to however set a variable name to identify the trigger (eg. cityloot_1) and so on, else u lose overview. condition field: this and (thisTrigger getvariable ["delay",true]) on activation field: nul = execVM "lootbasis.sqf"; null=[] spawn {sleep (905); thisTrigger setvariable ["delay",true]}; thisTrigger setvariable ["delay",false]; I hope this makes sense XD cheers
  5. Vandeanson


    @cosmic10r hooold on, you have a working temperature script? ist that something you could kindly share (link to source or the actual script)? i would be very much interessted:)) thanks!
  6. Vandeanson


    merry xmas gents;)
  7. Vandeanson


    nice i was looking for this! thanks, will try it with aissp;)
  8. Vandeanson


    Thank you @bl2ck dog, i just tried the above, (copied it 1to1 into my init.sqf) but it does not seem to work=/ AI spawn with all kinds of weaps.
  9. Vandeanson


    good morning all, I have tried to limit the weapons that spawn and are carried by AI using the two options on the wiki: The shorter one was putting the below into init.sqf: waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_gearlist"}; { 0 = rvg_mainWeapons pushBack _x; //civilians weapons } forEach [ "CUP_srifle_CZ550_rail" ]; { 0 = rvg_Weapons pushBack _x; // military weapons } forEach [ "CUP_srifle_CZ550_rail" ]; { 0 = rvg_Items pushBack _x; // accessories } forEach [ "CUP_PipeBomb_M" ]; The above would not work tho, any idea how I can get this to work? The CZ ist just for testing atm of course, there will be more weapons=) Thanks for the help and BR
  10. Vandeanson


    gents! while sitting in a boring meeting an idea stirred! i love that u benefit from eating at the campfire! but would it be possible to add a option in the modules, that eating is only possible at a campfires? imagine that you would have to find a save spot in the region where you are currently looting, that u can defend against hunters and Z, to set up camp and eat every once and a while (depending on hunger settings). this could set incentives to have permanent camps, maybe along with a respawn tent and a supply box (e.g. crafted with a crafting mod such as r3f or edn fortification) to store some leftover gear that one has to cycle back to. maybe even set up some claymores...;) u could also increase dificulty by lowering spawn chances of survival items, e.g. have more of it spawn in civilian areas so after a nice military area loot session, getting them big guns, you have think about picking up foods in the civilian areas and then head back..
  11. Vandeanson


    @Evil Organ thanks! and we are looking only at the official maps altis stratis and malden at this stage right?
  12. Vandeanson


    i would like to help out, just send over some instructions iro what i need to consider;)
  13. Vandeanson


    i did some research there and to my knowledge, it is not possible as a default for all doors on them map. You can however lock editor placed door/gatess: This worked well for me when i put it into my base. then again I once found this script but I never tested it really: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31291 good luck=)
  14. Vandeanson


    Hi all, I have finally managed to make a script that dynamically spawns dayz style heli crashsites with rnd loot arround the crashsite. I am currently spawning loot on markers that are placed near the possible heli crashsites, but would like to change that so loot spawns next to the heli by having the script search for the object (the heli wreck) and spawn it X degree and x meters away from it // itemw = [ "CUP_30Rnd_9x19_UZI", ///list of items "3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; Waffe1 = "groundweaponholder" nearObjects ["Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F",(I assume that the coords come here?)]; Waffe1 additemcargo [itemw,1]; I assume that i need to work with getPos and nearObjects somehow but do not understand how to combine it. The below is the working script using markers fyi: Triggerzone for loot that I place over each possible crashsite marker (repeatable, activated by any player present) onActivation: 0 = execVM "helicrasha1.sqf" helicrasha1.sqf: /// itemw = [ "CUP_30Rnd_9x19_UZI", ///continue list of items that should spawn "3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; Waffe1 = "groundweaponholder" createVehicle getMarkerPos "Markera1_1"; Waffe1 additemcargo [itemw,1]; //copy and paste this for different marker pos (eg. Markera1_2) or the same multiple times to spawn more loot per marker pos (it will not spawn on top of each other) /// The helis are spawned with a triggerzone (repeatable, activation "any player present") and an sqf: (trigger onActivation) nul = ["Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F",["MarkerA1","MarkerA2","MarkerA3"]] execVM "rndmkr.sqf"; rndmkr.sqf (randomly places the wreck on one of the above markers:) // waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; _type = _this select 0; _mkrs = _this select 1; _marker = _mkrs call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _cache = _type createVehicle getMarkerPos _marker; // BTW the triggers can only be repeated after some time, using following sleep trigger: helicrash spawn and loot spawn trigger Condition: this and (trighelisleep1 getvariable ["delay",true]) //trighelisleep1 stands for the variable name of the sleep trigger below and place a triggerzone of the same size as the crash/loot triggerzones (or 1cm smaller, with 2-4 seconds countdown timer) exactly over them, with the follwoing on Activation: null=[] spawn {sleep (1500);trighelisleep1 setvariable ["delay",true]}; trighelisleep1 setvariable ["delay",false] //trighelisleep1 stands for the variable name of the sleep trigger, name however you like. So long story short: 1. any help in amending this to make loot spawn near the "to be spawned" heli rather than on pre placed markers would be awesome, it would make the loot spawn script much handier 2. feel free to use this=) 3. I am still looking for a way to delete the crashed heli after some time, any advise is very welcome=) -> i am unsure if ravage clean up would take care of this.. Thanks, back to testing .47 now! cheers
  15. Vandeanson


    @haleks excited to test!! thanks!:)
  16. Vandeanson


    @cosmic10r Thanks! will check this out;)
  17. Vandeanson


    So to make the addaction available if i have the pills in the inventory and if i am "infected? will try to figure that out=) thanks!
  18. Vandeanson


    One more question @haleks if i may=) How do i need to adapt this to fit it into the Ambient AI module? ["zombie", "init", {(_this select 0) call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup}, true, [], true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; Thanks! Cheers
  19. Vandeanson


    works like a charm, thank you both! On another note: I would like to change double left mouse click to something not conflicting with ravage in below eventhandler of the ryan zombies mod: (it will allow you to eat anti virus pills after being infected (ryan zombie mod), but this is currently conflicting with ravage) [] spawn { while {true} do { waituntil {!(isnull (finddisplay 602))}; ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl 619) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "_this call RZ_fnc_inventory_DblClick"]; ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl 633) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "_this call RZ_fnc_inventory_DblClick"]; ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl 638) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "_this call RZ_fnc_inventory_DblClick"]; waituntil {isnull (finddisplay 602)}; }; }; I checked this page but do not understand what i would need to change: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Event_Handlers Is it possible to change the ctrlAddEventHandler to single right click or CTRL+left click? Happy for any help or directions to make this work=)
  20. Vandeanson


    Good morning gents, yesterday I was able to successfully implement the dog packs from JB Dog scripts into my ravage mission (yay). Figured I should share this as not everyone might know about it since it is the only feral animal option i know about (other than the raptors) (Until someone will make a standalone mod extracting all the stalker monsters from the armsstalker mod ;)) This is how I updated the init.sqf, as the guide on the forum page seems to be outdated: //if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}}; // ************************************************************************** // BEGIN OF JBOY DOG INIT.SQF CODE // *************************************************************************// ************************************************************************** // Compiles all JBOY Dog scripts and initializes some settings // ************************************************************************** call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JBOY_Dog\JBOY_DogInit.sqf"; //if jip player and not server then exit _JIPplayer = not isServer && isNull player; if (_JIPplayer) exitwith {}; // ************************************************************************** // To spawn a feral dog pack, place a trigger on the map, and name it dogPackTrigger1. // Then paste the code below into that trigger. // Make trigger radius 400 x 400 (or larger...you don't want player to see pack spawn) // Make trigger activated by anybody present // ************************************************************************** /* _dmy=[] spawn { _pos = getpos dogPackTrigger1; _followerDogTypes = ["Fin_blackwhite_F","Fin_ocherwhite_F","Fin_tricolour_F","Alsatian_Black_F","Alsatian_Sandblack_F"]; _pack = [_pos, 7, "Alsatian_Sand_F", _followerDogTypes, 50] call JBOY_dogPackCreate; }; */ // ************************************************************************** // END OF JBOY DOG INIT.SQF CODE // ************************************************************************** I use a 400m trigger as described above and it works like a charm. I would however add a sleep trigger in addition after activation, else you might end up with multiple pack spawns if you are unlucky. (happy to help with that). Reason behind setting this up was that I wanted the woods to be more dangerous, so you would have to think about taking that shortcut through the wood twice;) I hope this helps;) cheers
  21. Vandeanson


    Happy to be of help - yes indeed that what i would like to create, a sense of progressing towards building your base. This is the mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26964 Again I am just using it and it works for my purposes;) but If I can help you can find me on steam as Vandeanson. Also if you are able to improve the mod, I am happy to assist and test;)
  22. Vandeanson

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Gents, I am trying to call a code/script from every killed Z: (quote from the Simple Shops forum Function: It rewards the "single" players for every kill they make (random money count on each kill) + it counts the kills (if ur using a statusbar, u can add a kill's status) Ryan zombie: Open up ryan zombie's mod, locate: fn_preInit, Search for line 168: RZ_fnc_zombie_onDeath_exec = { }; Between those brackets place this: params["_unit","_killer"]; if(isPlayer _killer) then { _arr=[8,9,10,11,12,13,14]; // Money range _Func=selectRandom _arr; // Random Money [_Func,0] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubCash",(owner _killer),false]; // Add money [0,1] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubKills",(owner _killer),false]; // Add kills }; (unquote) I enter it and it looks like this: // RZ_fnc_zombie_onDeath_exec = {params["_unit","_killer"]; if(isPlayer _killer) then { _arr=[8,9,10,11,12,13,14]; // Money range _Func=selectRandom _arr; // Random Money [_Func,0] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubCash",(owner _killer),false]; // Add money [0,1] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubKills",(owner _killer),false]; // Add kills };}; // allows users to add code here if they wish to add events upon zombie deaths (such as extra points, notifications, et cetera) - run in unscheduled environment. // and i get the following message: "Data file too short 'E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma3\!Workshop\@Zombies and Demons\addons\ryanzombies.pbo'. expected 1496017635 B, got 46424687 B" I have made a local copy (not using the cache version in !Workshop) but i still get this message. Any help here would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!
  23. Vandeanson


    I am using the EDN fortification mod - its simple, not perfect and I believe it is no longer being developed, but I like it. You can add any object as blueprint and assign a required building material (e.g. Woodplanks or sandbags) and amount of mats required. It comes with own building materials. You can connect the blueprints to triggers, so they only activate if you find the "blueprint" in the map (e.g. a Suitcase with variable name "object" with an addaction that deletes the "object" and triggers !alive "object" onAct in the blueprints activation trigger). I use this so I can find blueprints around the map while looting or reward them for completing objectives.
  24. Vandeanson


    gents! is there a way to alter each spawned Ai bandits Init (so that any Ai that spawns in game has the respective script active)? this would alow me to gather cash and xp for another mod (Simple Shops). thanks;)
  25. Hi man, thank you, I was looking for this;) Unfortunately i get the following error when changing this in Z&D, any idea why? Data file too short 'E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma3\!Workshop\@Zombies and Demons\addons\ryanzombies.pbo'. expected 1496017635 B, got 46424687 B Thanks and BR