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About Balistek-Wrench

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  1. Balistek-Wrench

    AddAction not passing "This"

    AHA! so that's what lines like params ["_object","_caller","_actionID"]; do! I've seen those in a lot of scripts and was only vaguely aware of what they're for. I read (and re-read) the wiki page for addaction, and it never really explained that portion of it. I'm sure it's somewhere else, but I never saw it. So just for fun, let me see if I understand this from the more "computer science" side of the house. By adding that line, the addaction command effectively replaces the variables in that array with the pertinent information. Then, when you use something like _var = _this select 0; It's actually selecting from the array in the "params" line, not passed directly from the addaction script. Meaning technically what I did in my previous post is kind of a bodge, asking it to send that data separately as an argument.
  2. Balistek-Wrench

    AddAction not passing "This"

    That was fast! Thanks much. Do I then have to pass _this select 1,2, and 3 using the method above? (if needed in future) Something like this; {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2, <...>] execVM "sit.sqf"} It seemed to me on the wiki page that it always passed those. But no matter, if it works, it works. Thanks, lsd, but I wanted to understand why this was happening so that I could avoid further issues with other scrips in the future. WRENCH.
  3. Balistek-Wrench

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Hey guys. I'm looking for a mod that basically just adds placeable doors to 3den. I don't know if such a thing exists (couldn't find one with the magic googling) or if I'd have to request one. I'm looking into flushing out the Ghost Hotel as an improvised military base, and the fact there are no doors is bothering me. There have been other times I wish I could quickly place a door, but I can't specifically remember when. Any thoughts/help? Thanks, WRENCH.
  4. Hey guys, I've kinda hit a wall Google can't help me climb. I'm trying to use an AddAction to run an SQF file, but I'm having a weird problem. The AddAction is on a chair, and is as follows: this addAction [ "sit down", "execvm 'sit.sqf'", [], 1, false, true, "", "true", -1, false ]; and the sit.sqf is if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _this select 0; _soldier = _this select 1; [_soldier,"SIT1","ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; When I try the action, I get Arma tells me '_this' is not defined. My understanding is that the AddAction command defines This select 0 as the object, and this select 1 as the caller, but Arma isn't recognising the "this" in the first place. For the record, I've also tried dropping the !isserver stuff and the _this select 0 line. I have them in there because I've seen them in other scripts, am currently use both is a script I wrote that does work. I hate to bother you for something so trivial, but I can't find a solution because the problem doesn't seem to be in my script...