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About NoctisLucisCaelum

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  1. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    I´d like to make complex the design, not very complex but I don´t want to leave some square formed bridge.
  2. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    Ok thanks, to everyone, but one last quest. Can I make the LODs in an object like Witheframe and then put them in a more complex model?
  3. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    But if I want the fence to be like in this one is it possible? https://gyazo.com/744be7b249676bfdbea5959c74a4e385
  4. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    But would it be possible to make some bridges in Sketch-Up and make the LODs in a good way?
  5. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    Can I make models with sketch-up?
  6. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    Im not really experienced with this programs. I can´t understand you opteryx. But if it´s supposed to be closed an convex I can´t make some fences around the bridge to protect the drivers. And making the LODs is creating some big trouble.
  7. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    I´ve alredy seen that but I can´t. This is the bridge: https://gyazo.com/744be7b249676bfdbea5959c74a4e385 And I simplified it to see if it was because it´s very complex, and made this, but doesn´t work: https://gyazo.com/2ea9428c74bd7e4f7bceb22744683301
  8. NoctisLucisCaelum

    Some troubles with LODS

    Hi, Recently I´ve been making some 3d models in sketchup (they are bridges), but when it comes to object builder I can´t add some mass to it. When I pack it in my addons I find it is completely traspassable, I would like to know hot to make the LODs so vehicles and people can walk trough, I also have some kind of fences in the sides of the bridge so it´s impossible to fall down. Can somebosy help me? I´ll be thankful. Thanks for your time.
  9. Hi, I´m trying to build an addon, i´ve already got the object in p3d., but when i go to build the addon it tells me: Build failed. Result code=1 CfgConvert task failed. File C:\....\A3_Proyects\Mailbox\basicdefines_A3.hpp, line 50: `.cfgPatches`: `.` encountered instead of `=` Config: some input after EndOfFile. Error reading config file `C:\...\A3_Proyects\Mailbox\config.cpp` Here I show the code: basicDefines_A3.hpp cfgPatches.hpp config.cpp